List of Deaths Wiki

Invincible is an adult animated superhero television series created by Robert Kirkman for Amazon Prime Video and premiered on March 25, 2021. It is based on the Image Comics series of the same name by Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley. The series stars Steven Yeun, Sandra Oh, and J. K. Simmons as the Grayson family, while the rest of the cast serve as recurring characters.

The show follows Mark Grayson and his transformation into a superhero under the guidance of his father Omni-Man, the most powerful superhero on the planet. During his transformation, Mark finds himself struggling between his personal life and superhero duties, where he will be forced to prove that he can be the hero that his father is.


Season 1

It's About Time

  • Bi-Plane - Thrown into space by Immortal.
  • Brian Josef/Red Rush - Skull crushed by Omni-Man with his bare hands.
  • Darkwing - Skull smashed against the ground by Omni-Man, causing his brain to explode.
  • Alanna/Green Ghost - Punched through the face by Omni-Man.
  • King Aquarus - Head smashed in half by Omni-Man with War Woman's metal mace.
  • Martian Man - Brain ripped out by Omni-Man.
  • Holly/War Woman - Neck snapped by Omni-Man.
  • President Abraham Lincoln/The Immortal - Punched through the stomach and decapitated by Omni-Man with his hand. Revived. (Fictional Portrayal)
    • Total - 8

Here Goes Nothing

  • Unnamed Police Officer - Blown apart by the Flaxans.
  • 338 Unnamed Civilians - Blown apart and shot to death by the Flaxans.
  • Unnamed Flaxan - Face bashed in by Robot.
  • Unnamed Flaxan - Head blown up by Rex Splode.
  • Two Unnamed Flaxans - Suffocated by Atom Eve with energy spheres.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Head bashed in and shot in the back of the head by the Flaxans.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Shot in the face by the Flaxans.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Shot in the head by the Flaxans.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Shot in the chest by the Flaxans.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Shot in the face by the Flaxans.
  • 23 Unnamed Flaxans - Died of old age caused by the time deterioration.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Vertically cut in half by the Flaxans.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Vertically cut in half by the Flaxans.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Vertically cut in half by the Flaxans.
  • Six Unnamed Civilians - Disintegrated by the Flaxans.
  • 36 Unnamed Flaxans - Disintegrated by Atom Eve.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Cut in half by the Flaxans.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Decapitated by the Flaxans.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Cut in half by the Flaxans.
  • 16 Unnamed Flaxans - Died of old age caused by the time deterioration.
  • Unnamed Civilian - Disintegrated by the Flaxans.
  • Unnamed Man - Crushed by the Flaxan Leader.
  • Unnamed Flaxan Leader - Rammed through multiple buildings in the Flaxan Dimension by Omni-Man, decapitating him and then head crushed.
  • 7,800,074,673 Unnamed Flaxans - Killed when Omni-Man destroyed their world.
    • Total - 7,800,075,549

Who You Calling Ugly?

  • Kaiju - Beaten to death by Omni-Man. Revived
  • Unnamed Guard - Face bashed in by Mauler Twin #2.
  • Mauler Twin #2 - Blasted apart by a laser gun that he was pushed into by Mauler Twin #1.
    • Total - 3

Neil Armstrong, Eat Your Heart Out

  • Lizard - Stomped on by Zaeim.
  • Zaeim - Killed by Ka-Hor off-camera, sounds heard.
  • 24 Unnamed Aliens - Killed by the Sequids off-screen, bodies seen.
  • 21 Unnamed Martians - Ripped apart by the Sequids.
  • Detective Damien Darkblood - Dragged down into Hell after Donald Ferguson recited a passage from the Demonius Ex-Mortem, on Cecil Stedman's orders. (Debatable)
    • Total - 48

That Actually Hurt

  • Two Unnamed Men - Thrown through a wall by Titan.
  • Unnamed Man - Hit in the head with a crate thrown by Titan.
  • Unnamed Man - Blown open by a cannon shot that bounced off of Titan.
  • Unnamed Man - Top half of his head sliced open with a gun thrown by Titan.
  • Unnamed Man - Crushed between two shelves by Titan.
  • Unnamed Man - Head caved in after being headbutted by Titan.
  • Unnamed Man - Chest caved in with a corpse thrown by Titan.
  • Unnamed Man - Shot through the head when his own bullet bounced off of Titan.
  • Unnamed Man - Neck snapped by Titan.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Ripped in half and decapitated by Tether Tyrant with his tentacles.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Ripped in half and decapitated by Tether Tyrant with his tentacles.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Died of injuries sustained after being smashed into a wall by Tether Tyrant with his tentacles.
  • Markus Grimshaw/Black Samson - Head smashed against the floor and walls by Battle Beast. Revived
  • Amanda/Monster Woman/Monster Girl - Skull crushed by Battle Beast with two rocks. Revived
  • Furnace - Blown up by Dupli-Kate.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Electrocuted to death by Kursk.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Electrocuted to death by Kursk.
  • Kursk - Blown up by Robot.
    • Total - 19

You Look Kinda Dead

  • Nine Unnamed People - Dissected by D.A. Sinclair off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Doug Cheston - Vocal cords slashed by D.A. Sinclair with a scalpel and turned into a ReAniman.
  • Unnamed Doctor - Accidentally thrown against a wall by Monster Girl.
  • ReAniman (Doug) - Committed suicide by jumping onto a sundial, which impaled him through the chest.
  • Three Unnamed People - Dissected by D.A. Sinclair off-screen, bodies seen.
  • ReAniman - Head slammed against a wall by Rick Sheridan.
    • Total - 16

We Need To Talk

  • Robot - Disintegrated by his physical form.
  • Rudolph "Rudy" Connors/Robot (Original) - Euthanized by his clone out of mercy.
  • Unnamed Global Defense Agency Soldier - Skull crushed against the floor by Omni-Man.
  • Unnamed Global Defense Agency Soldier - Impaled through the face by Omni-Man with a laser gun.
  • Unnamed Global Defense Agency Soldier - Cut in half when Omni-Man threw him against a countertop.
  • Unnamed Global Defense Agency Soldier - Killed when Omni-Man rammed into him at super speed.
  • Unnamed Global Defense Agency Soldier - Died of her injuries after having her spine broken when Omni-Man twisted her in half.
  • Donald Ferguson - Committed suicide by blowing up the house he was in after having his spine broken by Omni-Man in an attempt to kill him. Revived.
  • Two Squirrels - Disintegrated by the space laser fired on the orders of Cecil Stedman.
  • Two Rabbits - Disintegrated by the space laser fired on the orders of Cecil Stedman.
  • 32 Crows - Disintegrated by the space laser fired on the orders of Cecil Stedman.
  • ReAniman - Head punched off by Omni-Man.
  • ReAniman - Head stomped on by Omni-Man.
  • ReAniman - Torn in half by Omni-Man.
  • President Abraham Lincoln/The Immortal - Shot in the back of the head by John Wilkes Booth off-screen, shown in a flashback. Revived. (Fictional Portrayal)
  • Kaiju - Electrocuted to death by Invincible.
  • President Abraham Lincoln/The Immortal - Punched through the chest and cut in half by Omni-Man with his hands. Revived. (Fictional Portrayal)
    • Total - 50

Where I Really Come From

  • Unnamed Viltrumite - Decapitated by another Viltrumite with his hand.
  • Unnamed Viltrumite - Punched through the back by another Viltrumite.
  • Unnamed Viltrumite - Stabbed through the back of the mouth by another Viltrumite with a javelin.
  • Unnamed Viltrumite - Torn vertically in half by another Viltrumite.
  • 183 Unnamed Viltrumites - Killed by Conquest, Thula, Kregg, and several other Viltrumites off-screen, bodies shown.
  • At Least Three Unnamed Unopians - Killed by Nowl-Ahn and 11 other Viltrumites off-screen, heavily implied.
  • Unnamed Blue Alien - Killed by Nowl-Ahn and four other Viltrumites off-screen, body shown.
  • Unnamed Blue Alien - Killed by Nowl-Ahn and four other Viltrumites off-screen, body shown.
  • Unnamed Blue Alien - Impaled through the back by Nowl-Ahn and four other Viltrumites on a metal rod off-screen, body shown.
  • Unnamed Male Pilot - Face and part of his skull crushed by Omni-Man with his hand.
  • 83 Unnamed People - Killed when Omni-Man drove Invincible through the city.
  • Unnamed Guard - Killed when Omni-Man threw Invincible through his truck.
  • Unnamed Man - Head crushed by a car when Omni-Man drove Invincible through the city.
  • Two Unnamed People - Crushed under a building that was collapsed by Omni-Man after he drove Invincible through the city.
  • Gretchen - Crushed under a building that was collapsed by Omni-Man after he drove Invincible through the city.
  • Gretchen's Mother - Crushed under a building that was collapsed by Omni-Man after he drove Invincible through the city.
  • 148 Unnamed People - Killed when Omni-Man drove Invincible through a train.
  • Unnamed Man - Crushed under a train that was derailed by Omni-Man.
  • Nine Unnamed People - Crushed under a train off-screen after it was derailed by Omni-Man.
  • Unnamed Man - Stomped on by Omni-Man.
  • At Least Seven Unnamed People - Killed when Omni-Man drove Invincible through a ship.
  • Four Unnamed Women - Buried in an avalanche caused after Omni-Man drove Invincible through a mountain.
  • Three Unnamed Men - Buried in an avalanche caused after Omni-Man drove Invincible through a mountain.
  • Two Unnamed Martians - Suffocated to death by the Sequids.
  • Two Unnamed Aliens - Killed by Battle Beast off-screen.
    • Total - 456

Invincible: Atom Eve

  • Polly - Died of unspecified causes while giving birth to Eve. Revived
  • Adam and Betsy Wilkins' Daughter - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
  • Phase Five - Melted after being accidentally thrown against a car by Atom Eve with her powers.
  • Phase Four - Melted and crushed against the ground after being blasted by Atom Eve with her powers.
  • Unnamed Truck Driver - Blown up after Phase Two was thrown into the container on the back of his truck by Atom Eve with her powers.
  • Phase Three - Torn apart after being ran over by Dr. Elias Brandyworth with a car.
  • Phase Two - Disintegrated due to either being out of his tube for too long or due to his battle with Atom Eve.
  • Polly - Bled out after accidentally being shot in the chest by Erickson while he was being fought by Dr. Elias Brandyworth.
  • Dr. Elias Brandyworth - Accidentally shot through the side of the head by Erickson off-camera, body shown.
    • Total - 9

Season 2

A Lesson For Your Next Life
  • President Abraham Lincoln/The Immortal (Earth-646) - Head sliced off after having one of his arms sliced off and the other torn open by Omni-Man (Earth-646) with his hand.
  • Two Unnamed Men (Earth-646) - Killed in the destruction of their city caused by Omni-Man (Earth-646) and Invincible (Earth-646) off-screen, bodies shown.
  • At Least Seven Unnamed People (Earth-646) - Crushed under rubble after the ceiling they were under was destroyed by Omni-Man (Earth-646) and Invincible (Earth-646).
  • Robot (Earth-646) - Arm ripped off and then sliced in half at the waist by Omni-Man (Earth-646) with his hand.
  • Five Unnamed Men (Earth-646) - Killed by Omni-Man (Earth-646) off-camera, bodies shown.
  • Rudolph "Rudy" Connors/Robot (Earth-646) - Died after his life pod suit was destroyed by Omni-Man (Earth-646).
  • At Least 12 Unnamed People (Earth-646) - Murdered by Omni-Man (Earth-646) and Invincible (Earth-646) off-screen.
  • Unnamed Guard (Earth-646) - Died of unknown causes off-screen, skeleton shown.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Sacrificed herself by allowing herself to be crushed underneath a piece of rubble by The Giant to save a man.
  • Unnamed Man - Crushed underneath a piece of rubble caused by The Giant off-screen, body shown in a photo.
  • Ten Versions of the Mauler Twins (Alternate Universes) - Incinerated by Angstrom Levy when he removed his helmet.
  • 1,000 Versions of Angstrom Levy (Alternate Universes) - Incinerated by Angstrom Levy when he removed his helmet.
  • Mauler Twin #3 - Incinerated by Angstrom Levy when he removed his helmet.
    • Total - 1,043
In About Six Hours I Lose My Virginity to a Fish
  • Magmanite - Head sliced in half by Invincible with his hand.
  • Two Unnamed Men - Died of natural causes off-screen after being captured by Darkwing and subsequently left to die when he was killed by Omni-Man, bodies seen. Proxy kills.
  • Unnamed Man - Neck snapped by Night Boy off-screen, body shown.
  • Five Unnamed Atlanteans - Cut in half after being crushed by Depth-Dweller due to it accidentally being released with missiles fired by Cecil Stedman's men on his orders.
  • Eight Unnamed Martians - Stabbed by Rus Livingston with their own spears while under the control of the Sequids off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Supreme Lizard - Shot through the head by King Lizard.
    • Total - 18
This Missive, This Machination!
  • Two Unnamed Unopians - Murdered by Viltrumites off-screen, bodies shown in a flashback.
  • Unnamed Unopian - Crushed underneath a pillar by a Viltrumite off-screen, body seen in a flashback.
  • Five Unnamed Unopians - Murdered by a Viltrumite off-screen, shown in a flashback.
  • Unnamed Unopian - Arms ripped off by a Viltrumite, shown in a flashback.
  • At Least 22 Unnamed Unopians - Torn apart by Viltrumites off-screen, bodies shown.
  • Unknown Alien - Killed by Allen the Alien off-screen, shown on a monitor in a flashback.
  • Unknown Alien - Strangled to death by Allen the Alien with its own tendrils off-screen, shown in a flashback.
  • Two Kanzlok - Eaten alive by Allen the Alien.
  • Kanzlok - Eaten alive by Allen the Alien off-camera.
  • Three Kanzlok - Eaten alive by an unknown creature.
  • Kanzlok - Eaten alive by an unknown creature off-screen, heavily implied.
  • Kanzlok - Eaten alive by Allen the Alien.
  • Allen the Alien - Beaten, eye punched out, arm sliced off, and impaled through the stomach by Thula, Lucan, and another unknown Viltrumite. Revived. (Debatable)
    • Total - 42
It's Been A While
  • At Least 62 Unknown People - Died of unknown causes off-screen, graves shown.
  • 40 Unnamed Thraxans - Killed by Lucan, Thula, and Vidor off-screen, bodies shown.
  • Vidor - Skull split open after being punched in the head by Omni-Man. (Debatable)
  • Thula - Jaw split open by Omni-Man when he pulled her toward him and slammed his elbow into her mouth. (Debatable)
  • Mauler Twin #1/King Mauler - Poisoned by Mauler Twin #3 with lemonade laced with a modified micro-toxin.
    • Total - 105
SPOILER WARNING: Click "expand" to view
This Must Come as a Shock
  • Empress Andressa - Eventually died of old age off-screen.
  • Nuolzot/"Seance Dog" - Eventually died of old age off-screen.
  • Amber Bennett's Grandfather - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
  • Jerry - Throat slit by Iguana with her claws.
  • Unnamed United States Military Sergeant - Bled out after being stabbed through the back by Iguana with her claws.
  • Sequid - Punched and crushed by Bulletproof with his fist.
  • At Least Four Sequids - Punched and crushed by Invincible with his fists.
  • Two Sequids - Blasted by Robot with his lasers.
  • At Least Four Sequids - Punched and crushed by Monster Girl with her fists.
  • Sequid - Ripped in half by Black Samson with his bare hands.
  • Two Sequids - Punched and crushed by Bulletproof with his fists.
  • Two Sequids - Punched and crushed by Invincible with his fists.
  • Sequid - Punched and crushed by Shapesmith with his fist.
  • Two Sequids - Ripped in half by Monster Girl with her bare hands.
  • Sequid - Stomped on by Black Samson with his foot after being knocked unconscious by Robot.
  • At Least One Sequid - Punched and crushed by Monster Girl with her fists after being knocked unconscious by Robot.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Ripped in half by Komodo with his bare hands.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Killed by Komodo off-screen, body shown.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Killed by Komodo off-screen, body shown.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Slammed against the ground by Komodo off-camera, blood splatter shown.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Punched through the face by Komodo with his fist.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Bled out after having her leg torn off by Komodo.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Hit in the face by Komodo with the severed leg of another clone.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Crushed by Komodo with his fists.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Crushed by Komodo with his fists.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Thrown against a wall and torn in half by Komodo.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Crushed against another clone by Komodo.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Crushed against another clone by Komodo.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Smashed against another clone by Komodo.
  • Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate (Clone) - Died of her injuries after being smashed against her clone by Komodo.
  • Salamander - Brain destroyed by Shrinking Rae.
  • Iguana - Torn in half after being blown up by Rex Splode with one of his explosives.
  • Komodo - Head blown off after he tore off and attempted to consume Rex Splode's hand while he was holding one of his explosives.
    • Total - 43
It's Not That Simple
  • At Least 16 Sequids - Punched and crushed by The Immortal with his fists.
  • Two Sequids - Crushed by Monster Girl with her hands.
  • Two Sequids - Punched and crushed by Monster Girl with her fists.
  • Sequid - Stomped on by Monster Girl with her foot.
  • At Least 17 Sequids - Punched and crushed by Monster Girl with her fists.
  • Sequid - Crushed by Monster Girl with her hand.
  • Three Sequids - Crushed by Shapesmith with his enlarged hand.
  • 23 Sequids - Crushed by Shapesmith with his enlarged fist.
  • Three Sequids - Punched and crushed by Black Samson with his fists.
  • Sequid - Punched and crushed by Bulletproof with his fist.
  • Two Sequids - Crushed against each other by Bulletproof with his bare hands.
  • At Least Three Sequids - Punched and crushed by Invincible with his fists.
  • Two Sequids - Punched and crushed by Monster Girl with her fists.
  • Four Sequids - Punched and stomped on by Black Samson with his fists and feet.
  • At Least Two Sequids - Punched and crushed by The Immortal with his fists.
  • At Least Five Sequids - Punched and crushed by Invincible with his fist.
  • Five Sequids - Punched and crushed by Monster Girl with her fists.
  • At Least 12 Sequids - Blasted by Atom Eve with her powers.
  • Two Sequids - Punched and crushed by Invincible with his fist.
  • King Lizard - Face bashed in by Rex Splode with his fist in a fit of rage.
  • At Least Two of The Immortal's Lovers - Died of unknown causes off-screen several years prior, mentioned.
  • At Least 104 Unknown Aliens - Blasted by Space Racer with the Infinity Ray, shown in a flashback.
  • Unnamed Viltrumite - Bitten on the neck and decapitated by a Rognarr, shown in a flashback.
  • 14 Unnamed People - Died of unknown causes off-screen. Revived as zombies.
    • Total - 228
I'm Not Going Anywhere
  • Robot - Head crushed by Monster Girl with her foot.
  • Donald Ferguson - Crushed by an unknown creature with its tentacle, shown in a video recording. Revived.
  • Donald Ferguson - Blown up off-camera when the bunker he was in exploded, shown in a video recording. Revived.
  • At Least One Unknown Person - Blown up off-camera when the bunker they were in exploded, shown in a video recording.
  • Donald Ferguson - Died of unknown causes off-screen 36 separate times, mentioned. Revived. (39 deaths mentioned, not counting three previously counted deaths)
  • Kaiju - Killed when Anissa flew directly through it.
    • Total - 41
I Thought You Were Stronger
  • Robot Guard - Ripped in half by Omni-Man.
  • Robot Guard - Sliced in half by Omni-Man with his hand.
  • Robot Guard - Impaled through the back by Omni-Man with his arm.
  • Robot Guard - Slammed against the ground and head crushed by Omni-Man with his hand.
  • Two Robot Guards - Torn apart by Omni-Man off-camera, remains shown.
  • Unnamed Alien Guard - Exploded after being punched in the head and into a ceiling by Omni-Man.
  • Two Unnamed Alien Guards - Thrown against two separate walls by Omni-Man.
  • Unnamed Alien Guard - Neck crushed by Omni-Man with his hand, heavily implied.
  • Unnamed Person (Alternate Universe) - Eaten alive by a dinosaur off-screen, mentioned.
  • Angstrom Levy Jr. (Alternate Universe #1) - Killed by Sinister Invincible (Alternate Universe #1) off-camera, blood splatter shown.
  • Chainsaw (Fox) (Alternate Universe #1) - Killed by Sinister Invincible (Alternate Universe #1) off-camera, heavily implied.
  • At Least One Unnamed Man (Alternate Universe #2) - Killed when Invincible (Alternate Universe #2) flew into the ground, causing him to be crushed underneath rubble.
  • At Least Two Unnamed Women (Alternate Universe #2) - Killed when Invincible (Alternate Universe #2) flew into the ground, causing them to be crushed underneath rubble.
  • Angstrom Levy's Wife (Alternate Universe #2) - Implied through the back on a piece of rebar because of Invincible (Alternate Universe #2).
  • Six Unnamed People (Alternate Universe #3) - Killed by Invincible (Alternate Universe #3) off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Two Unnamed Police Officers (Alternate Universe #3) - Sliced in half when Invincible (Alternate Universe #3) flew through them.
  • Unnamed Police Officer (Alternate Universe #3) - Head crushed by Invincible (Alternate Universe #3) with his hand.
  • Eight Unnamed Men (Alternate Universe #4) - Executed and decapitated by Invincible (Alternate Universe #4) with his hand.
  • At Least 10 Unnamed People (Alternate Universe) - Died of unknown causes off-screen. Revived as zombies.
  • Angstrom Levy - Beaten to death by Invincible in a fit of rage.
  • Three Fish - Killed by The Immortal off-screen, bodies shown.
    • Total - 48

Season 3



SPOILER WARNING: Click "expand" to view
  • Total - 7,800,077,134 (So Far)
    • Season 1 - 7,800,075,557
    • Invincible Atom Eve - 9
    • Season 2 - 1,568
    • Season 3 - Coming Soon...

Kill Counts

SPOILER WARNING: Click "expand" to view
  1. Nowl-Ahn/Nolan Grayson/Omni-Man - 7,800,074,975 (Alive)
  2. Angstrom Levy - 1,011 (Deceased)
  3. Thula - 223 (Presumed Deceased)
  4. Conquest - 183 (Alive)
  5. General Kregg - 183 (Alive)
  6. Space Racer - 104 (Alive)
  7. Phase One/Samantha Eve Wilkins/Atom Eve - 54 (Alive)
  8. Director Cecil Stedman - 42 (Alive)
  9. Lucan - 40 (Alive)
  10. Vidor - 40 (Presumed Deceased)
  11. Amanda/Monster Woman/Monster Girl - 39 (Alive)
  12. Nowl-Ahn/Nolan Grayson/Omni-Man (Earth-646) - 29 (Alive)
  13. Shapesmith/"Captain Rus Livingston" - 27 (Alive)
  14. President Abraham Lincoln/The Immortal - 22 (Alive)
  15. Markus Sebastian "Mark" Grayson/Invincible (Earth-646) - 21 (Alive)
  16. Markus Sebastian "Mark" Grayson/Invincible - 19 (Alive)
  17. Komodo - 14 (Deceased)
  18. D.A. Sinclair - 13 (Alive)
  19. Titan - 10 (Alive)
  20. Markus Grimshaw/Black Samson - 9 (Alive)
  21. Markus Sebastian "Mark" Grayson/Invincible (Alternate Universe #3) - 9 (Alive)
  22. Captain Rus Livingston - 8 (Alive)
  23. Markus Sebastian "Mark" Grayson/Invincible (Alternate Universe #4) - 8 (Alive)
  24. Allen the Alien - 6 (Alive)
  25. Rudolph "Rudy" Connors/Robot - 6 (Alive)
  26. Zandale Randolph/Bulletproof - 6 (Alive)
  27. Depth-Dweller - 5 (Alive)
  28. Rex Sloane/Rex Splode - 4 (Alive)
  29. Battle Beast - 4 (Alive)
  30. Markus Sebastian "Mark" Grayson/Invincible (Alternate Universe #2) - 4 (Alive)
  31. Tether Tyrant - 3 (Deceased)
  32. Markus Sebastian "Mark" Grayson/Sinister Invincible (Alternate Universe #1) - 2 (Alive)
  33. Steven Erickson - 2 (Alive)
  34. The Giant - 2 (Alive)
  35. Darkwing - 2 (Deceased)
  36. Dr. Elias Brandyworth - 2 (Deceased)
  37. Kursk - 2 (Deceased)
  38. Iguana - 2 (Deceased)
  39. Anissa - 1 (Alive)
  40. Night Boy - 1 (Alive)
  41. Ka-Hor - 1 (Alive)
  42. King Lizard - 1 (Alive)
  43. Donald Ferguson - 1 (Alive)
  44. Katherine "Kate" Cha/Dupli-Kate - 1 (Alive)
  45. Rachel/Shrinking Rae - 1 (Alive)
  46. Mauler Twin #3 - 1 (Alive)
  47. Rick Sheridan - 1 (Alive)
  48. Mauler Twin #1/King Mauler - 1 (Deceased)
  49. Mauler Twin #2 - 1 (Deceased)
  50. Zaeim - 1 (Deceased)
  51. John Wilkes Booth - 1 (Deceased)


In General

  • Although it is known that the life span of the Thraxan species is extremely short, every living Thraxan shown in the series will not be counted, as it would be near impossible to do so, so only the named Thraxan's will be counted.

Invincible: Atom Eve

  • During the special, several cars on a freeway were shown to have been destroyed by Phase Two, Phase Three, Phase Four, and Phase Five off-screen, but since it is unknown if anyone in these cars were killed, none will be counted.

Season 2

SPOILER WARNING: Click "expand" to view
  • In the episode "This Missive, This Machination!", Allen is brutally beaten and dismembered by Thula, Lucan, and another unknown Viltrumite, but is still shown to be alive after in the hospital, so since it is unknown if the beating killed him and he was just revived after by the Coalition's advanced medical technology, he will still be listed, but as a debatable death.
  • In the episode "It's Been A While", Lucan, Thula, and Vidor destroy most of Thraxa, but since it is unknown exactly how many Thraxans were killed during the destruction of their world, only the ones shown to have died will be counted.
  • In the episode "It's Not That Simple", The Immortal mentions that he had lost several of his lovers in the past, but doesn't mention exactly how many, so only two will be listed for the minimum.