The Flash is an American superhero film based on the DC Comics character The Flash and the event Flashpoint. It is the 13th installment in the DC Extended Universe. Produced by Warner Bros. Pictures, DC Studios, Double Dream, and the Disco Factory, it was released on June 16, 2023. It stars Ezra Miller, Sasha Calle, Michael Shannon, Michael Keaton, Ron Livingston, Maribel Verdú, and Antje Traue, Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jason Momoa, George Clooney, Jeremy Irons, Temuera Morrison, Jai Courtney, and Nicholas Cage. It was directed by Andy Muschietti.
Barry Allen uses his super speed to change the past, but his attempt to save his family creates a world without super heroes, forcing him to race for his life in order to save the future.
A prequel comic "The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive" was released in April 2022.
The Flash[]
- Four Unnamed Police Officers - Crushed to death in a car crash caused by unknown henchmen.
- Unnamed Truck Driver - Blown up by an unknown henchman when they shot their fuel tanker.
- Nora Allen - Died of her injuries after being stabbed in the stomach by Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash with a kitchen knife, shown in a flashback. (Previously mentioned in Justice League)
- Three Unnamed Men - Obliterated by The World Engine during General Dru-Zod's Kryptonian invasion, shown in a flashback.
- Thomas Wayne (Earth-89) - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Martha Wayne (Earth-89) - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Three Unnamed Russian Soldiers - Fell to their deaths after being thrown by Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89).
- Two Unnamed Russian Soldiers - Punched into the sky by Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Fell to his death after being thrown by Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Hit in the head by Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89) with a thrown gun.
- Two Unnamed Russian Soldiers - Fell to their deaths after being thrown by Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Thrown into a wall by Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Punched into the sky by Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Fell to his death after being kicked by Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Blown up after being thrown by Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Fell to his death after being punched by Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89).
- 1,399,999,993 Unnamed Kryptonians (Earth-89) - Died during the destruction of Krypton off-screen, mentioned.
- Zor-El (Earth-89) - Died during the destruction of Krypton off-screen, mentioned.
- Jor-El (Earth-89) - Died during the destruction of Krypton off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Soldier - Throat slashed by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Five Unnamed Soldiers - Shot by unknown Kryptonian soldiers with plasma guns on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Five Unnamed Soldiers - Blown up by unknown Kryptonian soldiers on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Pilot - Blown up by an unknown Kryptonian soldier when they blew up their jet on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Eight Unnamed Soldiers - Killed by unknown Kryptonian soldiers on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89) off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Soldier - Shot by unknown Kryptonian soldiers with plasma gun on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Three Unnamed Soldiers - Blown up by unknown Kryptonian soldiers on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Two Unnamed Soldiers - Killed by unknown Kryptonian soldiers on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89) off-screen, bodies shown.
- Three Unnamed Soldiers - Hit by Nam-Ek (Earth-89) with a missile on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Seven Unnamed Soldiers - Hit by Nam-Ek (Earth-89) with a missile on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Pilot - Blown up by Nam-Ek (Earth-89) with a thrown missile on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Soldier - Crushed to death by Sub-commander Faora-Ul (Earth-89) on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Three Unnamed Soldiers - Punched by Sub-commander Faora-Ul (Earth-89) on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- 16 Unnamed Soldiers - Killed by unknown Kryptonian soldiers on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89) off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Soldier - Shot by unknown Kryptonian soldiers with plasma gun on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Pilot - Blown up after having their jet shot down by an unknown Kryptonian soldier with plasma gun on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- At Least Four Unnamed Civilians - Obliterated by The World Engine activated by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Kal-El (Earth-89) - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Soldier - Shot by an unknown Kryptonian soldier with a plasma carbine on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Unnamed Pilot - Blown up by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89) when he punched their helicopter.
- 63 Unnamed Soldiers - Killed by unknown Kryptonian soldiers on the orders of General Dru-Zod (Earth-89) off-screen, bodies shown.
- Kara Zor-El (Earth-89) - Stabbed in the back and had her blood harvested by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89). This timeline was reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Bruce Wayne/Batman (Earth-89) - Committed suicide by flying the Batwing into an armoured Kryptonian gunship. This timeline was reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Kara Zor-El (Earth-89) - Stabbed in the chest and had her blood harvested by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89). This timeline was reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Bruce Wayne/Batman (Earth-89) - Died of his injuries after being slammed into the ground by Nam-Ek (Earth-89). This timeline was reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Sub-commander Faora-Ul (Earth-89) - Stabbed in the chest by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89) with a Kryptonian armour shard. This timeline was reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Kara Zor-El (Earth-89) - Stabbed in the stomach by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89). This timeline was reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Kara Zor-El (Earth-89) - Stomach slashed by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89). This timeline was reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Kara Zor-El (Earth-89) - Neck broken by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89). This timeline was reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Kara Zor-El (Earth-89) - Killed by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89). This timeline was reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Kara Zor-El (Earth-89) - Killed by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89). This timeline was reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Bruce Wayne/Batman (Earth-89) - Died five times during the Earth-89 Kryptonian invasion off-screen. These timelines were reversed by Barry Allen/The Flash (Earth-89).
- Bruce Wayne/Batman (Earth-89) - Died during the Earth-89 Kryptonian invasion off-screen.
- Kara Zor-El (Earth-89) - Killed by General Dru-Zod (Earth-89).
- Thanagarian Snare Beast - Blasted through the head by Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman (Unknown Earth) with heat vision.
- Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen/Dark Flash - Erased from existence after accidentally killing his past self.
- Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen/The Flash (Earth-89) - Accidentally stabbed in the back by Barry Allen/Dark Flash.
The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive[]
- Both of Joey Monteleone’s Parents - Died in an unspecified manner off-panel, mentioned.
- X-51 - Destroyed by Barry Allen/The Flash at superspeed.
- Total - 1,400,000,172
- The Flash - 1,400,000,169
- The Flash: The Fastest Man Alive - 3
Kill Counts[]
- General Dru-Zod (Earth-89) - 136 (Alive)
- Kara Zor-El/Supergirl (Earth-89) - 14 (Deceased)
- Nam-Ek (Earth-89) - 12 (Alive)
- Sub-Commander Faora-Ul (Earth-89) - 4 (Alive)
- General Dru-Zod - 3 (Deceased)
- Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen/The Flash - 1 (Alive)
- Eobard Thawne/Reverse Flash - 1 (Alive)
- Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen/The Flash (Earth-89) - 1 (Deceased)
- Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen/Dark Flash - 1 (Deceased)
- The film originally received an R rating due to several gruesome death scenes. A majority of these deaths had to be cut before the film could receive the more commercially viable PG-13 rating.