South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut is an animated adult comedy film directed by Matt Stone and Trey Parker, set between seasons three and four of South Park.
The third graders of South Park sneak into an R-rated film by ultra-vulgar Canadian television personalities Terrance (Matt Stone) and Phillip (Trey Parker), and emerge with expanded vocabularies that leave their parents and teachers scandalized. When outraged Americans try to censor the film, the controversy becomes a call to war with Canada, and Terrance and Phillip end up on death row -- with only the kids left to save them.
- Kenny McCormick - Burned alive after lighting his fart on fire, crushed with salt dumped over him by a crashed truck, and then his heart is replaced with a baked potato which then exploded.
- 1,656 Unnamed Mormon People - Died of unknown causes off-screen before the show, revealed by the population of Heaven.
- At Least 923,565,422,367 Unnamed People - Died of unknown causes off-screen before the show, revealed by the population of Hell.
- Conan O'Brien - Committed suicide by jumping out of a window and lands on a car. (Fictional Portrayal)
- William Baldwin - Killed in an airstrike by a Canadian pilot. (Fictional Portrayal)
- Daniel Baldwin - Killed in an airstrike by a Canadian pilot. (Fictional Portrayal)
- Stephen Baldwin - Killed in an airstrike by a Canadian pilot. (Fictional Portrayal)
- Alec Baldwin - Killed in an airstrike by a Canadian pilot. (Fictional Portrayal)
- Two Unnamed Toronto Citizens - Blown up by American pilots with bombs during an air raid.
- Three Bears - Set on fire by Brian Boitano, shown in a flashback.
- Evil Robot King - Beaten to death by Brian Boitano, shown in a flashback.
- Bill Gates - Shot in the head by General Plymkin. (Fictional Portrayal)
- Unnamed Female Dancer - Back broken by Saddam Hussein over his knee.
- "The Mole" - Mauled to death by guard dogs. (Resurrected by Kenny's wish)
- Terrance Henry Stoot - Shot in head by Sheila Broflovski with a pistol. (Resurrected by Kenny's wish)
- Philip Niles Argyle - Shot in head by Sheila Broflovski with a pistol. (Resurrected by Kenny's wish)
- Three Shadow Devils - Destroyed by Eric Cartman with a lighting attack.
- Saddam Hussein - Thrown into Hell and impaled on a rock by Satan. Revived in the episode "Do The Handicapped Go To Hell?". (Fictional Portrayal)
- 7,999,984 Unnamed People - Died in the American/Canadian war. (Resurrected by Kenny's wish)
- Kenny McCormick - Returned to Hell after wishing for the war to have never occurred. Later revived.
- Total - 923,573,424,029
- 923,573,424,022 Humans
- 923,573,424,011 Victims of Unknown Gender
- 10 Men
- 1 Woman
- 3 Animals
- All Bears
- 3 Demons
- All Victims of Unknown Gender
- 1 Robot
- All Male
- 923,573,424,022 Humans
Kill Counts[]
- Brian Boitano - 4 (Alive)
- Eric Cartman - 3 (Alive)
- Sheila Broflovski - 2 (Alive)
- Satan - 1 (Alive)
- General Plymkin - 1 (Alive)
- Saddam Hussein - 1 (Deceased)
- The eight million deaths in the American/Canadian War was revealed in the season five episode "Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow", not including Conan's death, those killed by Brian Boitano since they had nothing to do with the war, Kenny who died beforehand, or the population of humans in Hell.