Dexter is a crime-drama TV show that started in 2006 and ended in 2013, starring Michael C. Hall as Dexter Morgan. A revival was made in 2021 with ten new episodes.
Dexter Morgan is a Miami-based blood splatter expert who doesn't just solve murders; he commits them too. In fact, he's a serial killer -- but he only murders the guilty, so he feels justified with his lifestyle choices. His policewoman sister and his cop co-workers have no idea Dexter lives a double life; however, adoptive father Harry knows his secret, and does, in fact, help Dexter hone his "skills". It's a unique brand of justice for which charming Dexter feels a psychological hunger.
Before the Series[]
- Robert Milson's Girlfriend - Strangled to death by Robert Milson off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Seven Unnamed Co-Ed Students - Killed by Robert Milson in an unknown manner off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Robert Milson - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Mr. Thornton - Shot by Peter Thornton off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Both of Jenna Lincoln's Parents - Killed by her boyfriend off-screen several years prior, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Jenna Lincoln's Sister - Drowned by Jenna Lincoln off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Jenna Lincoln - Stabbed in the chest by Peter Thornton with a knife, seen in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Unnamed Male Security Guard - Bludgeoned over the head by Peter Thornton, seen in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Peter Thornton - Neck sawed through by Dexter Morgan with a circular saw, seen in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- 15 Unnamed Prostitutes - Throats slashed by Coleman Lindquist with a straight razor off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- 14 Unnamed Men - Killed by Max Lindquist off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Coleman Lindquist - Decapitated by Dexter Morgan with a hacksaw, seen in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Max Lindquist - Decapitated by Dexter Morgan with a hacksaw, seen in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Total - 47
Season 1[]
- Corey Balanti - Raped, mangled, and then buried by Michael "Mike" Donovan.
- Tyler Kale - Raped, mangled, and then buried by Michael "Mike" Donovan.
- Joe Bigalow - Raped, mangled, and then buried by Michael "Mike" Donovan.
- Michael "Mike" Donovan - Sedated and then neck slashed by Dexter Morgan with a surgical handsaw.
- Two Unnamed Women - Frozen, decapitated, dismembered, and then drained of blood by Brian Moser.
- Unnamed Woman - Frozen, decapitated, dismembered, and then drained of blood by Brian Moser.
- Unnamed Male Drug Dealer - Stabbed in the neck by an unknown man, picture shown of his body.
- Unnamed Woman - Stabbed to death by her unknown ex-boyfriend, picture shown of her body.
- Unnamed Woman - Frozen, decapitated, dismembered, and then drained of blood by Brian Moser.
- Jane Saunders - Stabbed by Jamie Jaworski with a hunting knife off-screen.
- Jamie Jaworski - Decapitated by Dexter Morgan with a meat cleaver.
- Total - 12
- Alexander Pryce - Ran over by Matt Chambers while driving under the influence off-screen, body shown in slideshow.
- Officer Ricky Simmons - Thrown off of a bridge by Norberto Cervantes off-screen on the orders of Carlos Guerrero.
- Unnamed Male Firefighter - Killed when Matt Chambers hit him with a truck in his car while driving under the influence, shown on newspaper on computer.
- Davey Sanchez - Beaten to death by Juan Ryness with a blunt instrument off-screen, mentioned.
- Norberto Cervantes - Stabbed 11 times by an unknown prison guard assassin with a shiv on the orders of Carlos Guerrero.
- Kara Simmons - Died of her injuries off-screen after being shot in the chest by Norberto Cervantes, mentioned.
- Matt Chambers - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 7
Popping Cherry[]
- Unnamed Male Student - Throat slit by Jeremy Downs, shown on computer.
- Unnamed Woman - Head bashed in by unknown assailant off-screen, shown in photo.
- Sheri Taylor - Frozen, decapitated, dismembered, and then drained of blood by Brian Moser.
- Phoebe Burns - Overdosed on morphine injected into her by Nurse Mary, shown in flashback.
- Jason Kheel - Overdosed on morphine injected into him by Nurse Mary, shown in flashback.
- David Nammers - Overdosed on morphine injected into him by Nurse Mary, shown in flashback.
- Adam Horrocks - Overdosed on morphine injected into him by Nurse Mary, shown in flashback. Revived
- Adam Horrocks - Overdosed on morphine injected into him by Nurse Mary, shown in flashback.
- Four Unnamed People - Overdosed on morphine injected into them by Nurse Mary, shown in flashback.
- Nurse Mary - Stabbed three times in the stomach by Dexter Morgan on the orders of Harry Morgan, shown in flashback.
- Total - 13
Let's Give The Boy A Hand[]
- Doris Morgan - Died of cancer off-screen, mentioned.
- Harry's Father - Died of natural causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 2
Love American Style[]
- Ernesto Rodriguez - Drowned in a fish holding tank on a boat by Jorge Castillo and Valerie Castillo off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Boy - Drowned in a fish holding tank on a boat by Jorge Castillo and Valerie Castillo.
- Unnamed Mother - Drowned in a fish holding tank on a boat by Jorge Castillo and Valerie Castillo.
- Unnamed Grandmother - Drowned in a fish holding tank on a boat by Jorge Castillo and Valerie Castillo.
- Jorge Castillo - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen.
- Valerie Castillo - Carotid arteries sliced by Dexter Morgan off-screen.
- Total - 6
Return To Sender[]
- Alex Timmons - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife, seen in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Jennifer Newman - Shot by Alex Timmons off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Ted Ambers - Shot by Alex Timmons off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Gary West - Shot by Alex Timmons off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Berry Costella - Shot by Alex Timmons off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Gene Marshall - Throat slashed with a utility knife, head beaten with a flashlight, and crushed by Dexter Morgan with a car, seen in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Herb Watson - Burned alive in apartment fire set by Gene Marshall off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Jacob Williams - Burned alive in apartment fire set by Gene Marshall off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Harold Tress - Burned alive in apartment fire set by Gene Marshall off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Bob Mority - Burned alive in apartment fire set by Gene Marshall off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Kim Yancy - Burned alive in apartment fire set by Gene Marshall off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Vince Colbert - Burned alive in apartment fire set by Gene Marshall off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Craig Johnson - Burned alive in apartment fire set by Gene Marshall off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Cindy Landon - Cut in half by Dexter Morgan with a chainsaw, seen in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Norman Gork - Shoved down a flight of stairs by Cindy Landon off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Gilbert Connor - Overdosed on medication given by Cindy Landon off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Jerry Rames - Killed by Cindy Landon in an unknown manner off-screen, revealed in Dexter: Early Cuts.
- Total - 17
Circle of Friends[]
- Jason Riech - Throat slit by Jeremy Downs.
- Jeremy Downs - Committed suicide by slashing his own neck like his victims.
- Total - 2
Shrink Wrap[]
- Vanessa Gayle - Committed suicide by shooting herself after being influenced to do so by Emmett Meridian off-screen, body shown.
- Meghan Dowd - Committed suicide by shooting herself after being influenced to do so by Emmett Meridian off-screen, body shown in a photo.
- Carolyn Jillian - Committed suicide by shooting herself after being influenced to do so by Emmett Meridian off-screen, body shown in a photo.
- Roberta Perry - Died of a heart attack off-screen, mentioned.
- Emmett Meridian - Neck slashed by Dexter Morgan with surgical hand saw.
- Unknown Man - Died of unknown causes off-screen, severed head shown.
- Unnamed Prostitute - Frozen, decapitated, dismembered, and then drained of blood by Brian Moser off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 7
Father Knows Best[]
- Jacques Bayard - Shot in the head by Detective Sergeant James Doakes off-screen.
- Unknown Person - Killed by Rene Thibault in an unknown manner during a Haitian war in the 1970s.
- Joe Driscoll - Injected by Brian Moser with diabetic insulin off-screen, body shown.
- Irma Holt - Killed by Brian Moser off-screen, made to look like a heart attack.
- Total - 4
Seeing Red[]
- Unnamed Male Junkie - Leg cut off by Santos Jimenez with a chainsaw on the orders of Hector Estrada off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Male Junkie - Decapitated by Santos Jimenez with a chainsaw on the orders of Hector Estrada off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Miguel - Hacked apart by Santos Jimenez with a chainsaw on the orders of Hector Estrada off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Laura Moser - Hacked apart by Santos Jimenez with a chainsaw on the orders of Hector Estrada off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Total - 4
Truth Be Told[]
- Monique - Frozen, decapitated, dismembered, and then drained of blood by Brian Moser.
- Total - 1
Born Free[]
- Rudy Cooper - Killed by Brian Moser off-screen in 1998 to steal his identity, mentioned.
- Officer Fred - Bludgeoned by Brian Moser with a hammer off-screen in order to steal his car.
- Jill Vartos - Killed by Brian Moser off-screen, blood shown in Room 103.
- Teri Ludlow - Killed by Brian Moser off-screen, blood shown in Room 103.
- Heather Costas - Killed by Brian Moser off-screen, blood shown in Room 103.
- Alice Curry - Killed by Brian Moser off-screen, blood shown in Room 103.
- Amy True - Killed by Brian Moser off-screen, blood shown in Room 103.
- Terry Foster - Killed by Brian Moser off-screen, blood shown in Room 103.
- Guilda Ruppert - Killed by Brian Moser off-screen, blood shown in Room 103.
- Tammy Goode - Killed by Brian Moser off-screen, blood shown in Room 103.
- Brian Moser/The Ice Truck Killer/Rudy Cooper - Throat slit by Dexter Morgan with a scalpel, made to look like a suicide.
- Total - 11
Season 2[]
It's Alive![]
- Emmanuel Alzua - Tricked into drinking water filled with ricin by Jimmy Sensio off-screen, mentioned.
- Jean Philippe Peguero - Tricked into drinking water filled with ricin by Jimmy Sensio off-screen, mentioned.
- Nono Baptiste - Tricked into drinking water filled with ricin by Jimmy Sensio off-screen, mentioned.
- Rafael Arenas - Hacked to death by Alfonso "Little Chino" Concepcion with a machete off-screen, body shown.
- Nine Unnamed People - Hacked to death by Alfonso "Little Chino" Concepcion with a machete off-screen, bodies shown in photos.
- Two Unnamed People - Hacked repeatedly by several unknown 29th Street Kings' assassins with a machete on the orders of Alfonso "Little Chino" Concepcion off-screen, bodies shown in photos.
- Paul Bennett - Head bludgeoned by an unknown inmate with a pipe off-screen, mentioned.
- Rick Jensen - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Rick Jensen off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Total - 18
Waiting To Exhale[]
- Eva Arenas - Hacked to death by several unknown Twenty Ninth Street Kings' Assassins with a machete off-screen on the orders of Alfonso "Little Chino" Concepcion, body shown.
- Alfonso "Little Chino" Concepcion - Stabbed through the chest by Dexter Morgan with a machete.
- Total - 2
An Inconvenient Lie[]
- Ann Cohen - Raped and then beaten to death by Roger Hicks off-screen, mentioned.
- Lynn Hall - Raped and then beaten to death by Roger Hicks off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Roger Hicks - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 3
- Alisha Barnes - Shot twice in the chest and once in the head by Curtis Barnes off-screen, body shown.
- Curtis Barnes - Committed suicide by cop by allowing himself to be shot by Detective Sergeant James Doakes.
- Dylan Maddock - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Dylan Maddock off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Joseph Cepeda - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Joseph Cepeda off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Marcus White - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown.
- Marcus' Father - Killed in a car accident caused by Marcus White off-screen, mentioned.
- Marcus' Mother - Killed in a car accident caused by Marcus White off-screen, mentioned.
- Oscar Sota - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Oscar Sota off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Renzo Sandoval - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Renzo Sandoval off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Robert Thatcher - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Robert Thatcher off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Total - 15
The Dark Defender[]
- Denny Foster - Head smashed by Benjamin Alvaro with a snow globe off-screen, body shown.
- Connie Lundy - Died of cancer off-screen, mentioned.
- Marco - Accidentally burned alive in his home by Lila West off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 3
Dex, Lies, and Videotape[]
- Unnamed Elderly Man - Died of a heart attack accidentally caused by John Henry during a robbery off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Male Drug Dealer - Ran over by Ken Olson off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Male Abuser - Pushed down a flight of stairs by Ken Olson off-screen, mentioned.
- Ken Olson - Decapitated by Dexter Morgan with a meat cleaver for pretending to be him.
- Total - 4
That Night, A Forest Grew[]
- Betsy Court - Head bludgeoned by an unknown killer off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 1
Morning Comes[]
- Santos Jimenez - Decapitated by Dexter Morgan with a chainsaw.
- Anthony Rodrigo - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mentioned.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Anthony Rodrigo off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Smith - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mentioned.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Smith off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Orozco - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mentioned.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Orozco off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Total - 7
Resistance Is Futile[]
- Carl - Executed by the state of Florida off-screen, shown in a flashback.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Carl off-screen, implied.
- Total - 2
There's Something About Harry[]
- Julie Piotrowski - Beaten to death by Juan Ryness with a blunt instrument off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Detective Harrison "Harry" Morgan - Committed suicide by overdosing on heart medication off-screen, mentioned.
- Jose Garza - Decapitated and dismembered by Dexter Morgan with a surgical hand saw.
- Ben Koff - Killed by Christopher Harlow in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Juan Ryness - Throat slashed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Juan Ryness off-screen, mentioned.
- Alan Elson - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mugshot and blood slide shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Alan Elson off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Alan Matherson - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mugshot and blood slide shown.
- Two Unnamed People - Killed by Alan Matherson off-screen, mentioned.
- Andy Jorgen - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mugshot and blood slide shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Andy Jorgen off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Berry Cooper - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown on a slideshow.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Berry Cooper off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Buck Forester - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mugshot and blood slide shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Buck Forester off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Carlos Gutierrez - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, blood slide shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Carlos Gutierrez off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Chad Carpenter - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown on an erase board.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Chad Carpenter off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Christopher James - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mugshot shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Christopher James off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- George Hoss - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown on a slideshow.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by George Hoss off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Henry Vortman - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, blood slide shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Henry Vortman off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Herbert Washington - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Herbert Washington off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Jacob Wilson - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Jacob Wilson off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Jeff Linder - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown on a blackboard.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Jeff Linder off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Jerry Voltic - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Jerry Voltic off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Kevin Mott - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown in a slide show.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Kevin Mott off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Larry Costes - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, blood slide shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Larry Costes off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Larry Mueller - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown in Maria LaGuerta's notes.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Kevin Mueller off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Leandro Noriega - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mugshot shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Leandro Noriega off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Luke Wellens - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown in a slideshow.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Luke Wellens off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Marty Terison - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, blood slide shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Marty Terison off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Olman Estavez - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown in a slideshow.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Olman Estavez off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Peter Matherson - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, blood slide shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Peter Matherson off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Rachel Rhodes - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown in a slideshow.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Rachel Rhodes off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Rick Cross - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, blood slide shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Rick Cross off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Sean Dibberman - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown in a slideshow.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Sean Dibberman off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Shannon Reynolds - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown on a blackboard.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Shannon Reynolds off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Thomas Hillstat - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mugshot shown.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Thomas Hillstat off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Fowls - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown in a slideshow.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Fowls off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Total - 63
Left Turn Ahead[]
- Esteban Famosa - Beaten to death by Dexter Morgan off-screen in self-defense.
- Teo Famosa - Shot by Dexter Morgan in self-defense.
- Total - 2
The British Invasion[]
- Sergeant James Doakes - Blown up in a house explosion set by Lila West.
- Lila West - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 2
Season 3[]
Our Father[]
- Brenda Keppinger - Strangled to death by Fred "Freebo" Bowman off-screen, shown in a police file on a computer.
- Muriel Pruitt - Strangled to death by Fred "Freebo" Bowman off-screen, shown in a police file on a computer.
- Oscar Prado - Stabbed by Dexter Morgan with a bayonet in self-defense, believing him to be Freebo.
- Teegan Campbell - Shoulder flayed with a machete and strangled by George King.
- Cal Rooney - Decapitated by Dexter Morgan with a meat cleaver, shown in flashback.
- Unknown Person - Died of a heart attack when they saw Cal Rooney breaking into their home off-screen, mentioned.
- Unknown Person - Killed by Cal Rooney off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 7
Finding Freebo[]
- Fred "Freebo" Bowman - Stabbed in the neck by Dexter Morgan with a bayonet.
- Total - 1
The Lion Sleeps Tonight[]
- Javier Garza - Chest flayed with a machete and then strangled by George King.
- Nathan Marten - Strangled to death by Dexter Morgan with a garrote.
- Total - 2
All In The Family[]
- Jack Rice - Head bludgeoned by Fiona Kemp with a statue off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 1
Turning Biminese[]
- Mrs. Turner - Overdosed on an unknown drug injected into her by Ethan Turner off-screen, mentioned.
- Diana Nelson - Smothered with a pillow and back of her neck flayed by a copycat killer of George King off-screen, body shown.
- Cindy Turner - Thrown off of a boat by Ethan Turner and drowned off-screen, mentioned.
- Ethan Turner - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 4
Sì Se Puede[]
- Wendell Owens - Arm, shoulder, chest, and stomach flayed by George King with a machete.
- Jenna Kendrick - Arm and head smashed by Clemson Galt with a hammer claw off-screen, body shown in a photo.
- Unnamed Wife of the Aryan Defector - Head impaled by an unknown Aryan assassin with a hammer claw on the orders of Clemson Galt off-screen, body shown in photos.
- Three Unnamed Children of the Aryan Defector - Head impaled by an unknown Aryan assassin with a hammer claw on the orders of Clemson Galt off-screen, bodies shown in photos.
- Clemson Galt - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 7
Easy As Pie[]
- Lisa Morton - Stabbed in the neck by Albert Chung with a screwdriver off-screen, body shown.
- Camilla Figg - Committed suicide by willingly eating key lime pie poisoned by Dexter Morgan with sodium pentothal as a mercy killing on her request due to no longer wanting to live with her lung cancer.
- Gene Figg - Died of lung cancer off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 3
The Damage A Man Could Do[]
- Bryan Thayer - Head bludgeoned by William "Billy" Fleeter with a baseball bat off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Mother - Head bludgeoned by William "Billy" Fleeter with a baseball bat off-screen, mentioned.
- Dillard Nessman - Head bludgeoned by William "Billy" Fleeter with a baseball bat off-screen, mentioned.
- Detective Stewart - Committed suicide by shooting himself in the head off-screen, mentioned.
- William "Billy" Fleeter - Stabbed in the chest by Miguel Prado on the orders of Dexter Morgan.
- Total - 5
About Last Night[]
- Ellen Wolf - Beaten, stabbed three times in the stomach with a knife, and then strangled to death by Miguel Prado off-screen.
- Unnamed Wife Killer - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 2
Go Your Own Way[]
- None
I Had a Dream[]
- Miguel Luis Prado - Strangled to death by Dexter Morgan with a garrote and partially flayed to frame his death on George King.
- Total - 1
Do You Take Dexter Morgan?[]
- Jorge Orozco/George Washington King - Neck snapped by Dexter Morgan, made to look like a suicide.
- Total - 1
Season 4[]
Living The Dream[]
- Eight Unknown Criminals - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, blood slides shown.
- Lisa Bell - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor.
- Unnamed Girlfriend - Beaten to death by Benito "Benny" Gomez off-screen, shown in a photo.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Benito "Benny" Gomez off-screen, shown in a photo.
- Benito "Benny" Gomez - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 12
Remains To Be Seen[]
- Unnamed Man - Shot in the neck by Johnny Rose and Nikki Wald off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1979.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1979, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1979.
- Christopher Kavanaugh - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2009.
- Total - 5
Blinded By The Light[]
- Mrs. Brightman - Died of natural causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Tarla Grant - Died of her injuries off-camera after committing suicide by jumping off of a 6th floor railing due to being coerced into doing so by Arthur Mitchell, body shown.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1980.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1980.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1980, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1980.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1993.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1993.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1993, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1993.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2002.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2002.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2002, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2002.
- Total - 14
Dex Takes A Holiday[]
- Mr. Kruger - Shot in the chest and forehead by Officer Zoey Kruger off-screen, body shown in a picture.
- Kruger's Daughter - Shot in the chest by Officer Zoey Kruger off-screen, body shown in a picture.
- Darius Rae - Shot in the chest and head by Officer Zoey Kruger off-screen in order to frame him for the Kruger murders.
- Officer Zoey Kruger - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Special Agent Frank Lundy - Shot in the chest and neck by Christine Hill in order to protect her father, Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1982.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1982.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1982, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1982.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1986.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1986.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1986, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1986.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in an unknown year in Fresno, California.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in an unknown year in Fresno, California.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in an unknown year in Fresno, California, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in an unknown year in Fresno, California.
- Total - 17
Dirty Harry[]
- Johnny Rose - Shot twice in the chest and once in the stomach by Nikki Wald off-screen, body shown.
- Earl Doorman - Head bludgeoned seven times with a hammer and then impaled by Arthur Mitchell with the hammer's claws.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1981.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1981.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1981, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1981.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2000.
- Anita Soloman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2000.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2000, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2000.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2004.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2004.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2004, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2004.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in an unknown year in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in an unknown year in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in an unknown year in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell off-screen with an unknown object in an unknown year in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
- Total - 18
If I Had a Hammer[]
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1996.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1996.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1996, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1996.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1997.
- Loretta Kellerman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1997.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1997, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1997.
- Total - 8
Slack Tide[]
- Estrella Carazo - Hit over the head, dismembered, and then decapitated by Timothy Brand off-screen, mentioned.
- Anita Parente - Hit over the head, dismembered, and then decapitated by Timothy Brand off-screen, mentioned.
- Lauren Lopez - Hit over the head, dismembered, and then decapitated by Timothy Brand off-screen, mentioned.
- Gina Hermeille - Hit over the head, dismembered, and then decapitated by Timothy Brand off-screen, mentioned.
- Jonathan Farrow - Decapitated by Dexter Morgan with a cleaver.
- Total - 5
Road Kill[]
- Vera Mitchell - Leg sliced with falling shower glass on accident when Arthur Mitchell startled her and made her slip off-screen, body shown in a newspaper.
- Marsha Mitchell - Committed suicide by jumping off of a bridge off-screen, body shown in a newspaper.
- Henry Mitchell - Bludgeoned by an unknown assailant with a hammer off-screen, body shown in a newspaper, possibly Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1991.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1991.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1991, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1991.
- Total - 7
Hungry Man[]
- Mrs. Haas - Killed by Lloyd Paulson in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1976.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1976.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1976, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1976.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1977.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1977.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1977, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1977.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1978.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1978.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1978, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1978.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1983.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1983.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1983, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1983.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1984.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1984.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1984, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1984.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1985.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1985.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1985, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1985.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1989.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1989.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1989, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1989.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1990.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1990.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1990, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1990.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1991.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1991.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1991, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1991.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1992.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1992.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1992, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1992.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1994.
- I. Rosengard - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1994.
- E. Hemming - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1994, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- J. Roberson - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1994.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1995.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1995.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1995, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1995.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1998.
- L. Candace - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1998.
- R. Elliot - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1998, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- R. Dermott - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1998.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2001.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2001.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2001, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2001.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2003.
- K. Watkins - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2003.
- A. Asarcca - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2003, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- J. Jones - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2003.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2005.
- A. Goff - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2005.
- L. Pickford - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2005, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- A. Roman - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2005.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2006.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2006.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2006, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2006.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2007.
- R. Cornelius - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2007.
- R. Hermosillo - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2007, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- B. Polaski - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2007.
- Total - 73
Lost Boys[]
- Vicky Noonan - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor, shown in a flashback.
- Mark Wolter - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2006.
- J. Meltzer - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2006.
- J. Antonoff - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2006, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- J. Ellis - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2006.
- Thayer Copperud - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2007.
- Tamera Klaman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2007.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2007, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2007.
- Brody Avenir - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2008.
- Julie Hillard - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2008.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2008, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2008.
- Mathew Hicks - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2009.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2009.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2009, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2009.
- Total - 17
Hello, Dexter Morgan[]
- Unnamed Prostitute - Beaten to death by Stanley "Stan" Beaudry with a crowbar off-screen, mentioned in Frank Lundy's crime files.
- Kyle Butler - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with a hammer off-screen, believing him to be Dexter Morgan due to his alias as "Kyle Butler", body shown.
- Stanley "Stan" Beaudry - Neck slashed by Dexter Morgan with a circular saw.
- Christine Hill - Committed suicide by shooting herself in the head.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1979.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1979.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1979, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1979.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1980.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1980.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1980, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1980.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1987.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1987.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1987, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1987.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1988.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1988.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1988, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1988.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1999.
- J. Spaan - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1999.
- R. Golden - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1999, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- B. Ball - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1999.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2002.
- R. Goldman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2002.
- J. Lewis - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2002, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- C. Moreno - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2002.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2004.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2004.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2004, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2004.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2008.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2008.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2008, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2008.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in an unknown year in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in an unknown year in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in an unknown year in Las Vegas, Nevada, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in an unknown year in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in an unknown year in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in an unknown year in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in an unknown year in Boston, Massachusetts, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in an unknown year in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in an unknown year in Des Moines, Iowa.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in an unknown year in Des Moines, Iowa.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in an unknown year in Des Moines, Iowa, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in an unknown year in Des Moines, Iowa.
- Total - 48
The Getaway[]
- Arthur Mitchell/The Trinity Killer - Head impaled by Dexter Morgan with a hammer's claw off-screen.
- Rita Ann Brandon-Morgan - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen, body shown.
- Dean Moser - Died of unknown causes off-screen, shown on a computer.
- Emily Moser - Died of unknown causes off-screen, shown on a computer.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1983.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1983.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1983, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1983.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1985.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1985.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1985, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1985.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1989.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1989.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1989, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1989.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1990.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1990.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1990, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1990.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1991.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1991.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1991, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1991.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1992 in Sacramento, California.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1992 in Sacramento, California.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1992 in Sacramento, California, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1992 in Sacramento, California.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1992 in Bloomington, Illinois.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1992 in Bloomington, Illinois.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1992 in Bloomington, Illinois, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1992 in Bloomington, Illinois.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1993.
- J. Lewitt - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1993.
- D. Webster - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1993, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- S. Hunter - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1993.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 1995.
- A. Darakjan - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 1995.
- N. Reiss - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 1995, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- D. Freiburn - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 1995.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2000.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2000.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2000, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2000.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2001.
- L. Fisher - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2001.
- P. Ford - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2001, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- A. Severse - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2001.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2003.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2003.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2003, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2003.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2006.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2006.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2006, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2006.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in 2008.
- L. Spheeris - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in 2008.
- J. Lieberman - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in 2008, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- R. Bear - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in 2008.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in an unknown year in Daytona Beach, Florida.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in an unknown year in Daytona Beach, Florida.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in an unknown year in Daytona Beach, Florida, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in an unknown year in Daytona Beach, Florida.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in an unknown year in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in an unknown year in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in an unknown year in Cheyenne, Wyoming, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in an unknown year in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
- Unnamed Boy - Buried alive by Arthur Mitchell off-screen in an unknown year in Topeka, Kansas.
- Unnamed Woman - Femoral artery sliced by Arthur Mitchell with a straight razor off-screen in an unknown year in Topeka, Kansas.
- Unnamed Mother - Committed suicide by jumping to her death off-screen in an unknown year in Topeka, Kansas, forced to do so by Arthur Mitchell.
- Unnamed Father - Beaten to death by Arthur Mitchell with an unknown object off-screen in an unknown year in Topeka, Kansas.
- Total - 72
Season 5[]
My Bad[]
- Rankin - Hit over the head by Dexter Morgan with a folding anchor ten times.
- Adam Rowe - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown on a computer.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Adam Rowe off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Alfred Norris - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown on a computer.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Alfred Norris off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Marcetti - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown in a flashback.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Marcetti off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Matt Parker - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown on a computer.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Matt Parker off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Michael Rose - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, shown on a computer.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Michael Rose off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Total - 11
Hello, Bandit[]
- Nina Alfaro - Neck hacked twice, decapitated, eyes gouged out, mouth sliced open, and tongue cut off by Marco Fuentes and Carlos Fuentes with a machete off-screen, body shown.
- Francisco Alfaro - Shot in the head by Marco Fuentes and Carlos Fuentes with a shotgun off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 2
Practically Perfect[]
- Fauzi Goberi - Neck hacked twice, decapitated, eyes gouged out, mouth sliced open, and tongue cut off by Marco Fuentes and Carlos Fuentes with a machete off-screen, body shown.
- Boyd Fowler - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 2
Beauty and the Beast[]
- None
First Blood[]
- Awilda Ortiz - Throat slit by Carlos Fuentes and Marco Fuentes with a machete off-screen four weeks prior, body shown.
- Daniel Ortiz - Throat slit by Carlos Fuentes and Marco Fuentes with a machete off-screen four weeks prior, body shown.
- Total - 2
Everything is Illumenated[]
- Dr. Dan Mendell - Neck snapped by Dexter Morgan after being shot in the stomach by Lumen Pierce off-screen.
- Lance Robinson - Strangled to death by Dexter Morgan with a plastic sheet.
- Unnamed Man - Killed by Lance Robinson in an unknown manner off-screen, body shown in a picture.
- Three Unnamed Men - Killed by Lance Robinson in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 6
Circle Us[]
- Jessica Shelton - Raped, tortured, electrocuted with jumper cables in a barrel filled with formaldehyde by Doctor Dan Mendell, Cole Harmon, Alex Tilden, and Boyd Fowler on the orders of Jordan Chase off-screen five years prior, body shown.
- Susanna Flood - Raped, tortured, electrocuted with jumper cables in a barrel filled with formaldehyde by Doctor Dan Mendell, Cole Harmon, Alex Tilden, and Boyd Fowler on the orders of Jordan Chase off-screen five years prior, body shown.
- Irene Plax - Raped, tortured, electrocuted with jumper cables in a barrel filled with formaldehyde by Doctor Dan Mendell, Cole Harmon, Alex Tilden, and Boyd Fowler on the orders of Jordan Chase off-screen five years prior, body shown.
- Julie Fiasconaro - Raped, tortured, electrocuted with jumper cables in a barrel filled with formaldehyde by Doctor Dan Mendell, Cole Harmon, Alex Tilden, and Boyd Fowler on the orders of Jordan Chase off-screen five years prior, body shown.
- Jane Doe - Raped, tortured, electrocuted with jumper cables in a barrel filled with formaldehyde by Doctor Dan Mendell, Cole Harmon, Alex Tilden, and Boyd Fowler on the orders of Jordan Chase off-screen five years prior, body shown.
- Yasmin Aragon - Shot in the back of the throat by Marco Fuentes.
- Carlos Fuentes - Shot in the head by Debra Morgan.
- Unknown Female Partier - Died of her injuries off-screen after accidentally being shot by Marco Fuentes while trying to shoot Debra Morgan, mentioned.
- Total - 8
Take It![]
- Cole Harmon - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 1
Teenage Wasteland[]
- None
In The Beginning[]
- Seven Unnamed Women - Raped, tortured, electrocuted with jumper cables in a barrel filled with formaldehyde by Doctor Dan Mendell, Cole Harmon, Alex Tilden, and Boyd Fowler on the orders of Jordan Chase 20 years prior, shown in a video.
- Alex Tilden - Stabbed in the chest by Lumen Pierce with a knife on the orders of Dexter Morgan.
- Total - 8
Hop A Freighter[]
- Stan Liddy - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife in self-defense.
- Emily Birch - Beaten to death by Jordan Chase with a fireplace poker.
- Total - 2
The Big One[]
- Eugene Greer/Jordan Chase - Stabbed in the chest by Lumen Pierce with a knife on the orders of Dexter Morgan.
- Total - 1
Season 6[]
Those Kinds of Things[]
- 13 Unnamed Criminals - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, blood slides shown.
- Ben - Heart stopped by Dexter Morgan with defibrillators.
- Roger - Heart stopped by Dexter Morgan with defibrillators.
- Three Unknown People - Died of their injuries after being injured in three separate accidents due to Ben and Roger refusing to help them so that they could harvest their organs and sell them off-screen, mentioned.
- Janet Walker - Shot in the head by Joseph Walker off-screen, body shown in a photo.
- Omar Rivera - Hit in the back of the head with a gladius, disemboweled, and stomach infested with snakes by Travis Marshall off-screen.
- Joseph "Joe" Walker - Stabbed in the chest with a knife after being hit in the face by Dexter Morgan with a sledgehammer.
- Two Unknown People - Shot to death by the Restaurant Shooter.
- Total - 23
Once Upon A Time...[]
- Unnamed Male Shop Owner - Beaten over the head by Brother Samuel Wright with a bottle off-screen, body shown in a photo.
- Julio Benes - Throat slashed by Dexter Morgan with a straight razor.
- Hector Nunez - Killed by Julio Benes in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Three Unknown Victims - Killed by Julio Benes in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 6
Smokey And The Bandit[]
- Rosalia Davalos - Beaten and strangled to death by Walter Kenney off-screen, body shown.
- Gail Milton - Beaten and strangled to death by Walter Kenney off-screen in the 1980s, mentioned.
- 14 Unnamed Prostitutes - Beaten and strangled to death by Walter Kenney off-screen in the 1980s, mentioned.
- Walter Kenney - Smothered to death by Dexter Morgan with a pillow, made to look like a heart attack.
- Melinda Kenney - Died of unknown cause off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 18
A Horse of a Different Color[]
- Nathan Roberts - Decapitated and dismembered by Travis Marshall with a gladius off-screen.
- Erin Baer - Neck impaled with a spike collar in a trap set by Travis Marshall.
- Norma Batista - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Angel Batista's Father - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Three Unknown People - Murdered by Brother Samuel's father off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 7
The Angel of Death[]
- Jim Watson - Shot twice in the stomach and once in the chest by Kaitlyn Watson off-screen, body shown.
- Kaitlyn Watson - Committed suicide by shooting herself in the chest off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 2
Just Let Go[]
- Leo Hernandez - Shot to death by Detective Mike Anderson and several unknown members of the MMPD.
- Brother Sam - Shot in the stomach, chest, and back by Nick on the orders of Leo Hernandez off-screen.
- Nick - Drowned in the ocean by Dexter Morgan.
- Total - 3
- Rebecca Mitchell - Committed suicide by slicing her femoral artery with a straight razor off-screen, body shown on a computer.
- Sally Mitchell - Head bludgeoned by Jonah Mitchell with a hockey stick off-screen, shown on a computer.
- Norm - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a pitchfork in self-defense.
- Total - 3
Sin of Omission[]
- Jessica Morris - Died of an accidental heroin overdose off-screen, body shown.
- Lisa Marshall - Hacked to death by Travis Marshall with a gladius off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 2
Get Gellar[]
- Trent Casey - Throat slit, hand cut off, disemboweled with a gladius, and blood drained by Travis Marshall.
- Professor James Gellar - Stabbed in the chest by Travis Marshall with a gladius off-screen three years prior, body shown.
- Total - 2
Ricochet Rabbit[]
- Mr. Marshall - Killed in a car crash when Travis Marshall grabbed the steering wheel and swerved into a tree off-screen when he was a child, mentioned.
- Mrs. Marshall - Killed in a car crash when Travis Marshall grabbed the steering wheel and swerved into a tree off-screen when he was a child, mentioned.
- Holly Benson - Throat slit and stabbed in the chest by Travis Marshall and Steve Dorsey with a knife.
- Steve Dorsey - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Benjamin Carlson - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 5
Talk To The Hand[]
- Beth Dorsey - Pushed into a room filled with poison gas by Dexter Morgan, saving the police department.
- Unnamed Elderly Woman - Beaten to death by Travis Marshall with a frying pan off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Elderly Man - Beaten to death by Travis Marshall with a frying pan off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 3
This Is The Way The World Ends[]
- Alberto - Impaled through the stomach by Dexter Morgan with a harpoon in self-defense.
- Unnamed Male Police Officer - Throat sliced by Travis Marshall with a gladius off-screen, body shown.
- Travis Marshall/The Doomsday Killer/Professor Gellar - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 3
Season 7[]
Are You...?[]
- Kaja Soroka - Head bludgeoned four times by Viktor Baskov off-screen, body shown.
- Detective Mike Anderson - Shot twice in the chest by Viktor Baskov.
- Viktor Baskov - Head bludgeoned by Dexter Morgan with a fire extinguisher.
- Total - 3
Sunshine and Frosty Swirl[]
- Tony Rush - Stabbed in the eye by Isaak Sirko with a screwdriver.
- Wayne Randall - Committed suicide by jumping in front of a speeding truck driven by an unknown person.
- Four Unnamed People - Murdered by Wayne Randall during a killing spree off-screen, mentioned.
- Janice Dubois - Murdered by Wayne Randall during a killing spree off-screen, mentioned.
- Mr. Johnson - Murdered by Wayne Randall during a killing spree off-screen, mentioned.
- Linda Johnson - Stabbed to death by Hannah McKay while accompanying Wayne Randall on his killing spree off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 9
Buck The System[]
- Ann Feig - Beaten to death by Raymond Speltzer off-screen, mentioned.
- Nina Fleischer - Beaten to death by Raymond Speltzer off-screen, shown in a photo.
- Louis Greene - Shot in the head by Isaak Sirko.
- Melanie Garrett - Beaten to death by Raymond Speltzer off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 4
- Alex Dubrozny - Committed suicide by shooting himself in the head after being coerced into doing so by Isaac Sirko.
- Ray Speltzer - Hit in the head with a shovel and stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a stake.
- Total - 2
Swim Deep[]
- Unnamed Male Columbian Gangster - Shot in the chest and stomach by Isaak Sirko.
- Unnamed Male Bartender - Shot by Isaak Sirko.
- Andres Rodriguez - Smashed over the head with a bottle and then head stomped on by Isaak Sirko.
- Christopher James - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown in a picture.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Christopher James off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Marvin Madden - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown in a picture.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by Marvin Madden off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Phillip Barnes - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, body shown in a picture.
- Two Unnamed Women - Killed by Phillip Barnes off-screen, mentioned.
- Isaak's Grandfather - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Isaak's Great-Uncle - Hanged by the country of Ukraine off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Soviet Party Official - Stabbed to death by Isaak's grandfather off-screen, mentioned.
- Unknown Person - Killed by Isaak Sirko in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 14
Do The Wrong Thing[]
- Beverly Grey - Poisoned by Hannah McKay with aconite as a mercy killing off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 1
- Jake Kirkwood - Poisoned by Hannah McKay with aconite off-screen, mentioned.
- Sal Price - Poisoned by Hannah McKay with aconite.
- Christy Lawson - Throat slit by an unknown killer off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 3
- Unnamed Hitman - Throat slit by Dexter Morgan with a knife in self-defense.
- Total - 1
Helter Skelter[]
- Danny Yamiro - Burned alive by Joseph Jensen with a flamethrower off-screen, body shown.
- Bobby Hamilton - Burned alive after accidentally committing suicide by setting himself on fire off-screen, mentioned.
- Oleg Mickic - Stabbed in the back by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- 16 Unknown People - Killed by Oleg Mickic off-screen, mentioned.
- Leo Santolongo - Burned alive by Joseph Jensen with a flamethrower off-screen, body shown.
- Benjamin Caffrey - Shot five times by Isaak Sirko.
- Three Unknown People - Killed by Benjamin Caffrey off-screen, mentioned.
- Jurg Yeliashkevych - Head bludgeoned with a lamp after being smashed over the head by Hannah McKay with a blender.
- Isaak Sirko/Volk/The Wolf - Bled out after being shot in the stomach by George Novikov.
- Total - 26
The Dark... Whatever[]
- C. Patterson - Burned alive by Joseph Jensen with a flamethrower in a restaurant's restroom off-screen, body shown.
- I. Patterson - Burned alive by Joseph Jensen with a flamethrower in a restaurant's restroom off-screen, body shown.
- George Lee - Burned alive by Joseph Jensen with a flamethrower at an unknown location off-screen, mentioned.
- Chris Thomas - Burned alive by Joseph Jensen with a flamethrower at an unknown location off-screen, mentioned.
- Rhodes Mason - Burned alive by Joseph Jensen with a flamethrower at an unknown location off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Man - Burned alive by Joseph Jensen with a flamethrower on a bus off-screen, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed People - Burned alive by Joseph Jensen with a flamethrower on a bus off-screen, mentioned.
- George Novikov - Shot in the chest by Detective Joseph Quinn, made to look like self-defense.
- Clint McKay - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 10
Do You See What I See?[]
- Hael Baker - Poisoned by Hannah McKay with aconite off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 1
Surprise, Motherfucker![]
- Hector Estrada - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Captain María Esperanza di Alma LaGuerta - Shot in the chest by Debra Morgan with a pistol to protect Dexter's secret.
- Juan Pablo Aliso - Shot by an unknown man off-screen, mentioned.
- Walter Munro - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mentioned.
- Mary King - Stabbed 26 times by Walter Munro off-screen, body shown in a picture during a flashback.
- Three Unknown Women - Killed by Walter Munro off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 8
Season 8[]
A Beautiful Day[]
- Unknown Person - Killed by Dexter Morgan with a reciprocating saw off-camera.
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by an unknown person off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Robert Bailey - Shot in the chest by Oliver Saxon off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Man - Shot in the chest by Javier Guzman off-screen, body shown on a computer.
- Andrew Briggs - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife in self-defense.
- Total - 5
Every Silver Lining...[]
- Leonard Welks - Suffocated to death by Lyle Sussman with a plastic bag after being coerced into doing so by Oliver Saxon.
- Javier Guzman - Shot three times in the chest and once in the head by Debra Morgan, shown in a flashback.
- Lyle Sussman - Shot in the back of the head and then had the back of his head impaled on a meat hook by Oliver Saxon off-screen, body shown.
- Two Unknown People - Murdered by an unknown drug dealer in an unknown manner off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Male Drug Dealer - Killed by Dexter Morgan off-screen, mentioned.
- Unknown Person - Killed by Dexter Morgan in an unknown manner off-screen, evidenced by Vogel calling the drug dealer the "third victim". (Nurse Mary was his first victim)
- At Least One Unknown Person - Killed by an unknown person off-screen, implied by Dexter's rule to only kill murderers.
- Total - 8
What's Eating Dexter Morgan?[]
- Unnamed Male Best Friend - Strangled to death by Ron Galuzzo in high school off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Person - Strangled to death and then cannibalized by Ron Galuzzo off-screen, body parts shown.
- Ron Galuzzo - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife off-screen.
- Total - 3
Scar Tissue[]
- Norma Rivera - Head bludgeoned by Zachery Hamilton with a bottle off-screen, body shown.
- Kathleen Pickett - Stabbed in the chest with a knife after having her toes broken by Albert Yates with pliers off-screen, mentioned.
- Isabella Scannone - Stabbed in the chest with a knife after having her toes broken by Albert Yates with pliers off-screen, mentioned.
- Mr. Yates - Life support pulled by Albert Yates. (Debatable)
- Total - 4
This Little Piggy[]
- Kendell James - Stabbed in the chest with a knife after having her toes broken by Albert Yates with pliers off-screen, body shown.
- Three Unnamed Women - Stabbed in the chest with a knife after having her toes broken by Albert Yates with pliers off-screen, bodies shown.
- Albert J. "A.J." Yates - Impaled through the back by Dexter Morgan with a curtain pole in order to save Evelyn Vogel.
- Total - 5
A Little Reflection[]
- Unnamed Woman - Stabbed to death by an unknown boyfriend off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 1
Dress Code[]
- Miles Castner - Stabbed in the throat by Hannah McKay with a piece of glass in self-defense off-screen, body shown.
- Cassie Jollenston - Head bludgeoned by Oliver Saxon with a statue off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 2
Are We There Yet?[]
- Shawn Decker - Bludgeoned to death by Zachery Hamilton off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Woman - Strangled to death by Shawn Decker off-screen, mentioned.
- Zachery "Zach" Hamilton - Back of his head cut open by Oliver Saxon with a bone saw off-screen, shown in a recording.
- Total - 3
Make Your Own Kind Of Music[]
- Richard Vogel Jr. - Drowned in a pool by Oliver Saxon off-screen, mentioned.
- Seven Unnamed Children - Burned alive in a fire set by Oliver Saxon off-screen, mentioned.
- Richard Vogel - Died of unspecified causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 9
Goodbye Miami[]
- Unnamed Male Cyclist - Ran over by an unknown man off-screen, body shown.
- Evelyn Vogel - Throat slit by Oliver Saxon with a kitchen knife.
- Total - 2
Monkey In A Box[]
- Max Clayton - Stabbed in the chest by Oliver Saxon with a knife.
- Total - 1
Remember The Monsters?[]
- Daniel Vogel/Oliver Saxon - Stabbed in the neck by Dexter Morgan with a pen.
- Debra Charlotte Morgan - Life support pulled by Dexter Morgan. Mercy kill.
- Total - 2
Season 9: New Blood[]
Cold Snap[]
- Unnamed Man - Killed in a boat crash caused by Matt Caldwell off-screen, mentioned.
- Four Unnamed People - Killed in a boat crash caused by Matt Caldwell off-screen, mentioned.
- White Deer - Shot by Matt Caldwell.
- Matt Caldwell's Mother - Died of unspecified causes off-screen in 1999, mentioned.
- Matthew Stern "Matt" Caldwell - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 8
Storm of Fuck[]
- Hannah McKay - Died of pancreatic cancer off-screen in 2018, mentioned.
- Iris Broussard - Shot in the back by Kurt Caldwell and then buried alive off-screen 25 years prior, shown in a flashback, body found later.
- Total - 2
Smoke Signals[]
- Lily Kosnicki - Shot in the back by Kurt Caldwell.
- Audrey's Father - Died of unspecified causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 2
H is for Hero[]
- None
- 18 Unknown People - Overdosed on opioids given to them by Miles O'Flynn and Jasper Hodge off-screen, mentioned. Shared kills.
- Chloe - Shot in the eye by Kurt Caldwell.
- Jasper Hodge - Overdosed on opioids forced into his nose by Dexter Morgan.
- Roger Caldwell - Died of unspecified causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 21
Too Many Tuna Sandwiches[]
- Angela Bishop's Ex-Husband - Died of unspecified causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Sergeant Logan's Father - Died in a car accident off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 2
Skin of Her Teeth[]
- None
Unfair Game[]
- Elric Kane - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 1
The Family Business[]
- At Least 12 Unnamed Children - Murdered by Wiggles the Clown off-screen, pictures shown in a flashback.
- Wiggles the Clown - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife, shown in a flashback.
- Molly Park - Murdered by Kurt Caldwell off-screen, body shown.
- Annie Kurtz - Murdered by Kurt Caldwell off-screen, body shown.
- Jennifer Nunez - Murdered by Kurt Caldwell off-screen, body shown.
- Shannon Luu - Murdered by Kurt Caldwell off-screen, body shown.
- 24 Unnamed Women - Murdered by Kurt Caldwell off-screen, bodies shown. (30 shown in three rows, minus six already counted victims, not including Iris)
- Kurt Caldwell/The Runaway Killer - Stabbed in the chest by Dexter Morgan with a knife.
- Total - 41
Sins of the Father[]
- Sergeant Logan - Neck snapped by Dexter Morgan.
- Dexter "Dex" Morgan/The Bay Harbour Butcher - Shot in the chest by Harrison Morgan with a rifle on his request.
- Total - 2
- Total - 858
- Season 1 - 86
- Season 2 - 122
- Season 3 - 34
- Season 4 - 296
- Season 5 - 43
- Season 6 - 77
- Season 7 - 82
- Season 8 - 44
- Season 9 - 79
Group Deaths[]
- Total - 1
- 1 Deer
- Total - 862
- 414 Women
- 239 Men
- 116 Victims of Unknown Gender
Kill Counts[]
- Arthur Mitchell/The Trinity Killer - 281 (Deceased)
- Dexter "Dex" Morgan/The Bay Harbour Butcher - 147 (Deceased)
- Kurt Caldwell/The Runaway Killer - 31 (Deceased)
- Brian Moser - 19 (Deceased)
- Miles O'Flynn - 18 (Alive)
- Jasper Hodge - 18 (Deceased)
- Oleg Mickic - 16 (Deceased)
- Walter Kenney - 16 (Deceased)
- Coleman Lindquist - 15 (Deceased)
- Daniel Vogel/Oliver Saxon - 15 (Deceased)
- Max Lindquist - 14 (Deceased)
- Alfonso "Little Chino" Concepcion - 13 (Deceased)
- Eugene Greer/Jordan Chase - 13 (Deceased)
- Wiggles the Clown - 12 (Deceased)
- Travis Marshall/The Doomsday Killer/Professor Gellar - 12 (Deceased)
- Boyd Fowler - 12 (Deceased)
- Alex Tilden - 12 (Deceased)
- Cole Harmon - 12 (Deceased)
- Dan Mendell - 12 (Deceased)
- Joe Jensen - 10 (Imprisoned)
- Nurse Mary - 9 (Deceased)
- Isaak Sirko/Volk/The Wolf - 8 (Deceased)
- Robert Milson - 8 (Deceased)
- Marco Fuentes - 7 (Alive)
- Albert J. "A.J." Yates - 7 (Deceased)
- Gene Marshall - 7 (Deceased)
- Hannah McKay - 7 (Deceased)
- Wayne Randall - 6 (Deceased)
- Matt Caldwell - 6 (Deceased)
- Carlos Fuentes - 5 (Deceased)
- James Doakes - 5 (Deceased)
- Clemson Galt - 5 (Deceased)
- Jorge Castillo - 4 (Deceased)
- Lance Robinson - 4 (Deceased)
- Valerie Castillo - 4 (Deceased)
- Santos Jimenez - 4 (Deceased)
- Julio Benes - 4 (Deceased)
- Hector Estrada - 4 (Deceased)
- Juan Pablo Aliso - 4 (Deceased)
- Walter Munro - 4 (Deceased)
- Alex Timmons - 4 (Deceased)
- Jenna Lincoln - 3 (Deceased)
- Peter Thornton - 3 (Deceased)
- Jimmy Sensio - 3 (Alive)
- Timothy Brand - 3 (Imprisoned)
- Nikki Wald - 3 (Imprisoned)
- George King - 3 (Deceased)
- Mike Donovan - 3 (Deceased)
- Billy Fleeter - 3 (Deceased)
- Cindy Landon - 3 (Deceased)
- Zoey Kruger - 3 (Deceased)
- Benjamin Caffrey - 3 (Deceased)
- Ray Speltzer - 3 (Deceased)
- Javier Guzman - 3 (Deceased)
- Dr. Emmett Meridian - 3 (Deceased)
- Ben - 3 (Deceased)
- Roger - 3 (Deceased)
- Debra Morgan - 3 (Deceased)
- Harry Morgan - 3 (Deceased)
- Carlos Guerrero - 3 (Deceased)
- Miguel Prado - 2 (Deceased)
- Lila West - 2 (Deceased)
- Matt Chambers - 2 (Deceased)
- Norberto Cervantes - 2 (Deceased)
- Marcus White - 2 (Deceased)
- Viktor Baskov - 2 (Deceased)
- Ron Galuzzo - 2 (Deceased)
- Benito Gomez - 2 (Deceased)
- Johnny Rose - 2 (Deceased)
- Zach Hamilton - 2 (Deceased)
- Phillip Barnes - 2 (Deceased)
- Jeremy Downs - 2 (Deceased)
- Ethan Turner - 2 (Deceased)
- Roger Hicks - 2 (Deceased)
- Ken Olson - 2 (Deceased)
- Fred "Freebo" Bowman - 2 (Deceased)
- Alan Matherson - 2 (Deceased)
- Cal Rooney - 2 (Deceased)
- Harrison Morgan - 1 (Alive)
- Jonah Mitchell - 1 (Alive)
- Albert Chung - 1 (Alive)
- Lloyd Paulson - 1 (Alive)
- Joey Quinn - 1 (Alive)
- Benjamin Alvaro - 1 (Imprisoned)
- Fiona Kemp - 1 (Imprisoned)
- Carl - 1 (Deceased)
- Steve Dorsey - 1 (Deceased)
- Joe Walker - 1 (Deceased)
- Nick - 1 (Deceased)
- Brother Sam - 1 (Deceased)
- Christine Hill - 1 (Deceased)
- Juan Ryness - 1 (Deceased)
- Alan Elson - 1 (Deceased)
- Andy Jorgen - 1 (Deceased)
- Orozco - 1 (Deceased)
- Berry Cooper - 1 (Deceased)
- Kaitlyn Watson - 1 (Deceased)
- Buck Forester - 1 (Deceased)
- Carlos Gutierrez - 1 (Deceased)
- Chad Carpenter - 1 (Deceased)
- Christopher James - 1 (Deceased)
- George Hoss - 1 (Deceased)
- Stan Beaudry - 1 (Deceased)
- Henry Vortman - 1 (Deceased)
- Herbert Washington - 1 (Deceased)
- Jacob Wilson - 1 (Deceased)
- Smith - 1 (Deceased)
- Christopher James - 1 (Deceased)
- Marvin Madden - 1 (Deceased)
- Jeff Linder - 1 (Deceased)
- Jerry Voltic - 1 (Deceased)
- Shawn Decker - 1 (Deceased)
- Adam Rowe - 1 (Deceased)
- Alfred Norris - 1 (Deceased)
- Marcetti - 1 (Deceased)
- Matt Parker - 1 (Deceased)
- Michael Rose - 1 (Deceased)
- Kevin Mott - 1 (Deceased)
- Larry Costes - 1 (Deceased)
- Leandro Noriega - 1 (Deceased)
- Luke Wellens - 1 (Deceased)
- Marty Terison - 1 (Deceased)
- Olman Estavez - 1 (Deceased)
- Peter Matherson - 1 (Deceased)
- Rachel Rhodes - 1 (Deceased)
- Rick Cross - 1 (Deceased)
- Sean Dibberman - 1 (Deceased)
- Shannon Reynolds - 1 (Deceased)
- Thomas Hillstat - 1 (Deceased)
- Curtis Barnes - 1 (Deceased)
- Jacques Bayard - 1 (Deceased)
- Dylan Maddock - 1 (Deceased)
- Oscar Sota - 1 (Deceased)
- Fowls - 1 (Deceased)
- Anthony Rodrigo - 1 (Deceased)
- Renzo Sandoval - 1 (Deceased)
- Robert Thatcher - 1 (Deceased)
- Joseph Cepeda - 1 (Deceased)
- Jamie Jaworski - 1 (Deceased)
Media Characters |