The Boys is an action/superhero TV show created by Eric Kripke, based off of the comic book series of the same name created by Garth Ennis. The series began in 2019 and continues to this day. It stars Karl Urban, Antony Starr, Jack Quaid, Erin Moriarty, Tomer Capone, Karen Fukuhara, Laz Alonso, Dominique McElligott, Jessie T. Usher, Chace Crawford, Nathan Mitchell, Colby Minifie, and Claudia Doumit.
An animated spin-off anthology series titled The Boys Presents: Diabolical was created in 2022, with a second season coming soon. Only episodes of Diabolical considered canon to the show will be included.
Superheroes are often as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians, and sometimes even as revered as gods. But that's when they're using their powers for good. What happens when the heroes go rogue and start abusing their powers? When it's the powerless against the super powerful, the Boys head out on a heroic quest to expose the truth about the Seven and Vought, the multibillion-dollar conglomerate that manages the superheroes and covers up their dirty secrets. Based on the comic book series of the same name.
In 2023, a spin-off series titled Gen V premiered.
Before The Series
Soldier Boy PSA
- None
Untitled Short Film
- Unnamed Tutor - Spine crushed by John Gillman while giving her a hug.
- At Least Two Unnamed Tutors - Killed by John Gillman off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 3
One Plus One Equals Two
- Unnamed Man - Half of his face exploded after John Gillman/Homelander accidentally exploded a gun with his heat vision.
- Unnamed Woman - Mouth accidentally ripped off by John Gillman/Homelander.
- Unnamed Man - Arm blown off when John Gillman/Homelander accidentally blew up a gun with his heat vision, ripped in half and part of his skull crushed by John Gillman/Homelander in a fit of rage.
- Unnamed Man - Ripped in half by John Gillman/Homelander in a fit of rage.
- Unnamed Man - Head ripped off by John Gillman/Homelander in a fit of rage.
- Unnamed Man - Ripped in half by John Gillman/Homelander in a fit of rage.
- Unnamed Man - Accidentally sliced in half by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision after he thought that he was Black Noir.
- Unnamed News Reporter - Killed in an explosion accidentally caused by John Gillman/Homelander.
- Unnamed Cameraman - Killed in an explosion accidentally caused by John Gillman/Homelander.
- Unnamed Woman - Neck snapped by Earving/Black Noir.
- Two Unknown People - Killed by either John Gillman/Homelander or Earving/Black Noir off-screen, 12 mentioned minus ten previously counted victims. Shared kills.
- Total - 12
Nubian vs Nubia
- None
Unknown Time During the Series
John and Sun-Hee
- Unnamed Vought Agent - Slammed against a ceiling light by Sun-Hee's tumor.
- Unnamed Vought Agent - Everything above the legs ripped off by Sun-Hee's tumor.
- Unnamed Vought Agent - Killed when Sun-Hee's tumor rammed into the side of his neck.
- Seven Unnamed Vought Agents - Impaled through the chest and dissolved by Sun-Hee's tumor.
- Unnamed Vought Agent - Impaled through the back and dissolved by Sun-Hee's tumor.
- 14 Various Woodland Animals - Dissolved by Sun-Hee's tumor.
- Three Unnamed Vought Agents - Dissolved by Sun-Hee's tumor.
- Four Unnamed Vought Agents - Sliced in half by Sun-Hee's tumor.
- Three Unnamed Vought Agents - Dissolved by Sun-Hee's tumor.
- Sun-Hee - Committed suicide in order to destroy the tumor.
- Sun-Hee's Tumor - Destroyed by Sun-Hee when he killed himself.
- Total - 37
Deep Thoughts With The Deep
- None
Main Series
Season 1
The Name of the Game
- Unnamed Robber - Thrown into the air by John Gillman/Homelander and killed when he landed on top of a car.
- Robin Ward - Torn apart when Reggie Franklin/A-Train accidentally ran through her.
- Mayor Steve - Killed when John Gillman/Homelander cut his plane in half with his heat vision.
- Mason - Killed when John Gillman/Homelander cut his plane in half with his heat vision.
- Four Unnamed People - Killed when John Gillman/Homelander cut their plane in half with his heat vision.
- Two Unnamed Pilots - Killed when John Gillman/Homelander cut their plane in half with his heat vision.
- Total - 10
- Unnamed Boy - Died of cancer off-screen, implied.
- Unnamed Woman - Killed by Serge/Frenchie off-screen, mentioned.
- Schecht/Translucent - Blown up from the inside when Hughie Campbell detonated a bomb set up by Serge/Frenchie in his rectum.
- Total - 3
Get Some
- Unnamed Male Sniper - Fist driven into his chest by John Gillman/Homelander.
- Nathan Franklin and A-Train's Mother - Died of unspecified causes off-screen several years prior, mentioned.
- Aleksy "Alek" Lutz - Skull accidentally crushed by Charlotte/Popclaw with her thighs.
- Total - 3
The Female of the Species
- Unnamed Triad Guard - Neck snapped from behind after having his eyes crushed by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with her fingers.
- Unnamed Triad Guard - Fists driven into his stomach four times by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female.
- Unnamed Triad Guard - Committed suicide by shooting himself under the chin to avoid being killed by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female. Proxy kill.
- Roberta Cho - Killed by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female off-camera, blood splatter shown.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Sucked out of a plane after Maggie Shaw/Queen Maeve opened the door to it.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Neck snapped by Maggie Shaw/Queen Maeve.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Blasted in the chest by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Unnamed Pilot - Throat slashed by one of the terrorists with a knife off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Pilot - Shot through the back of the head by one of the terrorists.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Sliced in half by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Carolyn Kazinsky - Killed in a plane crash accidentally caused by John Gillman/Homelander, name revealed during "Good For Soul".
- Dr. Julian Barrow - Killed in a plane crash accidentally caused by John Gillman/Homelander, name revealed during "Good For Soul".
- Susan Lopez - Killed in a plane crash accidentally caused by John Gillman/Homelander, name revealed during "Good For Soul".
- Mia Lopez - Killed in a plane crash accidentally caused by John Gillman/Homelander, name revealed during "Good For Soul".
- Samuel Brown - Killed in a plane crash accidentally caused by John Gillman/Homelander, name revealed during "Good For Soul".
- Paul Shetty - Killed in a plane crash accidentally caused by John Gillman/Homelander, name revealed during the Gen V episode "Sick".
- Lily Shetty - Killed in a plane crash accidentally caused by John Gillman/Homelander, name revealed during the Gen V episode "Sick".
- 116 Unnamed Plane Passengers - Killed in a plane crash accidentally caused by John Gillman/Homelander. 123 mentioned, minus seven previously counted victims.
- Dolphin - Accidentally ran over by an unknown person with a truck.
- Total - 134
Good For the Soul
- Charlotte/Popclaw - Injected in the wrists by Reggie Franklin/A-Train with four syringes full of heroin to cover his tracks.
- Unnamed Man's Wife - Killed by an unnamed man off-screen a year prior, mentioned.
- Unnamed Man - Impaled through the eye with a pen thrown by Maggie Shaw/Queen Maeve off-screen a year prior, mentioned.
- Freckles (Cat) - Died of unspecified causes off-screen two years prior, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed Vought Agents - Sliced in half by Billy Butcher using the laser baby's heat vision.
- Unnamed Vought Agent - Decapitated by Billy Butcher using the laser baby's heat vision.
- Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female - Stabbed to death by Earving/Black Noir with a knife. Revived by her healing factor.
- Total - 8
The Innocents
- Nathan Franklin and A-Train's Father - Died of unspecified causes off-screen several years prior, mentioned.
- Both of Kenji and Kimiko Miyashiro's Parents - Shot to death by terrorists several years prior, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 3
The Self-Preservation Society
- Charles/Mesmer - Head bashed against a sink six times by Billy Butcher in a fit of rage.
- Lobster - Stabbed in the back of the head and head partially split in half by a cook with a knife.
- Four Unnamed Terrorists - Shot to death by a SEAL assault team.
- Four Unnamed SEAL Assault Agents - Burned alive by Naqib/Captain when he used his powers to blow himself up.
- Total - 10
You Found Me
- Unnamed Terrorist - Throat slashed by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Sliced in half by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Two Unnamed Terrorists - Sliced in half from behind by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Sliced in half by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Killed by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision off-screen.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Blasted in the chest by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Head sliced in half by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Legs sliced off by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision and skull crushed underneath his foot.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Sliced in half from behind by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Starlight's Grandfather - Died of unspecified causes off-screen several years prior, mentioned.
- Unnamed Vought Agent - Shot in the throat by Hughie Campbell with a machine gun.
- Unnamed Vought Agent - Blasted into a ceiling light by Annie January/Starlight, electrocuting him to death.
- Reginald "Reggie" Franklin/A-Train - Succumbed to a heart attack after overdosing on Compound V. Revived by Starlight with CPR.
- Madelyn Stillwell - Blasted through the eyes by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Total - 15
Butcher: A Short Film
- Jock - Strangled by Billy Butcher until his neck snapped for betraying him.
- Total - 1
Main Series
Season 2
The Big Ride
- Unnamed Woman - Throat slashed from behind by Earving/Black Noir with a sword on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Throat sliced open by Earving/Black Noir with a sword on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Unnamed Terrorist - Head ripped in half after he had his jaw pulled by Earving/Black Noir on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Rafiq - Stabbed through the back by Earving/Black Noir with a sword on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Naqib/Captain - Decapitated by Earving/Black Noir with a sword off-screen on Stan Edgar's orders, severed head shown.
- Blindspot - Died from blood loss after John Gillman/Homelander destroyed his eardrums. (Debatable)
- CIA Deputy Director Susan Raynor - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Dr. Frederick Vought - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 8
Proper Preparation and Planning
- Unnamed Man - Decapitated by John Gillman/Homelander off-screen in 2013, mentioned.
- Unnamed Member of the Shining Light Liberation Army - Head twisted back until he was decapitated by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female.
- Total - 2
Over the Hill With the Swords of a Thousand Men
- Two Unnamed Police Officers - Killed in a helicopter crash caused by Kenji Miyashiro/Mouse.
- Lucy (Whale) - Impaled through the stomach with a motorboat that was driven through it by Billy Butcher.
- Unnamed Man - Blasted against a fridge by Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront with a lightning bolt, cracking open his skull.
- Two Unnamed Teenagers - Killed by Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront off-camera, screams heard.
- Unnamed Man - Thrown out of a window by Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront.
- 55 Unknown People - Killed in an explosion caused by Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront. 59 mentioned, minus four previously counted victims.
- Kenji Miyashiro/Mouse - Wrists and neck snapped by Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront.
- Total - 63
Nothing Like It In the World
- Marvin Milk's Father - Murdered by Ben/Soldier Boy off-screen 16 years prior, mentioned.
- Unnamed Person - Killed in a car crash.
- Myron Hunter - Jaw broken after Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront beat him multiple times against the hood of a car, shown in a flashback.
- Doppelganger - Neck snapped by John Gillman/Homelander.
- Total - 4
We Gotta Go Now
- Unnamed Male Supe Terrorist - Blasted through the abdomen by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Unnamed Teenage Boy - Stomach accidentally slashed open by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Unnamed Russian Gangster - Face ripped off by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female on Cherie's orders.
- Unnamed Russian Gangster - Neck snapped by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female on Cherie's orders.
- Unnamed Russian Gangster - Stabbed in the eye by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with his own gun on Cherie's orders.
- Deer - Died of unknown causes off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 6
The Bloody Doors Off
- Unnamed Thief - Skull crushed against a wall by John Gillman/Homelander with his hand.
- Unnamed Vought Asylum Guard - Shot twice in the chest by Serge/Frenchie with a silenced pistol.
- Tim - Burned alive by Lamplighter.
- Unnamed Vought Asylum Guard - Blown up from the inside by Cindy with her powers.
- Unnamed Vought Asylum Guard - Head blown up by Cindy with her powers.
- Unnamed Man - Killed by Love Sausage off-screen.
- Unnamed Male Supe Patient - Face burned off by his own acidic vomit after being kicked in the chest by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female.
- Unnamed Supe Patient - Blown up from the inside by Cindy with her powers off-camera, blood splatter shown.
- Unnamed Male Supe Patient - Shot three times in the chest by Billy Butcher.
- Unnamed Vought Asylum Guard - Head blown off by an unknown Supe off-screen, body shown.
- At Least Two Unnamed Children - Accidentally burned alive by Lamplighter off-screen, mentioned.
- Dennis - Skull cracked open after accidentally being thrown against the pavement by Annie January/Starlight.
- Jay - Overdosed on an unknown drug off-screen, shown in a flashback five years prior. Revived by Frenchie with CPR.
- Jay - Overdosed on an unknown drug off-screen five years prior, mentioned.
- Six Unnamed Supe Patients - Killed by Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront off-screen, mentioned.
- Chloe Vought - Died of Alzheimer's off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 22
Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker
- Kuldeep Singh - Shot in the cheek by Tommy Peterson thinking he was a Supe.
- Sam Butcher - Eventually succumbed to cancer off-screen, implied.
- Lamplighter - Committed suicide by burning himself alive after refusing to help the Boys.
- Matthew Richardson - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Jonah Vogelbaum - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Unnamed Woman - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Unnamed Man - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Shockwave - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Deanna - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Unnamed Person - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis off-screen on Stan Edgar's orders, explosion heard and blood shown.
- Unnamed Man - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Lisa Concilia - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Unnamed Woman - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Unnamed Person - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis off-screen on Stan Edgar's orders, explosion heard.
- Unnamed Man - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Unnamed Man - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis on Stan Edgar's orders.
- Unnamed Person - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis off-screen on Stan Edgar's orders, explosion heard and blood shown.
- Total - 17
What I Know
- Unnamed Male Vought Agent - Vertically sliced in half by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Five Unnamed Male Vought Agents - Killed by John Gillman/Homelander off-screen, blood shown.
- Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female - Neck snapped by Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront. Revived by her healing factor.
- Rebecca "Becca" Butcher - Died from her injuries after accidentally having her neck slashed by Ryan Butcher with his heat vision while trying to kill Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront.
- Alastair Adana - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with her powers.
- Total - 9
Season 3
- Peter - Accidentally torn in half from the inside by Termite when he sneezed while inside his penis.
- Tony - Lower jaw and mouth blown apart by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis.
- Total - 2
The Only Man In the Sky
- 20 Unnamed Drug Dealers - Killed by Ben/Soldier Boy off-screen several years prior, mentioned on a newspaper.
- Unnamed Man - Accidentally blown up by Crimson Countess with her powers while aiming for Frenchie and The Female.
- Two Unnamed People - Heads blown off by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman off-screen several years prior, photos shown.
- Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront - Committed suicide by biting off her own tongue off-screen after being badly burnt and dismembered by Ryan Butcher using his heat vision, body shown.
- Chelsea - Committed suicide by jumping off of a building, forced to do so by John Gillman/Homelander.
- Gunpowder - Face bashed in after being repeatedly punched and head sliced partially in half by Billy Butcher with his heat vision after taking V-24.
- Total - 26
Barbary Coast
- Olivier - Killed by Little Nina off-screen, mentioned.
- Louis Milk - Accidentally killed when Ben/Soldier Boy threw a car through his house off-screen, mentioned.
- Claudio - Shot to death by a Russian soldier, shown in flashback.
- Two Unnamed Contra Soldiers - Blown up by a Russian soldier, shown in a flashback.
- Raymond Tucker - Killed by Blue Hawk off-screen, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed Contra Soldiers - Accidentally blown up by Crimson Countess with her powers thinking they were Russian soldiers, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Shot twice in the chest by Grace Mallory, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Sliced across the chest by Earving/Black Noir with a sword, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Sliced across the chest and throat slit by Earving/Black Noir with a sword, shown in a flashback.
- Swatto - Blown up by a Russian soldier with a missile, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Shot four times in the back by Grace Mallory, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Russian Soldier - Fell to his death off-screen after being thrown into the air by Ben/Soldier Boy, shown in a flashback.
- Six Unnamed Russian Soldiers - Shot to death by Gunpowder, shown in flashback.
- 111 Unnamed Contra Soldiers - Killed by Russian soldiers off-screen years prior, mentioned. 116 mentioned, not counting the 5 already counted soldiers.
- Mikhail Petrov - Decapitated by Serge/Frenchie with a car door off-screen, mentioned.
- Mikhail Petrov's Bride - Killed by Serge/Frenchie off-screen, mentioned.
- Timothy (Octopus) - Eaten alive by Kevin Moskowitz/The Deep, forced to do so by John Gillman/Homelander.
- Total - 134
Glorious Five Year Plan
- Unnamed Male Oligarch - Impaled through the back of the head and through the mouth by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with a Black Noir vibrator on Little Nina's orders.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Impaled through the eye by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with a Black Noir vibrator.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Stabbed in the chest by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with a Deep vibrator.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Stabbed in the throat with a Starlight vibrator thrown by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female.
- Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female - Shot in the back of the head by an unnamed woman. Revived by her healing factor.
- Three Hamsters - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Shot in the chest by Billy Butcher.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Neck snapped by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Shot to death by Marvin Milk/Mother's Milk.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Killed after Jamie flew into his eye and burrowed into his skull.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Sliced in half by Billy Butcher with his heat vision after taking V-24.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Blasted in the chest by Billy Butcher with his heat vision after taking V-24.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Neck snapped by Billy Butcher after taking V-24.
- Unnamed Russian Guard - Impaled through the chest by Hughie Campbell with his arm after taking V-24.
- Alex/Drummer Boy/Supersonic - Leg partially severed and face smashed by John Gillman/Homelander off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 17
The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies
- Unnamed Russian Doctor - Stabbed in the side of the neck by Ben/Soldier Boy with a scalpel, shown in a video during 1986.
- Ashley Barrett's Mother - Died of cancer off-screen several years prior, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed Russian Guards - Killed by either Billy Butcher, Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female, Marvin Milk/Mother's Milk, Hughie Campbell , Serge/Frenchie, or Ben/Soldier Boy off-screen during the raid on the Russian facility, ten mentioned, not counting the eight already counted in the previous episode. Shared kills.
- Unnamed Man - Accidentally blown up by Ben/Soldier Boy with his powers.
- 18 Unnamed People - Accidentally blown up by Ben/Soldier Boy with his powers off-screen. 19 mentioned, minus one previously counted victim.
- Crimson Countess - Burned alive by Ben/Soldier Boy with his powers off-camera, body shown.
- Total - 24
- Unnamed Person - Presumably killed by Billy Butcher off-screen, blood shown on his neck and jacket.
- Unnamed Russian Gangster - Throat slashed by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with a sharpened popsicle stick.
- Yevgenny - Stabbed to death by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with a nail.
- At Least Four Unnamed People - Killed by Ben/Soldier Boy off-screen, mentioned.
- Thomas "Tommy"/TNT Twin #1 - Blown up by Ben/Soldier Boy with his powers.
- Teresa "Tessa"/TNT Twin #2 - Blown up by Ben/Soldier Boy with his powers.
- Unnamed Man - Blown up by Ben/Soldier Boy with his powers.
- Two Unnamed Women - Blown up by Ben/Soldier Boy with his powers.
- Blue Hawk - Dragged across a road by Reggie Franklin/A-Train whilst using his super speed.
- Reginald "Reggie" Franklin/A-Train - Succumbed to a second heart attack after using his super speed with his weak heart. Revived with Blue Hawk's heart.
- Termite - Stomped on by John Gillman/Homelander.
- Seven Unnamed People - Blown up by Ben/Soldier Boy with his powers off-screen, bodies seen.
- Total - 21
Here Comes a Candle to Light You To Bed
- Father Wallace - Shot in the head by Ben/Soldier Boy after being mind-controlled by Dan/Mindstorm. Shared kill. (Villain at the time of death so listed in bold)
- Unnamed Nun - Shot in the head by Ben/Soldier Boy after being mind-controlled by Dan/Mindstorm. Shared kill. (Villain at the time of death so listed in bold)
- Lenny "Len" Butcher - Committed suicide by shooting himself in the head off-camera, blood splatter shown in a flashback.
- Daniel "Dan"/Mindstorm - Skull crushed after being repeatedly stabbed in the face by Ben/Soldier Boy with his shield.
- Total - 4
The Instant White-Hot Wild
- Three Unnamed Vought Soldiers - Killed by Maggie Shaw/Queen Maeve off-camera, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Vought Doctor - Killed by Maggie Shaw/Queen Maeve off-camera, body shown.
- Unnamed Vought Driver - Killed by Maggie Shaw/Queen Maeve off-camera.
- Soldier Boy's Father - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Earving/Black Noir - Died of his injuries after being impaled through the stomach by John Gillman/Homelander with his arm, who then ripped out some of his intestines.
- Senator Lamar Bishop - Drowned by Kevin Moskowitz/The Deep on the orders of John Gillman/Homelander.
- Unnamed Vought Soldier - Stabbed in the chest and neck by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with a pair of scissors.
- Unnamed Vought Soldier - Head smashed against the floor after having his face slashed by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with her nails.
- Unnamed Vought Soldier - Hit across the face by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with his own rifle. (Debatable)
- Roland Keating - Head partially blasted off by John Gillman/Homelander with his heat vision.
- Total - 12
Season 4
Department of Dirty Tricks
- Two Unnamed Male Secret Service Agents - Face and throat repeatedly mauled apart by Zoe Neuman with her mouth tentacles.
- Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female - Face split in half off-camera after Annie January failed to catch her when she jumped out of a window running from Zoe Neuman. Revived by her healing factor
- At Least Two Unnamed People - Killed by Wrangler in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Jeffrey Edward Epstein - Committed suicide by hanging himself off-screen, mentioned. (Fictional Portrayal)
- Dirk - Skull partially cut in half after being struck in the head by Black Noir II with a baseball bat on John Gillman/Homelander and Jessica Bradley/Sister Sage's orders.
- Greg - Face bashed inwards and skull smashed multiple times by Kevin Moskowitz/The Deep with a baseball bat on John Gillman/Homelander and Jessica Bradley/Sister Sage's orders.
- Todd - Back of his skull bashed inwards by Black Noir II with a baseball bat on John Gillman/Homelander and Jessica Bradley/Sister Sage's orders.
- Total - 9
Life Among the Septics
- Koy - Accidentally crushed against the wall of a building after being thrown by Ryan Butcher.
- Two Splinter Clones - Shot in the head by Marvin Milk/Mother's Milk.
- Four Splinter Clones - Shot in the head by Marvin Milk/Mother's Milk and Serge/Frenchie.
- Splinter Clone - Drowned in a chocolate fountain by Serge/Frenchie.
- Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female - Shot in the head by Splinter Prime. Revived by her healing factor.
- Splinter Clone - Stabbed by Billy Butcher with a crowbar.
- Splinter Clone - Head bashed multiple times by Billy Butcher with a crowbar.
- Splinter Clone - Slashed across the back of the neck by Marvin Milk/Mother's Milk with a menorah.
- Splinter Prime - Bled out after being stabbed through the throat out the top of the head by Billy Butcher with a crowbar.
- Six Splinter Clones - Died after Splinter Prime was killed by Billy Butcher.
- Total - 19
We'll Keep the Red Flag Flying Here
- Unnamed Shining Light Operative - Throat torn open after having his head forced back by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female.
- Unnamed Shining Light Operative - Head stomped on multiple times by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female.
- Unnamed Shining Light Operative - Brain removed after being stabbed in the back of the skull by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with a hammer.
- Three Unnamed Hauser Family Members - Shot to death by Serge/Frenchie off-screen, mentioned and vision shown.
- 15 Unnamed People - Killed by Serge/Frenchie off-screen, visions shown.
- Unnamed Shining Light Operative - Neck snapped by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female.
- Anika - Blasted through the head by John Gillman/Homelander with his laser vision.
- Unnamed Queen Maeve Actress - Accidentally cut in half by John Gillman/Homelander with his laser vision.
- Unnamed Sound Tech - Chest accidentally slashed open by an unnamed sound tech with their ice skates.
- Unnamed Wise Man Actor - Throat accidentally sliced open by an unnamed Jesus actor with his ice skates.
- Total - 26
Wisdom of the Ages
- Frank - Flesh and skin melted off and incinerated after being forced to stand in an industrial oven by John Gillman/Homelander.
- Martin "Marty" - Skull crushed by John Gillman/Homelander with his foot on Barbara Findley's request off-camera after blasting him through the penis with his laser vision.
- Unnamed Shining Light Operative - Stabbed in the cheek by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with a thrown pair of scissors.
- Unnamed Shining Light Operative - Neck partially slashed open by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with a paper cutter.
- Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female - Blown in half by Tala with a grenade launcher. Revived by her healing factor.
- Unnamed Shining Light Operative - Stomach slashed open after being stabbed in the stomach by Hughie Campbell with a box cutter, who then slashed him across the arm and sliced his throat open.
- Ezekiel - Dismembered by Billy Butcher under the control of his Joe Kessler persona off-camera, body parts shown.
- Unnamed Woman - Disemboweled from the inside by John Gillman/Homelander with his laser vision during his birth off-screen, mentioned.
- Four Unnamed People - Killed by John Gillman/Homelander during his birth off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Male Vought Security Guard - Slaughtered by John Gillman/Homelander off-screen, body parts shown.
- Six Unnamed Vought Employees - Slaughtered by John Gillman/Homelander off-screen, body parts shown.
- Barbara Findley - Starved to death off-screen after being locked in "the Bad Room" by John Gillman/Homelander. (Debatable)
- Total - 20
Beware the Jabberwock, My Son
- Sameer's Lab Assistant - Torn in half by a V'd-up chicken off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Male Secret Service Agent - Impaled through the back by a V'd-up chicken.
- V'd-Up Chicken - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis.
- Mr. Fuzzy Buzzy (Rabbit) - Stomped on three times by Billy Butcher.
- Unnamed Nurse - Heart ripped out by Hugh Campbell Sr. off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Male Patient - Impaled after Hugh Campbell Sr. accidentally teleported into his chest.
- Unnamed Male Hospital Security Guard - Heart ripped out by Hugh Campbell Sr. after he teleported his hand into his torso.
- Bull - Head ripped off, ripped in half, eviscerated, and torn apart by six V'd-up sheep.
- Unnamed Female Secret Service Agent - Torn apart by three V'd-up sheep.
- Henry - Killed by a V'd-up animal off-screen, body shown.
- Six V'd-Up Sheep - Killed by the Compound V virus, orchestrated by Billy Butcher.
- Unnamed Male FBSA Driver - Head blown up by Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman with haemokinesis.
- Cameron "Cam" Coleman - Beaten to death by Kevin Moskowitz/The Deep, Black Noir II, Misty Tucker Gray/Sparkler/Firecracker, Robert Vernon/Tek Knight, Cate Dunlap, and Sam Riordan off-camera on the orders of John Gillman/Homelander and Jessica Bradley/Sister Sage after being framed by Ashley Barrett, sounds heard.
- Hugh Campbell Sr. - Euthanized by Hughie Campbell with his consent as a mercy-kill.
- Total - 19
Dirty Business
- 24 Unnamed People - Killed by Earving/Black Noir off-screen, mentioned.
- Sister Sage's Grandmother - Died of leukemia after several unnamed doctors refused to let Sister Sage save her off-screen, mentioned.
- Both of Tek Knight's Parents - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Jessica Bradley/Sister Sage - Shot in the head by Marvin Milk/Mother's Milk after trying to press the alarm. Revived by her healing factor.
- Robert Vernon/Tek Knight - Strangled to death by Elijah with a whip.
- CIA Agent Joe Kessler - Died of unknown causes in the Panjshir Valley because of Billy Butcher off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 30
The Insider
- Patrick Whitehall/Webweaver - Ripped in half by John Gillman/Homelander after being discovered as a spy for The Boys.
- Unnamed Girl - Stabbed in the stomach and slashed in the throat by Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female with a knife, shown in a flashback.
- Ambrosius (Octopus) - Asphyxiated after her cage was destroyed and she was left without water by Kevin Moskowitz/The Deep.
- Total - 3
Season Four Finale
- Unnamed Male CIA Agent - Back broken against a table by the Shapeshifter Supe.
- Unnamed Male Army Soldier - Stabbed through the head by the Shapeshifter Supe with a golf club off-camera.
- Unnamed Female Army Soldier - Head slammed through a coat hanger by the Shapeshifter Supe.
- Unnamed Male CIA Agent - Throat bitten out by the Shapeshifter Supe.
- Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female - Neck snapped around by the Shapeshifter Supe. Revived by her healing factor.
- Unnamed Shapeshifter Supe - Choked to death by Annie January/Starlight.
- Doug Friedman - Shot in the back by Misty Tucker Gray/Sparkler/Firecracker on the orders of John Gillman/Homelander.
- Evan Lambert - Face caved in with a punch by Kevin Moskowitz/The Deep on the orders of John Gillman/Homelander.
- "Also" Ashley - Impaled through the stomach by Black Noir II with a sword, mistaking her for Ashley Barrett.
- CIA Deputy Director Grace Mallory - Neck accidentally snapped when shoved against a wall by Ryan Butcher.
- Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman - Ripped in half by Billy Butcher with his tendrils.
- Total - 11
Season 5
- Coming Soon...
- Total - 747 (So Far)
- Before The Series - 15
- Unknown Time During the Series - 37
- Season 1 - 186
- Butcher: A Short Film - 1
- Season 2 - 131
- Season 3 - 240
- Season 4 - 137
Group Deaths
- Total - 668
- 394 Victims of Unknown Gender
- 222 Men
- 53 Women
- Total - 47
- 25 Men
- 15 Women
- 7 Victims of Unknown Gender
- Total - 29
- 14 Unknown Animals
- 6 Sheep
- 2 Octopi
- 1 Men
- 1 Woman
- 1 Bull
- 1 Cat
- 1 Deer
- 1 Dolphin
- 1 Lobster
- 1 Rabbit
- 1 Whale
- All Women
Kill Counts
- John Gillman/Homelander - 207 (So Far)
- Klara Risinger/Liberty/Stormfront - 68 (Deceased)
- Benjamin "Ben"/Soldier Boy - 61 (So Far)
- William "Billy" Butcher/Billy the Butcher - 34 (So Far)
- Earving/Black Noir - 35 (Deceased)
- Serge/Frenchie - 30 (So Far)
- Kimiko Miyashiro/The Female - 27 (So Far)
- Congresswoman Nadia Khayat/Victoria Neuman - 21 (Deceased)
- Stan Edgar - 20 (So Far)
- Marvin T. Milk/Mother's Milk - 11 (So Far)
- Hugh "Hughie" Campbell Jr. - 8 (So Far)
- Margaret "Maggie" Shaw/Queen Maeve - 8 (So Far)
- Kevin Moskowitz/The Deep - 6 (So Far)
- Gunpowder - 6 (Deceased)
- Ryan Butcher - 4 (So Far)
- Jessica Bradley/Sister Sage - 4 (So Far)
- Black Noir II - 4 (So Far)
- Naqib/Captain - 4 (Deceased)
- Annie January/Starlight - 3 (So Far)
- Reginald "Reggie" Franklin/A-Train - 3 (So Far)
- Cindy - 3 (So Far)
- Zoe Neuman - 3 (So Far)
- Cherie - 3 (So Far)
- Crimson Countess - 3 (Deceased)
- Hugh Campbell Sr. - 3 (Deceased)
- Lamplighter - 3 (Deceased)
- Misty Tucker Gray/Sparkler/Firecracker - 2 (So Far)
- "Little" Nina Namenko - 2 (Alive)
- Wrangler - 2 (Alive)
- CIA Deputy Director Grace Mallory - 2 (Deceased)
- Kenji Miyashiro/Mouse - 2 (Deceased)
- Dan/Mindstorm - 2 (Deceased)
- Ashley Barrett - 1 (So Far)
- Cate Dunlap - 1 (So Far)
- Sam Riordan - 1 (So Far)
- Elijah - 1 (Alive)
- Love Sausage - 1 (So Far)
- Jamie (Hamster) - 1 (Alive)
- Tala - 1 (Alive)
- Tommy Peterson - 1 (Imprisoned)
- Barbara Findley - 1 (Presumed Deceased)
- Robert Vernon/Tek Knight - 1 (Deceased)
- Blue Hawk - 1 (Deceased)
- CIA Agent Joe Kessler - 1 (Deceased)
- Termite - 1 (Deceased)
- Charlotte/Popclaw - 1 (Deceased)
- Splinter Prime - 1 (Deceased)
- Sun-Hee - 1 (Deceased)
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