Tokyo Ghoul is an anime television series by Pierrot aired on Tokyo MX between July 4, 2014 and September 19, 2014 with a second season titled Tokyo Ghoul √A that aired January 9, 2015, to March 27, 2015 and a third season titled Tokyo Ghoul:re. It is a Japanese dark fantasy series written and illustrated by Sui Ishida.
Tokyo Ghoul is set in an alternate reality where ghouls, creatures that look like normal people but can only survive by eating human flesh, live among the human population in secrecy, hiding their true nature in order to evade pursuit from the authorities.
Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1[]
- 12 Unnamed Civilians - Impaled and consumed by Rize Kamishiro/Binge Eater with her kagune.
- Unnamed Person - Killed by a Ghoul off-screen, body shown.
- Ken Kaneki's Mother - Accidentally overworked herself to death off-screen, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed Civilians - Killed by Kazuo Yoshida off-screen, bodies shown.
- Kazuo Yoshida - Decapitated by Nishiki Nishio/Serpent.
- Total - 17
- None
- Unnamed Patient - Slashed by Yakumo Oomori/Jason with his kagune.
- 358 Unnamed Civilians - Killed by Ghouls off-screen, shown on a broadcast.
- Unnamed Person - Committed suicide by jumping from a height.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Killed by Kureo Mado using his quinque.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Killed by Kureo Mado using his quinque.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Killed by Kureo Mado using his quinque.
- Total - 363
- Taro - Ripped apart by Shuu Tsukiyama/Gourmet.
- Total - 1
- Nishiki Nishio's Elder Sister - Killed by CCG agents off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Manager - Killed by Nishiki Nishio/Serpent, shown in a flashback.
- Both of Kimi Nishino's Parents - Died in a car crash off-screen, mentioned.
- Kimi Nishino’s Younger Brother - Died in a car crash off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 5
- Asaki Fueguchi - Sliced by Kureo Mado with his quinque.
- Total - 1
- Ryouko Fueguchi - Sliced by Kureo Mado with his quinque.
- Two Unnamed Woman - Killed off-screen, mentioned.
- Ippei Kusaba - Sliced across the face by Touka Kirishima/Rabbit with her kagune.
- 8,584 Unnamed Parents - Killed by Ghouls off-screen, shown within a book.
- Total - 8,588
- Kureo Mado - Shot by Touka Kirishima/Rabbit with her kagune.
- Total - 1
- 50 Unnamed Civilians - Killed and consumed by Kie Muramatsu/Applehead off-screen, mentioned.
- Kie Muramatsu/Applehead - Decapitated by Kureo Mado with her quinque, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed CCG Investigator - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Ken Kaneki's Father - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Three Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Ayato Kirishima/Black Rabbit off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 56
- Three Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Noro with his kagune.
- Two Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Bin brothers off-screen, bodies shown.
- Six Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Aogiri Tree Ghouls.
- 1,933 Unnamed Civilians - Killed by Ghouls off-screen, shown on a broadcast.
- Hikari Kirishima - Killed by Kishou Arima/CCG's Reaper in a flashback in Tokyo Ghoul:re, mentioned in “Aogiri”.
- Arata Kirishima/Corpse Collector - Killed by Kureo Mado and Yukinori Shinohara/The Invulnerable Shinohara in a flashback in Tokyo Ghoul:re, mentioned in “Aogiri”.
- Total - 1,946
High Spirits[]
- Six Unnamed CCG Investigators - Shot by Aogiri Tree Ghouls.
- Two Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Shot by Itsuki Marude.
- 20 Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Sliced and Shot by Juuzou Suzuya.
- Four Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Impaled and sliced by Anteiku Ghouls with their kagunes.
- Three Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Shot by Misato Gori with her emelio.
- Three Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by Take Hirako using his quinque.
- 12 Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by Juuzou Suzuya.
- Two Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Shot by Touka Kirishima/Rabbit with her kagune.
- Two Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Slashed by Koutarou Amon with his quinque.
- Eight Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Impaled by Noro with his kagune.
- Three Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Impaled by Ayato Kirishima/Black Rabbit using his Kagune.
- Two Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Shot by Ayato Kirishima/Black Rabbit using his Kagune.
- Bin brothers - Slashed by Koutarou Amon using his quinque.
- Total - 69
- Haru - Neck crushed by Yakumo Oomori/Jason.
- Shuu - Impaled by Yakumo Oomori/Jason with his kagune.
- Yakumo Oomori/Jason - Beaten, stabbed, and consumed by Ken Kaneki.
- Total - 3
Tokyo Ghoul √A[]
New Surge[]
- Two Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Crushed by falling debris caused by Aogiri Tree Ghouls.
- Five Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Crushed by falling debris caused by Aogiri Tree Ghouls.
- Four Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Crushed by falling debris caused by Aogiri Tree Ghouls.
- Four Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Fell to their deaths due to Aogiri Tree Ghouls.
- 150 Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by Anteiku Ghouls and the CCG off-screen, mentioned.
- 22 Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, bodies shown.
- Six Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Crushed by falling debris caused by Aogiri Tree Ghouls.
- Four Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Crushed by falling debris caused by Aogiri Tree Ghouls.
- 21 Unnamed Civilians - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 218
Dancing Flowers[]
- Fujishige Iba - Killed by Eto Yoshimura/ One-Eyed Owl with her kagune, shown in a flashback.
- Kasuka Mado - Killed by Eto Yoshimura/ One-Eyed Owl with her kagune, shown in a flashback.
- Six Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Killed by Eto Yoshimura/ One-Eyed Owl with her kagune, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Killed in an unspecified manner off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Person - Killed by Ken Kaneki/Eyepatch off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 10
Hanged Man[]
- Four Unnamed Police Officers - Killed by Aogiri Tree Ghouls off-screen.
- Six Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Blown up by Ken Kaneki/Eyepatch.
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Killed by Shuu Tsukiyama/Gourmet with his kagune.
- Total - 11
Deeper Layers[]
- Kazuki - Killed by Donato Porpora/Crown off-screen, body shown.
- Akie - Killed by Donato Porpora/Crown off-screen, mentioned.
- Yusuke - Killed by Donato Porpora/Crown off-screen, mentioned.
- Four Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Shot by Cochlea Guards.
- Unnamed Cochlea Guard - Slashed by Naki using his kagune.
- Four Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Impaled by Noro using his kagune.
- Unnamed Cochlea Guard - Stabbed by Naki using his kagune.
- Six Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Killed by Ghoul Prisoners using their kagunes.
- Three Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Stabbed by Aogiri Tree Ghouls using their kugunes.
- Two Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Killed by Aogiri Tree Ghouls off-screen, bodies shown.
- Four Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Shot by Cochlea Guards.
- Two Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Shot by Ayato Kirishima/Black Rabbit with his kagune.
- Six Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Killed by Aogiri Tree Ghouls off-screen, bodies shown.
- Kyouji Misaka - Impaled by Tatara with his hand.
- Two Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Stabbed by Koutarou Amon using his quinque.
- Two Unnamed Ghoul Prisoners - Slashed by Akira Mado using her quinque.
- Unnamed Ghoul Prisoner - Stabbed by Koutarou Amon using his quinque.
- Two Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Stabbed by Naki using his kagune.
- Five Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Slashed by Juuzou Suzuya using his quinque.
- Two Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Slashed by Kurona Yasuhisa/Floppy with her kagune.
- Two Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Slashed by Nashiro Yasuhisa/Shiro with her kagune.
- Five Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by Juuzou Suzuya off-screen, bodies shown.
- Eight Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Slashed by Koutarou Amon using his quinque.
- Total - 66
- Shizuku Kawakami - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Fei - Killed by Kousuke Houji off-screen, mentioned.
- Yan - Killed by Kousuke Houji off-screen, mentioned.
- Seven Unnamed Ghoul Prisoners - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, bodies shown.
- 38 Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 48
Thousand Paths[]
- Unnamed Person - Stabbed by Juuzou Suzuya/Rei Suzuya with a knife, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 1
- None
Old Nines[]
- Two Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Yoshimura/Kuzen with his kagune, shown in a flashback.
- Three Unnamed Ghouls - Killed by Yoshimura/Kuzen with his kagune, shown in a flashback.
- Five Unnamed Ghouls - Killed by Yoshimura/Kuzen off-screen, bodies shown, shown in a flashback.
- Three Unnamed People - Killed by Yoshimura/Kuzen off-screen, bodies shown, shown in a flashback.
- Ukina - Stabbed by a Ghoul with their kagune, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Slashed by Yoshimura/Kuzenwith his kagune.
- 13 Unnamed Ghouls - stabbed by Yoshimura/Kuzenwith his kagune.
- Total - 28
City in Waiting[]
- Touko Harima - Killed in an unspecified manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Three Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Eto Yoshimura/One-Eyed Owl off-screen, bodies shown in a flashback.
- Two Unnamed CCG Investigators - Shot in half by Eto Yoshimura/One-Eyed Owl with her kagune.
- Eight Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Beaten to deaths by Enji Koma/Devil Ape.
- Seven Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Slashed by Kaya Irimi/Black Dog.
- Seven Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Beaten to deaths by Members of the Apes.
- Four Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Slashed by Members of the Black Dobers.
- Two Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Ripped apart by Enji Koma/Devil Ape.
- Three Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Slashed by Members of the Apes.
- Four Unnamed Members of the Apes - Shot by Mougan Tanakamaru using his quinque.
- Four Unnamed Members of the Black Dobers - Shot by Chuu Hachikawa using his quinque.
- Unnamed CCG Soldier - Decapitated by Yoshimura/Manager/Non-Killing Owl with his kagune.
- 30 Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Shot by Yoshimura/Manager/Non-Killing Owl with his kagune.
- Total - 76
Last Rain[]
- Ten Unnamed Members of the Apes - Shot by CCG soldiers.
- Four Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Killed by Members of the Apes.
- Two Unnamed Members of the Apes - Shot by Misato Gori with her emelio.
- Three Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Slashed by Kaya Irimi/Black Dog.
- Chuu Hachikawa’s Mentor - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 20
Deluge of Flowers[]
- Four Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Stabbed by Aogiri Tree Ghouls with their kagunes.
- Two Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Whipped by Akira Mado with her quinque.
- Two Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Stabbed by Naki using his kagune.
- Six Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Killed by Aogiri Tree Ghouls off-screen, bodies shown.
- Seven Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Shot by Seidou Takizawa with his quinque.
- Three Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Killed by Tatara with his kagune.
- 72 Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Killed by Aogiri Tree Ghouls off-screen, bodies shown.
- 86 Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by Chuu Hachikawa, Mougan Tanakamaru, Take Hirako, Taishi Fura, Ayumu Hogi, and Kuramoto Itou off-screen, bodies shown.
- Two Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Slashed by Mougan Tanakamaru with his quinque.
- Two Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Whipped by Taishi Fura using his quinque.
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Slashed by Ayumu Hogi using her quinque.
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Slashed by Kuramoto Itou with his quinque.
- Four Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Slashed by Take Hirako with his quinque.
- Three Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Shot by CCG Soldiers.
- Total - 195
- 29 Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by CCG Soldiers off-screen, bodies shown.
- 20 Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Killed by Aogiri Tree Ghouls off-screen, bodies shown.
- 11 Unnamed CCG Soldiers - Killed off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Members of the Apes - Killed off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Members of the Black Dobers - Killed off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Killed off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 63
Tokyo Ghoul: Jack[]
- Unnamed Person - Killed by Uruka Minami/Lantern.
- Two Unnamed Bikers - Decapitated by Uruka Minami/Lantern.
- Ryou - Impaled by Uruka Minami/Lantern with her kagune.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Stabbed by Kishou Arima/CCG's Reaper with his quinque.
- Ten Unnamed Ghouls - Killed by Kishou Arima/CCG's Reaper off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Stabbed by Kishou Arima/CCG's Reaper off-screen, body shown.
- Uruka Minami/Lantern - Stabbed by Taishi Fura with his quinque.
- Total - 17
Tokyo Ghoul: Pinto[]
- Unnamed Civilian - Impaled by Shuu Tsukiyama/Gourmet with his hand.
- Unnamed Old Man - Beaten to death by a Nurse.
- Total - 2
Tokyo Ghoul:re Season 1[]
Those Who Hunt: Start[]
- Unnamed Person - Consumed by a ghoul.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Cut in half by Kishou Arima/White Reaper using a quinque.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Killed by Nishiki Nishio/Orochi.
- Seven Unnamed Women - Torsos consumed by Karao Saeki/Torso off-screen, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed Police Officers - Stabbed by Karao Saeki/Torso with his kagune.
- Mikito Urie - Killed off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 13
Fragments: Member[]
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Impaled by a CCG Investigator.
- Total - 1
Eve: Fresh[]
- None
Auction: Main[]
- 15 Unnamed Auctioneer Ghouls - Hit in the head by Juuzou Suzuya with throwing knives.
- Five Unnamed CCG Investigators - Slashed by Naki with his Kagune.
- Three Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by Juuzou Suzuya off-screen, bodies shown.
- Four Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Slashed by Ken Kaneki/Haise Sasaki with his quinque.
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Crushed by Ginshi Shirazu with his quinque.
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Cut in half by Kuki Urie with his quinque.
- Two Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by CCG Investigators.
- Three Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Smashed by Nutcracker's Partner with his kagune.
- Six Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Naki with his Kagune.
- Jun Numa - Killed by Miza Kusakari/Three Blades with her kagune.
- Three Unnamed CCG Investigators - Slashed by Miza Kusakari/Three Blades with her kagune.
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Stabbed by Shunichi Shibashi with his kagune.
- Shunichi Shibashi - Impaled by Roma Hoito/Dodgy Mother using her kagune.
- Nutcracker's Partner - Cut in half by Daisuke Atou with his quinque.
- Daisuke Atou - Decapitated by Seidou Takizawa/Owl.
- Total - 48
Night of Scattering: Press[]
- Two Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed CCG Investigator - Decapitated by Seidou Takizawa/Owl.
- Ryuuta Sawaike - Head crushed by Seidou Takizawa/Owl.
- Tomonori Akai - Head bitten off by Seidou Takizawa/Owl.
- Gagi - Shot by CCG Investigators using their quinques.
- Guge - Shot by CCG Investigators using their quinques.
- Four Unnamed CCG Investigators - Beaten to death by White Suits.
- Five Unnamed CCG Investigators - Stabbed by Mayu/Nutcracker with her kagune.
- Ryouta Ooshiba - Died after having his testicles crushed by Mayu/Nutcracker.
- Unnamed CCG Investigator - Head bitten off by Seidou Takizawa/Owl.
- Hina Touga - Impaled by Seidou Takizawa/Owl with his hand.
- Two Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Killed off-screen, body shown.
- Seven Unnamed CCG Investigators - Shot by Ayato Kirishima/Black Rabbit with his kagune.
- Five Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Sliced by Juuzou Suzuya with knives.
- Seven Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Sliced by Kuki Urie using his quinque.
- Three Unnamed Auctioneer Ghouls - Sliced by Juuzou Suzuya with knives.
- 11 Unnamed Auctioneer Ghouls - Slashed by Kuki Urie using his quinque.
- Ganbo - Neck snapped by Takeomi Kuroiwa.
- Two Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by Tooru Mutsuki/Eyepatch off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 58
In the End: Turn[]
- Two Unnamed Big Madam’s Bodyguards - Eviscerated by Kuki Urie with his kagune.
- Mayu/Nutcracker - Stabbed by Ginshi Shirazu using his quinque.
- Big Madam - Slashed by Mizurou Tamaki, Keijin Nakarai, and Miyuki Mikage using their quinques.
- Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghoul - Killed off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed CCG Investigator - Killed off-screen, body shown.
- Three Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Ayato Kirishima/Black Rabbit and Naki off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 9
Days of Recollections: Mind[]
- Eight Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed off-screen, bodies shown.
- Four Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by Koutarou Amon off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Killed by Kishou Arima/CCG's Reaper using an umbrella off-screen, mentioned.
- 45 Unnamed People - Consumed by Shuu Tsukiyama/Gourmet, bodies shown.
- Total - 58
One who writhes: Take[]
- None
Departed Spirit: Play[]
- Eight Unnamed White Suits - Killed by Ken Kaneki/Haise Sasaki with his quinque and kagune.
- Total - 8
Sway: Think[]
- Yuuma - Tortured and killed by Shiki Kijima.
- Aliza - Tortured and killed by Shiki Kijima.
- Total - 2
The Absent One: Write[]
- Three Unnamed Ghouls - Sliced by Shiki Kijima with his quinque.
- Kurei - Slashed by Shiki Kijima with his quinque.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Slashed by Kuki Urie with his quinque.
- Two Unnamed Ghouls - Sliced by Tooru Mutsuki/Eyepatch with her quinque.
- Two Unnamed Ghouls - Sliced by Ken Kaneki/Haise Sasaki with his quinque.
- Two Unnamed Ghouls - Killed by Hairu Ihei off-screen, bodies shown.
- Shion Satomi - Killed by Kanae von Rosewald/Kanae/Rose off-screen.
- Miho Toga - Killed by Kanae von Rosewald/Kanae/Rose off-screen.
- Unnamed CCG Investigator - Cut in half by Mairo with his kagune.
- Two Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Matsumae/Tsukiyama's Knight off-screen, bodies shown.
- Masami Umeno/Gorimi - Cut in half by Noro with his kagune.
- Yasuhito Nezu/Nezu - Consumed by Noro using his kagune.
- Hairu Ihei - Decapitated by Mairo using his kagune.
- Shiki Kijima - Impaled by Matsumae/Tsukiyama's Knight using her kagune.
- Mairo - Cut in half by Hairu Ihei using her quinque.
- Unnamed CCG Investigator - Stabbed by Matsumae/Tsukiyama's Knight when Kichimura Washuu/Furuta pushed them into her kagune.
- Matsumae/Tsukiyama's Knight - Sliced by Kichimura Washuu/Furuta with his quinque.
- Shinji Michibata/Micchii - Cut in half by Noro using his kagune.
- Karren von Rosewald's father - Killed by the CCG off-screen, mentioned.
- Emma von Rosewald - Killed by the CCG off-screen, mentioned.
- Nathanael von Rosewald - Killed by the CCG off-screen, mentioned.
- Arunolt von Rosewald - Killed by the CCG off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 28
Daybreak: Beautiful Dream[]
- Unnamed Pilot - Blown up by Eto Yoshimura/One-Eyed Owl.
- Two Unnamed CCG Investigator - Killed off-screen, bodies shown.
- Noro - Blown up by Ginshi Shirazu and cut in half by Kuki Urie using his kagune.
- Ginshi Shirazu - Impaled by Noro using his kagune.
- Kanae von Rosewald/Kanae/Rose - Committed suicide by jumping off a building to protect Shuu Tsukiyama/Gourmet.
- Two Unnamed CCG Investigator - Shot by Touka Kirishima/Rabbit with her kagune.
- Eight Unnamed CCG Investigations - Killed by White Suits off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 16
Tokyo Ghoul:re Season 2[]
And Once Again: Place[]
- 41 Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by CCG Investigators off-screen, bodies shown.
- Matasaka Kamishiro/Orca - Impaled and electrocuted by Kishou Arima/White Reaper using his quinque.
- Shunji Shiono - Killed by turned into Pâté by Kichimura Washuu/Furuta off-screen then eaten by Eto Yoshimura/One-Eyed Ow.
- Total - 43
White Darkness: Volt[]
- Four Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Shot by Ayato Kirishima/Black Rabbit using his kagune.
- Six Unnamed Cochlea Guards - Killed by 6th Ward Ghouls off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed 6th Ward Ghoul - Shot by Cochlea Guards.
- Unnamed Cochlea Guard - Impaled by Kazuichi Banjou.
- Unnamed Ghoul - Consumed by Arata Kirishima/Corpse Collector, shown in a flashback.
- Two Unnamed CCG Investigators - Consumed by Arata Kirishima/Corpse Collector off-screen, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed 6th Ward Ghoul - Crushed by Kichimura Washuu/Furuta using a trap.
- Six Unnamed Special Class V Agents - Crushed by Eto Yoshimura/One-Eyed Owl using her kagune off-screen, bodies shown.
- Kishou Arima/White Reaper/One-Eyed King - Slit his own throat using his own broken quinque while fighting with Ken Kaneki.
- Total - 23
Cross Game: Union[]
- Chuu Hachikawa - Impaled by Shikorae/Jail with his kagune.
- 20 Unnamed Aogiri Tree Ghouls - Killed by Kuki Urie, Saiko Yonebayashi, Ching-Li Hsiao/Genie Hsiao, Shinsanpei Aura, and Touma Higemaru off-screen, bodies shown.
- Mitsushita - Stabbed by Hanbee Abara using his quinque.
- 100 Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Yan off-screen, mentioned.
- Five Unnamed CCG Investigators - Incinerated by Tatara.
- Tatara - Impaled by Seidou Takizawa/Owl with his kagune.
- 62 Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Professor Akihiro Kanou during failure Owl experimentation off-screen, mentioned.
- Four Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Seidou Takizawa/Owl off-screen, bodies shown.
- Kousuke Houji - Killed by Seidou Takizawa/Owl off-screen, body shown.
- Nashiro Yasuhisa/Shiro - Absorbed by Kurona Yasuhisa/Floppy after being stabbed by Juuzou Suzuya with several throwing knives.
- Ten Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Naki off-screen, bodies shown.
- Five Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Naki, Miza Kusakari/Three Blades, Shousei Idera, and Hooguro.
- Total - 211
Those Left Behind: Vive[]
- Ten Unnamed CCG Investigators - Eviscerated by Shuu Tsukiyama/Gourmet with his kagune.
- Two Unnamed One-Eyed Ghouls - Cut in half by Nishiki Nishio/Serpent using his kagune.
- Five Unnamed One-Eyed Ghouls - Sliced by Nishiki Nishio/Serpent using his kagune.
- Shinme Haisaki - Neck snapped by Donato Porpora/Crown.
- Two Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Yoshitoki Washuu/Chika Washuu off-screen, bodies shown.
- Yoshitoki Washuu/Chika Washuu - Shot by Itsuki Marude with a pistol.
- Tsuneyoshi Washuu/Demon Tsune - Impaled by Kichimura Washuu/Furuta using his quinque.
- Five Unnamed CCG Investigators - Killed by Renji Yomo/Raven, Touka Kirishima/Rabbit, Kazuichi Banjou, Hinami Fueguchi/Yotsume, and Ayato Kirishima/Black Rabbit.
- Total - 27
Encounters, Confusions: Move[]
- Six Unnamed People - Killed by Arata Kirishima/Corpse Collector off-screen, bodies shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Person - Impaled through the eye by Arata Kirishima/Corpse Collector with his hand, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 7
Brilliance: Face[]
- Karao Saeki/Torso - Dismembered by Tooru Mutsuki/Eyepatch off-screen, mentioned.
- Three Unnamed Civilians - Blown up by Clowns with explosive balloons.
- Unnamed Clown - Committed suicide by blowing themselves up with an explosive balloon.
- Two Unnamed Clowns - Blown up by Misato Gori when she shot explosive balloons.
- Five Unnamed Clowns - Shot by Mougan Tanakamaru using his quinque.
- Unnamed Clown - Decapitated by Ching-Li Hsiao/Genie Hsiao using her quinque.
- Unnamed Clown - Stabbed by Kuki Urie using his kagune.
- Unnamed Clown - Stabbed by Touma Higemaru using his kagune.
- Donato Porpora/Crown’s Clone - Impaled by Kuki Urie using his kagune.
- Four Unnamed Clowns - Killed or blown up off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed CCG Investigator - Killed by Clowns off-screen, body shown.
- Six Unnamed Clowns - Slashed by Juuzou Suzuya using his quinque.
- Unnamed Person - Burned alive by Clowns using a Molotov Cocktail.
- Two Unnamed Clowns - Slashed by Touma Higemaru using his kagune.
- Two Unnamed Clowns - Killed or blown up off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Clown - Impaled by Uta/No Face using his kagune.
- Three Unnamed Clowns - Killed by Juuzou Suzuya off-screen, bodies shown.
- Three Unnamed Civilians - Blown up Clowns with explosive balloons off-screen, bodies shown.
- Five Unnamed Clowns - Committed suicide by blowing themselves up with an explosive balloon off-screen, bodies shown.
- Eight Unnamed Clowns - Executed via decapitated by The Oggai Squad using their quinque.
- Total - 52
Bonds: Proof[]
- 11 Unnamed Ghouls - Killed by CCG Investigators off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 11
Awakened Child: Incarnation[]
- Unnamed CCG Investigator - Killed off-screen, bodies shown.
- Two Unnamed Goat Ghouls - Killed off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Member of The Oggai Squad - Impaled by Nishiki Nishio/Serpent with his kagune.
- Two Unnamed Member of The Oggai Squad - Slashed by Hinami Fueguchi/Yotsume using her kagune.
- Two Unnamed Member of The Oggai Squad - Slashed by Yusa Arima using his quinque.
- Shikorae/Jail - Dismembered by Kuki Urie using his kagune and then fell to their death.
- Roma Hoito/Gypsy/Dodgy Mother - Decapitated by Kuki Urie using his kagune.
- Iwao Kuroiwa/Iwaccho - Neck sliced open by Kichimura Washuu/Furuta using his quinque.
- Unnamed Member of The Oggai Squad - Consumed by Ken Kaneki/One-Eyed King.
- 15 Unnamed Member of The Oggai Squad - Slashed by Ken Kaneki/One-Eyed King using his kagune.
- Total - 27
Recollection: Morse[]
- Professor Akihiro Kanou - Committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.
- Two Unnamed Siblings - Killed by CCG Investigators off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Child - Killed by CCG Investigators off-screen, mentioned.
- 11 Unnamed CCG Investigators - Consumed by Dragon Orphans that were created by Ken Kaneki/One-Eyed King/Dragon.
- Dragon Orphan - Cut in half by Akira Mado using her quinque.
- Dragon Orphan - Sliced by Koutarou Amon using his quinque.
- Two Dragon Orphans - Cut in half by Juuzou Suzuya with his quinque.
- Dragon Orphan - Sliced by Keijin Nakarai with his quinque.
- Two Dragon Orphans - Sliced by Hanbee Abara using his quinque.
- Dragon Orphan - Decapitated by Miyuki Mikage using his quinque.
- Two Dragon Orphans - Sliced by Mizurou Tamaki using his quinque.
- Total - 25
The End of Tragedy: Call[]
- 367 Unnamed Civilians - Accidentally killed by Ken Kaneki/One-Eyed King/Dragon using the dragon kagune off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Person - Consumed by Ruisawa.
- Three Unnamed Civilians - Consumed by Dragon Orphans that were created by Ken Kaneki/One-Eyed King.
- Eight Dragon Orphans - Committed suicide by blowing up their heads to release Rc.
- Six Dragon Orphans - Blown up by Ken Kaneki/One-Eyed King using his kagune.
- Total - 385
Encounter: ACT[]
- Two Unnamed V Agents - Sliced by Shuu Tsukiyama/Gourmet with his kagune.
- Two Unnamed V Agents - Slashed by Take Hirako with his quinque.
- Unnamed V Agent - Cut in half by Ching-Li Hsiao/Genie Hsiao using a foot blade.
- Two Unnamed V Agents - Impaled by Touma Higemaru with his kagune.
- Unnamed V Agent - Slashed by Shinsanpei Aura using his kagune.
- Two Unnamed V Agents - Sliced by Kuki Urie using his quinque.
- Four Unnamed V Agents - Impaled by Tooru Mutsuki/Eyepatch using her kagune.
- Unnamed V Agent - Slashed by Tooru Mutsuki/Eyepatch using her kagune.
- Eight Unnamed CCG Investigators - Slashed by Eto Yoshimura/Taxidermied Owl using her kagune.
- Donato Porpora/Crown’s Clone - Decapitated by Koutarou Amon using his quinque.
- Donato Porpora/Crown’s Clone - Cut in half by Koutarou Amon using his quinque.
- Donato Porpora/Crown - Cut in half by Koutarou Amon using his quinque.
- Eto Yoshimura/One-Eyed Owl - Killed by Kichimura Washuu/Nimura Furuta off-screen.
- Eto Yoshimura/Taxidermied Owl - Died when Koutarou Amon killed Donato Porpora/Crown as Crown was controlling Taxidermied Owl.
- Three Donato Porpora/Crown’s Clones - Died when Koutarou Amon killed Donato Porpora/Crown as Crown was controlling his clones.
- Total - 31
The Final Episode[]
- Five Unnamed V Agents - Slashed by Koori Ui/Hope of Arima Squad using her quinque.
- Unnamed V Agent - Cut in half by Kuki Urie using his kagune.
- Unnamed V Agent - Slashed by Juuzou Suzuya using his quinque.
- Kichimura Washuu/Nimura Furuta - Arms cut off and then impaled through the stomach by Ken Kaneki/One-Eyed King with his kagune.
- Kaiko - Cut in half by Take Hirako using his quinque.
- Three Unnamed V Agents - Shot by Seidou Takizawa/Owl using his kagune.
- Two Unnamed V Agents - Impaled by Kurona Yasuhisa/Floppy with her kagune.
- Three Unnamed V Agents - Cut in half by Juuzou Suzuya using his quinque.
- 14 Unnamed V Agents - Eviscerated by Matsuri Washuu/Matsuri Suzuki using his quinque.
- Ten Unnamed V Agents - Killed by CCG Investigators off-screen, bodies shown.
- Six Dragon Orphans - Blown up by Ken Kaneki/One-Eyed King using his kagune.
- Rize Kamishiro/Binge Eater - Impaled by Ken Kaneki/One-Eyed King using his kagune.
- Total - 48
- Total - 12,937
- Tokyo Ghoul: Season 1 - 11,050
- Tokyo Ghoul √A - 737
- Tokyo Ghoul: Jack - 17
- Tokyo Ghoul: Pinto - 2
- Tokyo Ghoul:re Season 1 - 241
- Tokyo Ghoul:re Season 2 - 890
Kill Counts[]
- Ken Kaneki/Eyepatch/Centipede/Haise Sasaki/One-Eyed King/Dragon - 433 (Alive)
- Yan - 100 (Deceased)
- Mougan Tanakamaru - 97 (Alive)
- Take Hirako - 96 (Alive)
- Chuu Hachikawa - 90 (Deceased)
- Taishi Fura - 89 (Alive)
- Ayumu Hogi - 87 (Alive)
- Kuramoto Itou - 87 (Alive)
- Juuzou Suzuya/Rei Suzuya - 86 (Alive)
- Professor Akihiro Kanou - 62 (Deceased)
- Shuu Tsukiyama/Gourmet - 60 (Alive)
- Yoshimura/Kuzen/Manager/Non-Killing Owl - 58 (Unknown)
- Kie Muramatsu/Applehead - 50 (Deceased)
- Kuki Urie - 47 (Alive)
- Naki - 35 (Alive)
- Ayato Kirishima/Black Rabbit - 29 (Alive)
- Eto Yoshimura/One-Eyed Owl/Taxidermied Owl - 29 (Deceased)
- Koutarou Amon - 27 (Alive)
- Touma Higemaru - 25 (Alive)
- Seidou Takizawa/Owl - 22 (Alive)
- Ching-Li Hsiao/Genie Hsiao - 22 (Alive)
- Shinsanpei Aura - 21 (Alive)
- Saiko Yonebayashi - 20 (Alive)
- Noro - 19 (Deceased)
- Kishou Arima/CCG's Reaper/White Reaper/One-Eyed King - 16 (Deceased)
- Matsuri Washuu/Matsuri Suzuki - 14 (Alive)
- Rize Kamishiro/Binge Eater - 12 (Deceased)
- Touka Kirishima/Rabbit - 11 (Alive)
- Nishiki Nishio/Serpent/Orochi - 11 (Alive)
- Enji Koma/Devil Ape - 10 (Alive)
- Kaya Irimi/Black Dog - 10 (Alive)
- Tooru Mutsuki/Eyepatch - 10 (Alive)
- Arata Kirishima/Corpse Collector - 10 (Deceased)
- Miza Kusakari/Three Blades - 9 (Alive)
- Karao Saeki/Torso - 9 (Deceased)
- Tatara - 9 (Deceased)
- Hinami Fueguchi/Yotsume - 7 (Alive)
- Misato Gori - 7 (Alive)
- Kichimura Washuu/Furuta - 7 (Deceased)
- Kureo Mado - 7 (Deceased)
- Kazuichi Banjou - 6 (Alive)
- Mayu/Nutcracker - 6 (Deceased)
- Shiki Kijima - 6 (Deceased)
- Kurona Yasuhisa/Floppy - 5 (Alive)
- Renji Yomo/Raven - 5 (Alive)
- Koori Ui/Hope of Arima Squad - 5 (Alive)
- Akira Mado - 5 (Alive)
- Shousei Idera - 5 (Alive)
- Hooguro - 5 (Alive)
- Uruka Minami/Lantern - 4 (Deceased)
- Matsumae/Tsukiyama's Knight - 4 (Deceased)
- Donato Porpora/Crown - 4 (Deceased)
- Itsuki Marude - 3 (Alive)
- Hanbee Abara - 3 (Alive)
- Mizurou Tamaki - 3 (Alive)
- Yakumo Oomori/Jason - 3 (Deceased)
- Nutcracker's Partner - 3 (Deceased)
- Hairu Ihei - 3 (Deceased)
- Ginshi Shirazu - 3 (Deceased)
- Yusa Arima - 2 (Alive)
- Keijin Nakarai - 2 (Alive)
- Miyuki Mikage - 2 (Alive)
- Nashiro Yasuhisa/Shiro - 2 (Deceased)
- Kanae von Rosewald/Kanae/Rose - 2 (Deceased)
- Yoshitoki Washuu/Chika Washuu - 2 (Deceased)
- Kousuke Houji - 2 (Deceased)
- Kazuo Yoshida - 2 (Deceased)
- Bin brothers - 2 (Deceased)
- Mairo - 2 (Deceased)
- Uta/No Face - 1 (Alive)
- Yukinori Shinohara/The Invulnerable Shinohara - 1 (Alive)
- Takeomi Kuroiwa - 1 (Alive)
- Ruisawa - 1 (Alive)
- Roma Hoito/Gypsy/Dodgy Mother - 1 (Deceased)
- Shikorae/Jail - 1 (Deceased)
- Shunichi Shibashi - 1 (Deceased)
- Daisuke Atou - 1 (Deceased)