The Belko Experiment is a 2016 American horror film directed by Greg McLean and written by James Gunn, who also produced the film with Peter Safran. It stars John Gallagher Jr., Tony Goldwyn, Adria Arjona, John C. McGinley, Melonie Diaz, Josh Brener, and Michael Rooker.
The film follows eighty Americans working abroad for a company named Belko Industries in Bogotá, Colombia. One day after they arrive at work, they are locked inside the building, and a mysterious voice announces that they have to start killing each other or else.
- Lucy Martinez - Back of her head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Lawrence Fitzgibbon - Back of his head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Two Unnamed Belko Employees - Back of their heads blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Bud Melks - Part of his head bashed open by Lonny with a wrench.
- Alonso "Lonny" Crane - Stabbed in the back of the neck by a nail that he was pushed onto by Dany.
- Evan Smith - Stabbed in the stomach by Wendell with a kitchen knife.
- Jonathan Schwartz - Shot three times by Wendell.
- Samantha Acros - Shot through the back of the head by Barry.
- J. Ferguson - Shot in the back of the head by Barry.
- Luis Costa - Shot in the back of the head by Barry off-camera, blood splatter shown.
- Helena Barton - Shot in the back of the head by Barry off-screen, gunshot heard.
- M. Cuzer - Shot in the back of the head by Barry off-screen, gunshot heard.
- Five Unnamed Belko Employees - Shot in the back of the head by Barry off-screen, gunshots heard.
- Frances Anne - Shot by Wendell, Barry, Antonio, Bradley, and Terry.
- Ten Unnamed Belko Employees - Shot by Wendell, Barry, Antonio, Bradley, and Terry.
- Antonio Fowler - Stabbed in the stomach by Peggy.
- Bradley Lang - Kicked to death by Vince and several unnamed Belko employees.
- Terry Winters - Back of his head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Louisa "Raven" Luna - Back of her head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Jennifer Lang - Back of her head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- A. Huberman - Back of her head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Tim Gallaher - Back of his head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Griffin Myers - Back of his head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Leota Hynek - Back of her head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Peggy Displasia - Back of her head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- 25 Unnamed Belko Employees - Back of their heads blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Keith McLure - Back of his head blown open by the brain implant caused by The Voice.
- Luigi Moretti - Stabbed to death by Wendel with a meat cleaver off-camera, blood splatter shown.
- Raziya Memarian - Shot by Vince.
- Unnamed Belko Employee - Shot by Vince off-screen.
- Agnes Meraz - Stabbed repeatedly by Wendel with a meat cleaver.
- Lorena Checo - Neck snapped by Barry.
- Roberto Jerez - Crushed in half at the waist by an elevator.
- Tyson Moon - Slashed across the chest repeatedly by Wendell with a meat cleaver.
- Chet Valincourt - Shot through the head by Wendell.
- Marty Espenchield - Shot through the throat by Wendell.
- Wendell Dukes - Skull partially split in half after being stabbed repeatedly in the face by Leandra with an axe.
- Liezel Fremont - Burned to death by Vince with a Molotov cocktail.
- Vincent "Vince" Agostino - Shot in the heart by Barry.
- Dany Wilkins - Shot in the head by Barry.
- Leandra Florez - Died of her injuries after being shot in the chest by Barry.
- Barry Norris - Skull crushed after being repeatedly bashed in the head and face by Mike with a tape dispenser.
- Unnamed Belko Guard - Back of his head blown open by the brain implant caused by Mike.
- Unnamed Male Belko Employee - Back of his head blown open by the brain implant caused by Mike.
- Unnamed Male Belko Employee - Shot by Mike with an automatic weapon.
- Unnamed Belko Guard - Shot by Mike with an automatic weapon.
- The Voice - Shot to death by Mike with an automatic weapon.
- Total - 84
- 38 Victims of Unknown Gender
- 30 Men
- 16 Women
Kill Counts[]
- The Voice - 79 (41 indirectly, 38 directly) (Deceased)
- Wendell Dukes - 18 (Deceased)
- Barry Norris - 17 (Deceased)
- Antonio Fowler - 13 (Deceased)
- Bradley Lang - 13 (Deceased)
- Terry Winters - 13 (Deceased)
- Mike Milch - 6 (Alive)
- Vince Agostino - 4 (Deceased)
- Dany Wilkins - 1 (Deceased)
- Alonso "Lonny" Crane - 1 (Deceased)
- Peggy Displasia - 1 (Deceased)
- Leandra Florez - 1 (Deceased)
- At the end of the film, it's shown that Mike's experiment was not the only one when several monitors reveal survivors from at least 164 other experiments (Monitors shown in 15 by 11 pattern). It's not known how many people were in the other experiments, however, if it were 80 people per experiment like Mike's once again with at least 79 deaths in each experiment, there would be at least 12,956 more deaths. Until this is confirmed with either a sequel or by Greg McLean himself however, they won't be counted.