Warrior Cats is a series of novels based on the adventures and drama of multiple clans of feral cats living in the wild released from 2003. There are five Clans. Riverclan, Thunderclan, Windclan, Shadowclan and Skyclan.
Before Dawn of the Clans[]
- Fallen Leaves - Drowned after getting lost in the tunnels.
- Dark Whiskers - Blown from a ledge during a snowstorm.
- Falcon Swoop - Hit by a Twoleg monster.
- Fox and Petal's Mother - Killed by a Badger.
- Cricket - Killed by a Fox.
- Star Flowers's Littermates - Unknown Causes.
- Broken Feather- Starvation
- Total - 6
Dawn of the Clans[]
- Flutter - Hit by a Twoleg monster.
- Fluttering Bird - Starvation and weakness.
- Bright Stream - Carried off and presumably killed by an eagle.
- Pale Sky- Died after their mother was killed (unborn)
- Tiger Tail- Died after their mother was killed (unborn)
- Shaded Moss - Hit by a Twoleg monster.
- Crow Muzzle - Stillborn.
- Dancing Leaf - Unspecified sickness.
- Fox - Killed by Gray Wing.
- Storm - Crushed by falling debris.
- Rumble - Crushed by falling debris.
- Lightning - Crushed by falling debris.
- Moon Shadow - Burns.
- Misty - Killed by Skystar.
- Bumble - Died of wounds caused by a fox or Skystar.
- Turtle Tail - Hit by a Twoleg monster while trying to retrieve her kits.
- Emberkit - Unspecified causes.
- Fircone - Killed by Shadowstar in battle.
- Frost - Killed by Snake in battle.
- Rainswept Flower - Killed by Skystar in battle.
- Falling Feather - Killed by Jackdaw's Cry in battle.
- Jackdaw's Cry - Killed by Falling Feather in battle.
- Hawk Swoop - Killed in battle.
- Tom - Killed by One Eye.
- Slate and Cricket's Mother - Sickness.
- Slate and Cricket's Sister - Sickness.
- Morning Whisker - Sickness.
- One Eye - Killed by Thunderstar, Gray Wing, Lightning Tail, and Cloud Spots.
- Petal - Sickness.
- Bramble - Starvation.
- Stone - Killed by a dog.
- Beech - Killed by a dog.
- Frog - Spinal injury.
- Half Moon (Teller Of Pointed Stones/Stoneteller) - Sickness.
- Rain - Hit by a Twoleg monster.
- Quiet Rain - Exhaustion and infection.
- Gray Wing - Asthma.
- Shadowstar - Killed by a badger. (1st Life).
- Shadowstar - Coughing illness. (2nd Life).
- Shadowstar - Hit by a Twoleg monster. (3rd Life).
- Shadowstar - Killed by a rogue. (4th Life).
- Shadowstar - Fell from a tree. (5th Life).
- Shadowstar - Drowned. (6th Life).
- Shadowstar - Infected wound. (7th Life).
- Micah - Crushed by a tree branch due to Red Claw chasing him up a tree on Skystar’s orders.
- Tiny Branch - Killed by a fox.
- Willow Tail - Killed by Skystar.
- Unknown Rogue - Killed by dogs.
- Thunderstar (1st life) - Killed by dogs.
- Lightning Tail - Killed by dogs while protecting Thunderstar.
- Shadowstar - Killed by dogs. (8th Life).
- Sun Shadow - Killed by dogs while protecting Shadowstar.
- Riverstar's First Life - Drowned.
- Riverstar's Second Life - Killed by Snail in battle.
- Slash - Drowned.
- Shadowstar - Killed by Quick Water. (9th/Final Life).
- Quick Water - Killed by Shadowstar.
- Moth Flight - Unspecified causes, likely old age.
- Total - 57
Between Dawn of the Clans and The Prophecies Begin[]
- Ripplestar - Struck by lightning off the Great Rock.
- Ryewhisker - Killed in battle.
- Pebblefur - Agonizing lump in his belly, likely cancer.
- Beechstar - Wounds caused by a RiverClan warrior (9th/Final Life).
- Petalfall - Epilepsy.
- Snowstar - Greencough.
- Brightwhisker - Greencough.
- Jumpfoot - Killed by Mossfire.
- Mossfire - Killed by Jumpfoot.
- Poppydawn - Greencough.
- Smallkit - Drowned.
- Runningkit - Drowned.
- Wolfkit - Drowned.
- Spottedpaw - Died in Battle.
- Birchface - Drowned by Appledusk.
- Flowerpaw - Drowned trying to save Birchface.
- Oatspeckle - Unspecified causes.
- Larchkit - Drowned.
- Patchkit - Drowned.
- Petalkit - Drowned.
- Ravenwing - Killed by Mapleshade.
- Frecklewish - Snake venom after being pushed into an adder by Mapleshade.
- Appledusk - Killed by Mapleshade when protecting his mate and unborn kits.
- Mapleshade - Blood loss from wounds caused by Perchpaw.
- Harepounce - Starvation.
- Flashnose - Unspecified sickness.
- Stagleap - Starvation.
- Hollypelt - Starvation.
- Nettlebreeze - Starvation.
- Doestar - Unspecified sickness.
- Unknown Dark Forest Cat - Killed by Thistleclaw
- Cloudberry - Unspecified sickness.
- Finchkit - Unspecified causes.
- Brackenwing - Gut injury.
- Sandgorse - Tunnel cave-in.
- Shrewclaw - Blood loss.
- Sliverflame - Unknown illness.
- Duskwater - Drowned.
- Mole - Unspecified causes.
- Domino - Old age.
- Moonflower - Killed by Hawkheart while trying to destroy WindClans herb supply.
- Littlekit - Unspecified causes.
- Deerpaw - Unspecified causes.
- Leafshine - Tunnel Collapse
- Wee Hen - Unspecified causes.
- Palebird - Unspecified causes.
- Woolytail - Unspecified causes.
- Dawnstripe - Unspecified causes.
- Hal - Killed by Raggedstar.
- Brightsky - Sickness while kitting.
- Brightsky's three unnamed kits - Unspecified sickness.
- Sweetpaw - Food poisoning.
- Nightkit and Mistkit - Complications from early births.
- Shanty - Hit by a Twoleg monster.
- Snowfur - Hit by a Twoleg monster.
- Hopekit - Either stillborn or died seconds after birth.
- Wishkit - Either stillborn or died seconds after birth.
- Sagewhisker - Heart attack.
- Sunstar - Killed in battle
- Cedarstar - Unspecified illness.
- Rainflower - Head injury.
- Sunstar - Killed in Battle
- Sunstar - Killed in Battle
- Shellheart - Painful lump in the stomach (most likely liver cancer).
- Foxheart - Killed by rats.
- Sunstar - Sickness
- Sunstar - Sickness
- Morningkit - Unspecified causes.
- Splashkit - Unspecified causes.
- Swankit - Unspecified causes.
- Mosskit - Hypothermia.
- Tawnyspots - Stomach tumor.
- Hailstar - Killed by rats.
- Sunstar - Killed by a dog.
- Goosefeather - Unspecified causes.
- Tanglewhisker - Unspecified causes.
- Willowbreeze - Greencough.
- Minnowkit - Greencough.
- Willowkit - Greencough.
- Cloudpelt - Blood loss.
- Raggedstar - Killed by Brokenstar. (Lost all of his lives).
- Mosspaw - Accidentally killed by Brownkit and Wetkit.
- Five ThunderClan kits - Greencough.
- Whitefang - Killed by Lionheart.
- Bluestar - Greencough.
- Sunfish - Infected wounds caused by Redtail.
- Stoneclaw - Killed by a ShadowClan warrior.
- Badgerfang - Killed by a fleeing WindClan warrior.
- Cloudrunner - Killed by invading ShadowClan cats while defending his mate and kit.
- Swampkit- Killed in battle.
- Blossomkit - Killed in battle.
- Lizardstripe - Greencough.
- Featherwhisker - Greencough.
- Brushpaw - Died of infected wounds caused by Finchflight.
- Leopardfoot - Unknown causes.
- Stormtail - Unknown causes.
- Swiftbreeze - Unknown causes.
- Thrushpelt - Unknown causes.
- Thistleclaw - Killed by a RiverClan patrol.
- Total - 97
The Prophecies Begin[]
- Redtail - Killed by Tigerclaw.
- Oakheart - Crushed by falling rocks during a clash over Sunningrocks.
- Marigoldkit - Killed by Brokenstar.
- Mintkit - Killed by Brokenstar.
- Rosetail - Killed by Blackfoot in battle.
- Lionheart - Killed by an unnamed ShadowClan warrior in battle.
- Spottedleaf - Killed by Clawface.
- Lynxkit - Died of weakness.
- Elderkit - Died of unspecified causes.
- Eaglekit - Starvation and hypothermia.
- Storkkit and Quailkit - Unspecified causes.
- Tulipkit - Greencough.
- Brokenstar - Killed by Yellowfang. (7th Life).
- Clawface - Killed by Graystripe.
- Whiteclaw - Fell over the gorge.
- Bluestar - Rats. (7th Life).
- Bluestar - Greencough. (8th Life).
- Silverstream - Blood loss from giving birth.
- Brokenstar - Died of wounds. (8th Life).
- Brokenstar - Fed deathberries by Yellowfang. (9th/Final Life).
- Unnamed ShadowClan kit - Died of unspecified causes.
- Runningwind - Killed by Tigerclaw.
- Whitethroat - Hit by a monster after fleeing from Fireheart.
- Patchpelt - Smoke inhalation.
- Halftail - Smoke inhalation.
- Yellowfang - Smoke inhalation.
- Cinderfur - Died of Carrionplace disease.
- Nightstar - Died of either Carrionplace disease or Greencough.
- Dawncloud - Unspecified causes.
- Graypool - Blunt force trauma.
- Snowkit - Killed by a hawk.
- Unnamed WindClan elder - Unspecified causes.
- Birdsong - Ate a poisoned fish.
- Frogleap - Drowned after blunt force trauma.
- Woodkit - Drowned.
- Robinkit - Drowned.
- Splashpaw - Drowned.
- Crookedstar - Greencough. (8th Life).
- Crookedstar - Greencough. (9th/Final Life).
- Swiftpaw - Killed by The Pack.
- Brindleface - Killed by Tigerstar (TPB).
- Bluestar - Drowned from falling off the edge of a gorge with dogs.(9th/Final Life).
- Stonefur - Killed by Blackfoot and Darkstripe while protecting Featherpaw and Stormpaw.
- Gorsepaw - Killed by Tigerstar (TPB).
- Tigerstar (TPB). - Disemboweled by Scourge. (Lost all his lives).
- Darkstripe - Killed by Graystripe in battle.
- Whitestorm - Killed by Bone in battle.
- Bone - Killed by Ashpaw, Bramblepaw, Tawnypaw, Featherpaw, and Stormpaw in battle.
- Deadfoot - Killed in the battle with BloodClan.
- Firestar - Killed by Scourge in battle. (1st Life)
- Scourge - Killed by Firestar in battle.
- Tadpole - Drowned.
- Total - 52
In Between The Prophecies Begin and The New Prophecy[]
- Willowpelt - Died while protecting her son from a badger.
- Scraps - Killed by Ice and Snake.
- Hillkit - Stillborn.
- Downkit - Stillborn.
- Rainfur - Killed by rats.
- Firestar - Killed by rats. (2nd Life)
- Firestar - Died in battle while helping Ravenpaw. (3rd Life)
- Total - 7
The New Prophecy[]
- Red - Killed by Stick.
- Dappletail - Ate a poisoned rabbit.
- Larchkit - Starvation and hypothermia.
- Star That Shines On Water - Killed by Sharptooth.
- Sharptooth - Stabbed on the back by a shard of stone
- Feathertail - Plunged from the cave roof with a talon of stone
- Hollykit - Starvation and hypothermia.
- Unnamed Tribe Cat - Killed by Sharptooth.
- Shrewpaw - Hit by a Twoleg monster.
- Mudfur - Unidentified illness.
- Firestar - Crushed by a tree. (4th Life).
- Smokepaw - Fell off a cliff.
- Tallstar - Old age. (9th/Final Life).
- Mudclaw - Killed by StarClan when they struck a tree down.
- Lichenfur - Drowned during a flood.
- Ivytail - Ate twoleg poison.
- Tumblekit - Ate twoleg poison.
- Talonpaw - Killed by Jacques and Susan.
- Cinderpelt - Died protecting Sorreltail from badgers. (Later reincarnated as Cinderheart).
- Sootfur - Killed by badgers.
- Heavystep - Greencough.
- Hawkfrost - Impaled with a stick by Brambleclaw.
- Firestar - Wound from fox trap. (5th Life).
- Galekit - Stillborn.
- Breezepelt's Unnamed Littermates - One was stillborn, and the other died seconds after birth.
- Total - 25
Power of Three[]
- Molepaw - Greencough.
- Rainwhisker - Crushed by a tree branch.
- Runningnose - Unspecified causes.
- Firestar - Greencough. (6th Life).
- Ashfur - Slashed on the throat by Hollyleaf.
- Honeyfern - Killed by a snake while protecting Briarkit.
- Flower - Killed by Dogs.
- Pepper - Killed by Dogs.
- Frosty - Killed by Dogs.
- Jester - Died of wounds caused by dogs.
- Jag - Killed in battle.
- Total - 11
Omen of the Stars[]
- Barkface - Unspecified causes.
- Dawnflower - Starvation and dehydration.
- Blackclaw - Starvation and dehydration.
- Voletooth - Starvation and dehydration.
- Leopardstar - Infected thorn scratch. (7th Life)
- Leopardstar - Sickness. (8th Life)
- Firestar - Killed by a fox. (7th Life).
- Leopardstar - Sickness from her old age. (9th/Final Life)
- Longtail - Crushed by a tree.
- Wildfur - Died of a chest infection.
- Firestar - Died from wounds caused by Russetfur. (8th Life).
- Russetfur - Accidentally killed by Lionblaze.
- Flametail - Drowned after falling through the ice on a frozen lake.
- Swoop of Chestnut Hawk - Killed by an eagle.
- Teller of the Pointed Stones/Stoneteller - Old age and sickness.
- Ravenpaw - Illness and injuries.
- Antpelt - Infected wounds caused by Thistleclaw's spirit.
- Antpelt's Spirit - Killed by Ivypool.
- Beetlewhisker - Killed by Brokenstar.
- Hollyleaf - Killed while escaping a collapsing tunnel.
- Boulderfur - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Owlwhisker - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Ashfoot - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Morningflower - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Swallowtail - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Thistleheart - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Olivenose - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Applefur - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Cedarheart - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Weaselkit/Happykit - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Redwillow - Slain by Blackstar during the Battle
- Shrewfoot - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Dapplenose - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Robinwing - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Webfoot - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Troutstream - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Sunstrike - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Hollowflight - Slain in the Great Battle.
- Blackstar - Slain in the Great Battle. (8th life).
- Ferncloud - Slain by Brokenstar in the Great Battle.
- Brokenstar's Spirit - Neck snapped by Yellowfang in the Great Battle.
- Mousefur - Slain by an Unnamed Dark Forest tom in the Great Battle.
- Unnamed Dark Forest Cat - Killed by Longtail as revenge for Mousefur.
- Spottedleaf's Spirit - Slain by Mapleshade in the Great Battle.
- Hawkfrost's Spirit - Slain by Brambleclaw in the Great Battle.
- Shredtail's Spirit- killed by Lionblaze
- Tigerstar's (TPB) Spirit - Slain by Firestar in the Great Battle.
- Firestar - Died of wounds caused by Tigerstar's (TPB) spirit next to a falling tree that was hit by lightning. (9th/Final Life).
- Sorreltail - Died of wounds from the Great Battle.
- Foxleap - Died of infected wounds from the Great Battle.
- Floss - Greencough.
- Total - 52
Between Omen of the Stars and A Vision of Shadows[]
- Icecloud - Greencough.
- Hazeltail - Greencough.
- Toadstep - Greencough.
- Blackstar - Drowned in the Great Storm. (9th/Final Life).
- Seedpaw - Drowned while saving her sister.
- Benny - Drowned after being washed into and getting stuck in a storm drain.
- Dustpelt - Killed by Badgers.
- Pebblefoot - Drowned.
- Grasspelt - Drowned attempting to rescue Pebblefoot.
- Stream - Struck by lightning.
- Haze - Drowned.
- Spiderleg - Greencough.
- Leafpool - Killed in rockslide.
- Juniperkit - Unspecified causes.
- Root - Slain by a fox.
- Dandelionkit - Weakness.
- Duskpaw - Smoke inhalation.
- Honeytail - Slain by raccoons.
- Billystorm - Slain by badgers.
- Sharpclaw - Killed by Darktail and Rain.
- Bouncefire - Killed by Darktail.
- Patchfoot - Killed in battle.
- Stormheart - Killed in battle.
- Snipkit - Drowned while fleeing Darktail and his rouges.
- Total - 23
A Vision of Shadows[]
- Sandstorm - Infected shoulder wound.
- Mistfeather - Throat torn open by Darktail.
- Pebbleshine - Hit by a monster while luring a badger away from her kits.
- Littlecloud - Unspecified illness.
- Furzepelt - Blunt force trauma.
- Rileypool - Unspecified sickness.
- Firefern - Unspecified sickness.
- Echosong - Infection.
- Kinkfur - Yellowcough.
- Wasptail - Yellowcough.
- Crowfrost - Yellowcough.
- Silt - Yellowcough.
- Rain - Killed by Darktail.
- Purdy - Age-related heart failure.
- Max - Killed in battle.
- Foxnose - Killed in battle.
- Heronwing - Killed in battle.
- Petalfur - Killed in battle.
- Shadepelt (VoS) - Killed in battle.
- Pinenose - Killed in battle.
- Needletail - Killed by Darktail, Sleekwhisker and Roach.
- Beenose - Drowned by Darktail.
- Dawnpelt - Killed by Darktail.
- Darktail - Drowned by Onestar.
- Onestar - Drowned by Darktail. (9th/Final Life).
- Lioneye - Unspecified causes.
- Birchbark - Unspecified causes.
- Mistcloud - Unspecified causes.
- Snowbush - Infected leg from a rockslide.
- Marigold - Unspecified causes.
- Spiresight - Fell off a drawbridge.
- Tigerstar (AVoS) - Injuries after being attacked by an owl. (Later Resurrected and given 9 lives).
- Spikefur - Unspecified sickness.
- Briarlight - Stomach sickness.
- Nettle - Died of his wounds caused by Rowanclaw.
- Rowanclaw's Last Life - Blood loss from wounds caused by Sleekwhisker and Nettle. (Only had one life left after stepping down from leadership).
- Juniperclaw - Drowned saving Shadowsight.
- Whitetail - Unspecified causes.
- Ambermoon - Carried off and presumably killed by an owl.
- Flickerkit - Stillborn.
- Larksong - Prey sickness.
- Leafpool - Injuries from a collapsing cave while protecting her kits.
- Moonlight - Injuries from a battle.
- Total - 43
The Broken Code[]
- Antfur - Fell from a tree after becoming dizzy from a previous head wound.
- Stemleaf - Killed by Ashfur.
- Conefoot - Killed in a skirmish.
- Dappletuft - Killed by Ashfur.
- Rosepetal - Killed in a battle.
- Berrynose - Disemboweled by Tawnypelt in battle.
- Sandynose - Killed in a battle.
- Softpelt - Killed in a battle.
- Strikestone - Killed in a battle.
- Smokehaze - Killed by Ashfur in battle.
- Frondwhisker - Killed in a battle.
- Coriander - Birth complications.
- Willowshine - Killed by Ashfur.
- Snowtuft's Spirit - Neck snapped by Ashfur.
- Darkstripe's Spirit - Killed by Firestar (in Rootspring’s body).
- Redwillow's Spirit - Slipped and drowned in the Dark Forest waters.
- Darktail's Spirit - Killed by Violetshine and Needletail’s Spirit in battle.
- Ashfur's Spirit - Drowned by Bristlefrost.
- Bristlefrost - Drowned in the Dark Forest water.
- Graystripe - Wounds caused by Ashfur.
- Total - 20
A Starless Clan[]
- Jayclaw - Unspecified causes.
- Mistystar (9th/Final Life) - Unspecified causes (most likely old age).
- Reedwhisker - Killed by Splashtail.
- Curlfeather - Killed by dogs.
- Rowankit - Greencough.
- Harelight - Killed by Splashtail.
- Total - 6
- Total - 396
This list includes leaders' individual lives that are mentioned in the books. Some of their lives are not mentioned and therefore are not included. It also includes cats from Su Susann's "Missing Kits".
- Note: The names used in this wiki are the most recent names of the Warrior Cats, as of the most recent books. This improves clarity and makes it easier to understand who is who.
Here are some exceptions for leaders' lives:
- Sunstar: He only received eight lives, because Pinestar was still alive with one life left and StarClan counted that life against him.
- Tigerstar (AVoS): He only received eight lives, because one had been taken when he was previously killed by an owl.
- Nightstar: Because Brokentail was still alive StarClan refused to grant him his nine lives.