The Ted franchise is an American comedy series created by Seth MacFarlane, comprising of two films and one TV show. The franchise features an ensemble cast of MacFarlane, Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, Amanda Seyfried, Giovanni Ribisi, Max Burkholder, Alanna Ubach, Scott Grimes, and Giorgia Whigham. A sequel was released three years after the original film. In 2024, a TV series was made serving as a prequel to both of the films.
The plot centers around the titular teddy bear that magically comes to life, after the child he was gifted to wishes for it on a shooting star.
Ted (2024)[]
Season 1[]
Just Say Yes[]
- Unnamed Boy - Killed by unknown people off-screen a year prior, mentioned.
- Blaire Bennett's Dog - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 2
My Two Dads[]
- Scout (Dog) - Died of unknown causes off-screen sometime after the Vietnam War, heavily implied.
- Total - 1
Ejectile Dysfunction[]
- Kevin's Mother - Eventually died of Alzheimer's disease off-screen, heavily implied.
- At Least Two of John Bennett's Relatives - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 3
Subways, Bicycles and Automobiles[]
- Professor Lucas Damon's Mother - Died of diabetes off-screen, mentioned.
- Professor Lucas Damon's Sister - Died of diabetes off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 2
Desperately Seeking Susan[]
- Spider - Killed by either Susan Bennett or Blaire Bennett off-screen, heavily implied.
- Mr. George's Father - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Erin's Brother - Murdered by an unknown person off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 3
Loud Night[]
- Raccoon - Froze to death on the Bennett house driveway off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Man - Killed by either an unknown person or an unknown animal in a manner that would make him turn inside-out off-screen during the Vietnam War, mentioned.
- President John Fitzgerald "JFK" Kennedy - Shot in the head by Lee Harvey Oswald off-screen, mentioned. (Fictional Portrayal)
- Total - 3
He's Gotta Have It[]
- Joe - Died of a heart attack off-screen, mentioned.
- Sheila Borgwat - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Nicole Brown Simpson - Murdered by an unknown person off-screen, presumably O. J. Simpson, mentioned in a news report. (Fictional Portrayal)
- Ronald Lyle Goldman - Murdered by an unknown person off-screen, presumably O. J. Simpson, mentioned in a news report. (Fictional Portrayal)
- Total - 4
Ted (2012)[]
- Ted "Teddy" Bennett - Accidentally ripped in half by Donny. Revived
- Rex - Died of Lou Gehrig's disease off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 2
Ted 2 (2015)[]
- Unnamed Female Dwarf - Fell to her death after being given a handful of balloons by an unknown person and floating away off-screen, mentioned.
- Fish - Suffocated to death after committing suicide by jumping out of the water due to hearing Sam Jackson's singing.
- John "Johnny" Bennett - Died of his injuries after Donny cut a rope holding up a model of the Starship Enterprise and it hit him in the side. Revived by doctors off-screen.
- Total - 3
- Total - 23
- 17 Humans
- 9 Men
- 6 Women
- 2 Victims of Unknown Gender
- 4 Animals
- 2 Dogs
- 1 Raccoon
- 1 Fish
- 1 Arachnid
- All Spiders
- 1 Sentient Object
- All Male
- 17 Humans
Kill Counts[]
- Orenthal James "O. J." Simpson - 2 (Alive)
- Donny - 2 (Imprisoned)
- Susan Bennett - 1 (Alive)
- Blaire Bennett - 1 (Alive)
- Samantha Leslie "Sam" Jackson - 1 (Alive)
- Lee Harvey Oswald - 1 (Deceased)