Death Wish is a series of vigilante films directed by the late Michael Winner, the late J. Lee Thompson, Allan Goldstein, and Eli Roth, starring the late Charles Bronson and Bruce Willis it also stars the late Vincent Gardenia, Robin Sherwood, the late Hope Lange, Jeff Goldblum, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs, the late Jill Ireland, Thomas F. Duffy, Laurence Fishburne, the late Deborah Raffin, the late Ed Lauter, the late Martin Balsam, Kevin Bacon, the late Gavan O'Herlihy, Alex Winter, Barbie Wilde and Kay Lenz.
Death Wish (Book)[]
- Esther Benjamin - Beaten to death by muggers.
- Thomas Leroy Marston - Shot three times by Paul Benjamin.
- Unnamed Central Park Mugger - Shot four times by Paul Benjamin.
- Two Unnamed West Side Highway Car Jackers - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- George Lambert - Shot by Paul Benjamin and fell from the stairs.
- Three Unnamed Vandals - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Eight Unnamed Muggers - Killed by Paul Benjamin off-page, implied.
- Unnamed Female Vandal - Killed by Paul Benjamin off-page, implied.
- Total - 15
Death Sentence (Book)[]
- Carol Benjamin - Died of her injuries after being attacked by the muggers.
- Edward A. Smith - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Leroy Thompson - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Eight Unnamed Muggers - Killed by Orson Pyne off-page, mentioned.
- James Washington - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Ernesto Delgado - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Richard Hicks - Shot by Orson Pyne.
- John R. Datis - Shot by Orson Pyne.
- Julio Delgado - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Joseph Krabb - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Two of Krabb's Accomplices - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- William O. Newton - Shot by Orson Pyne.
- Richard White - Stabbed by Jorge Karrasquilo.
- Michael Hayes - Stabbed by Jorge Karrasquilo.
- Unnamed Mugger - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Two Unnamed Pizzeria Robbers - Shot by Orson Pyne.
- Unnamed Bus Mugger - Shot by James Suit.
- Charles Lidell - Shot by a vigilante.
- Two Unnamed People - Shot by a vigilante.
- Peter A. Whitmore - Accidentally shot by Orson Pyne.
- Unnamed Drug Dealer - Shot by Orson Pyne.
- Unnamed Drug User - Shot by Orson Pyne.
- Orson Pyne - Shot in the throat by Paul Benjamin.
- Three Unnamed Muggers - Killed by a vigilante.
- Total - 35
Death Wish (1974)[]
- 36 Unnamed People - Killed in various muggings off-screen, mentioned.
- Joanna Kersey - Beaten to death by the muggers.
- Thomas Leroy Marston - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Two Unnamed Muggers - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Mugger - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Two Unnamed Muggers - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Two Unnamed Muggers - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Two Unnamed Muggers - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Total - 47
Death Wish 2 (1982)[]
- 96 Unnamed People - Killed in various muggins off-screen, mentioned.
- Rosario - Head bashed in by Charlie "Nirvana" Wilson with a crowbar.
- Carol Kersey - Fell out a window and impaled on a fence after being chased by Charlie "Nirvana" Wilson, Stomper, Jiver, Cutter and Punkcut.
- Unnamed Gang Member - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Stomper - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Two Unnamed Gang Members - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Jiver - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey and then shot in the head.
- Unnamed Sniper - Shot by Lieutenant Frank Ochoa.
- Lieutenant Frank Ochoa - Shot by Charlie "Nirvana" Wilson, then later died of his wounds.
- Unnamed Arms Dealer - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Cutter - Shot in the head by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Arms Dealer - Shot three times by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey, causing his car to fall off of a cliff and explode.
- Punkcut - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey and later died of his wounds.
- Unnamed Police Officer - Stabbed to death by Charlie "Nirvana" Wilson.
- Charlie "Nirvana" Wilson - Electrocuted by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Two Unnamed Muggers - Killed by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey off-screen, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed Drug Dealers - Possibly killed by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey off-screen, implied.
- 11 Unnamed Bikers - Possibly killed by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey off-screen, implied.
- Two Unnamed Carjackers - Possibly killed by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey off-screen, implied.
- Two Unnamed Female Gang Members - Possibly killed by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey off-screen, implied.
- Ten Unnamed Male Punks - Possibly killed by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey off-screen, implied.
- Three Unnamed Female Punks - Possibly killed by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey off-screen, implied.
- Total - 143
Death Wish 3 (1985)[]
- Charley - Beaten to death by Angel, The Giggler, and Hermosa on the orders of Manny Fraker.
- Unnamed Police Officer - Killed by Manny Fraker's Girlfriend/The Punk Girl, badge seen on her jacket.
- Cockroach - Stepped on by Police Chief Richard Shriker.
- Unnamed Man - Stabbed to death by punks off-screen on the orders of Manny Fraker, mentioned.
- Unnamed Girl - Stabbed in the head by The Giggler off-screen on the orders of Manny Fraker, mentioned.
- Bennett's Wife - Died of an unknown cause off-screen, mentioned.
- Four Unnamed Gang Members - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey off-screen, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed Muggers - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey off-screen, mentioned.
- Hector - Stabbed in the throat by Manny Fraker for betraying him.
- Two Unnamed Street Punks - Shot in the chest by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Gang Member - Hacked to bits by The Cuban with an axe on the orders of Manny Fraker.
- Maria Rodriguez - Beaten and raped by Manny Fraker, Angel, The Giggler, and an unnamed street punk.
- The Giggler - Shot in the back by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Cockroach - Stepped on by Police Chief Richard Shriker.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Beaten by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- The Cuban - Thrown off of a roof by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Ms. Emil - Throat slit by Manny Fraker.
- Kathryn Davis - Killed when Manny Fraker caused her car to explode.
- Two Unnamed People - Killed when their car exploded.
- Eight Unnamed Street Punks - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Three Unnamed Motorcycle Punks - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Four Unnamed Street Punks - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Female Street Punk - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Three Unnamed Street Punks - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Two Unnamed Street Punks - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey, one falls off the roof.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Fell off a roof after being shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Four Unnamed Street Punks - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Man - Beaten to death by street punks with a bike chain on the orders of Manny Fraker.
- Unnamed Man - Molotov thrown at him by by street punks and burned to death on the orders of Manny Fraker.
- Four Unnamed Street Punks - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Man - Fell to his death after jumping out of a burning building that was set on fire by street punks on the orders of Manny Fraker.
- Unnamed Police Officer - Shot by an unnamed street punk.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by several police officers.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by several police officers and fell off of a building.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Fell off a roof after being shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Two Unnamed Police Officers - Shot by Manny Fraker.
- Four Unnamed Motorcycle Street Punks - Ambushed and shot by civilians.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Hit by an old man with a baseball bat.
- Unnamed Old Couple - Set on fire by street punks and then shot by Manny Fraker.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by several police officers.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Stabbed in the head with a knife in a trap made by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Angel - Shot by Rodriguez.
- Two Unnamed Street Punks - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey, one of them falls off the building.
- Two Unnamed Street Punks - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey, one of them falls off the building.
- Hermosa - Shot three times by Police Chief Richard Shriker, then falls off of a building
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Two Unnamed Street Punks - Shot by Police Chief Richard Shriker.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Five Unnamed Street Punks - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey and Police Chief Richard Shriker.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Motorcycle Punk - Shot by Police Chief Richard Shriker.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot twice by Police Chief Richard Shriker, then falls off of a building
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by an unnamed female civilian.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Pushed off of a roof by an unnamed female civilian.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey and falls off of a building.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Unnamed Hells Angels Girl - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Unnamed Female Street Punk - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Garcia - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Unnamed Street Punk - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Five Unnamed Motorcycle Punks - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- 12 Unnamed Female Punks - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Chaco - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Tulio - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Manny Fraker - Blown up by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey with a bazooka.
- Total - 126
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown (1987)[]
- Unnamed Person - Killed by Ed Zacharias off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Person - Killed by Max Green off-screen, mentioned.
- Micheal Sheldon - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Nathan White's Wife - Killed in a car crash off-screen, mentioned.
- Nathan White's Daughter - Died from a crack overdose off-screen, mentioned.
- Seven Unnamed Teenagers - Died of unknown causes off-screen, bodies seen.
- Unnamed Teenage Boy - Died when his crack pipe exploded off-screen, body seen.
- Unnamed Teenage Boy - Shot by Police Officers after robbing a store to buy drugs off-screen, body seen.
- Unnamed Teenage Girl - Died of a cocaine overdose off-screen, body seen.
- Unnamed 13 Year Old Stripper - Throat slashed by a an unknown man off-screen, body seen.
- Three Unnamed Rapists - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey. Note this only took place in Paul's dream.
- Unnamed Mugger - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey off-screen, mentioned.
- Erica Sheldon - Died of a cocaine overdose.
- Randy Viscovich - Stabbed by Jojo Ross.
- Jojo Ross - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey, causing him to fall on a electric fence.
- Vince Montono - Stabbed by Ed Zacharias.
- Al Arroyo - Head crushed with a car's trunk by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- At Least One Unnamed Person - Killed by Danny Moreno off-screen, implied.
- At Least One Unnamed Person - Killed by Art Sanella off-screen, implied.
- At Least One Unnamed Person - Killed by Jack Stein off-screen, implied.
- Danny Moreno - Incinerated in an explosion caused by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Art Sanella - Incinerated in an explosion caused by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Jack Stein - Incinerated in an explosion caused by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Max Green - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Two Unnamed Henchman - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- At Least One Unnamed Person - Killed by Frank Bauggs off-screen, implied.
- Frank Bauggs - Thrown to his death by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Henchman - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Eight Unnamed Cocaine Factory Workers - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Detective Phil Nozaki - Shot to death by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Jack Romero - Shot by Nick Franco.
- 12 Unnamed Henchmen - Shot each other in a shootout.
- Three Unnamed Henchmen - Blown up by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey after he shot a fuel tank.
- Tony Romero - Shot in the back by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Ed Zacharias - Shot in the chest by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Corrupt Police Officer - Killed in a car crash caused by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Three Unnamed Henchmen - Blown up by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey with a grenade launcher.
- Jesse - Blown up by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey with a grenade launcher.
- Five Unnamed Henchmen - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Nick Franco - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Karen Sheldon - Shot in the back by fake Nathan White.
- Fake Nathan White - Blown up by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey with a bazooka.
- Total - 70
Death Wish 5: The Face of Death (1995)[]
- Reggie - Shot by Chicki Paconi.
- Big Al - Ran over by Freddie Flakes.
- Officer Janice Omori - Ran over by Freddie Flakes.
- Olivia Regent - Shot in the back by Freddie Flakes.
- Chicki Paconi - Poisoned by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey putting cyanide on his cannoli.
- Freddie Flakes - Blown up by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey with a soccer ball bomb.
- Lieutenant Hector Vasquez - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Frankie - Shot to death by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Mickey - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey then fell on a electric fence.
- Angel - Shot multiple times by Sal Paconi.
- Sal Paconi - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey, causing him to fall in a shredder.
- Tommy O'Shea - Pushed into acid by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Total - 12
Death Sentence (2007)[]
Death Kiss (2018)[]
- Unnamed Pedophile - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Guard - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Cat - Eaten by a coyote off-screen, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed Muggers - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Drug Dealer - Beaten to death by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Billy's Father - Beaten to death by Billy.
- Billy - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Gang Member - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Torch - Shot by Billy's wife.
- Unnamed Mugger - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Unnamed Baby - Shot in the face by a mugger off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Man - Shot by a gang member.
- Two Unnamed Gang Members - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Tyrell - Mauled by wolves after Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey put barbecue sauce on him after tying him up.
- Total - 16
Death Wish (2018)[]
- Unnamed Man - Shot by his sister off-screen, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed Teenagers - Shot by unknown people off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Teenager - Shot by unknown people off-screen, mentioned.
- 762 Unnamed People - Killed by unknown people off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Police Officer - Bled out after being shot in the neck by an unknown person.
- Lucy Kersey - Bled out after being shot by Knox.
- Lucy Kersey's Mother - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Doe - Shot by poachers, then shot by Ben Kersey as a mercy kill.
- 13 Unnamed People - Shot by unknown people off-screen, mentioned.
- 14 Unnamed People - Shot by an unknown gang member off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Man - Bled out after being shot by an unknown person off-screen, implied.
- Unnamed Male Carjacker - Shot in the shoulder and head by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey.
- Unnamed Male Carjacker - Bled out after being shot in the throat by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey.
- The Ice Cream Man - Shot to death by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey.
- Miguel Javier - Bled out after he was shot by an unknown person.
- Trebol - Shot in the head by Tate "The Fish" Karp after Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey ducked out of the way. (Proxy Kill for Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey)
- Tate "The Fish" Karp - Shot in the head by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey.
- Joe - Head crushed by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey after pulling a chain that was holding up a car.
- Unnamed Man - Shot by an unknown man.
- Unnamed Man - Shot by Knox.
- Unnamed Gang Member - Shot in the head by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey.
- Unnamed Gang Member - Shot by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey causing him to fall off a staircase and break his neck.
- Knox - Shot to death by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey.
- Total - 810
- Total - 1,274 (So Far)
Kill Counts[]
- Paul Kersey - 152 (Alive)
- Police Chief Richard Shriker - 35 (Alive)
- Paul Benjamin - 24 (Alive)
- Orson Pyne - 16 (Deceased)
- Manny Fraker - 10 (Deceased)
- Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey - 9 (Alive)
- Charlie "Nirvana" Wilson - 4 (Deceased)
- Freddie Flakes - 3 (Deceased)
- Jorge Karrasquilo - 2 (Alive)
- Ed Zacharias - 2 (Deceased)
- Knox - 2 (Deceased)
- The Giggler - 2 (Deceased)
- Angel - 2 (Deceased)
- Rodriguez - 1 (Alive)
- James Suit - 1 (Alive)
- Ben Kersey - 1 (Alive)
- Manny Fraker's Girlfriend - 1 (Imprisoned)
- Stomper - 1 (Deceased)
- Fake Nathan White - 1 (Deceased)
- Nick Franco - 1 (Deceased)
- Max Green - 1 (Deceased)
- Jojo Ross - 1 (Deceased)
- Tate "The Fish" Karp - 1 (Deceased)
- Chicki Paconi - 1 (Deceased)
- Sal Paconi - 1 (Deceased)
- Jiver - 1 (Deceased)
- Danny Moreno - 1 (Deceased)
- Art Sanella - 1 (Deceased)
- Jack Stein - 1 (Deceased)
- Cutter - 1 (Deceased)
- Punkcut - 1 (Deceased)
- Lieutenant Frank Ochoa - 1 (Deceased)
- Hermosa - 1 (Deceased)
Characters Killed during Death Wish[]
- Esther Benjamin - Beaten to death by muggers.
- Thomas Leroy Marston - Shot three times by Paul Benjamin.
- George Lambert - Shot by Paul Benjamin and fell from the stairs.
- Carol Benjamin - Died of her injuries after being attacked by the muggers.
- Edward A. Smith - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Leroy Thompson - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- James Washington - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Ernesto Delgado - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Richard Hicks - Shot by Orson Pyne.
- John R. Datis - Shot by Orson Pyne.
- Julio Delgado - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- Joseph Krabb - Shot by Paul Benjamin.
- William O. Newton - Shot by Orson Pyne.
- Richard White - Stabbed by Jorge Karrasquilo.
- Michael Hayes - Stabbed by Jorge Karrasquilo.
- Charles Lidell - Shot by a vigilante.
- Peter A. Whitmore - Accidentally shot by Orson Pyne.
- Orson Pyne - Shot in the throat by Paul Benjamin.
- Joanna Kersey - Beaten to death by the muggers.
- Thomas Leroy Marston - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Rosario - Head bashed in by Charlie "Nirvana" Wilson with a crowbar.
- Carol Kersey - Fell out a window and impaled on a fence after being chased by Charlie "Nirvana" Wilson, Stomper, Jiver, Cutter and Punkcut.
- Stomper - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Jiver - Shot twice by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey and then shot in the head.
- Lieutenant Frank Ochoa - Shot by Charlie "Nirvana" Wilson, then later died of his wounds.
- Cutter - Shot in the head by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Punkcut - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey and later died of his wounds.
- Charlie "Nirvana" Wilson - Electrocuted by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Charley - Beaten to death by Angel, The Giggler, and Hermosa on the orders of Manny Fraker.
- Hector - Stabbed in the throat by Manny Fraker for betraying him.
- Maria Rodriguez - Beaten and raped by Manny Fraker, Angel, The Giggler, and an unnamed street punk.
- The Giggler - Shot in the back by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- The Cuban - Thrown off of a roof by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Ms. Emil - Throat slit by Manny Fraker.
- Kathryn Davis - Killed when Manny Fraker caused her car to explode.
- Angel - Shot by Rodriguez.
- Hermosa - Shot three times by Police Chief Richard Shriker, then falls off of a building
- Garcia - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Chaco - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Tulio - Killed by either Police Chief Richard Shriker, police officers of civilians off-screen, implied.
- Manny Fraker - Blown up by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey with a bazooka.
- Micheal Sheldon - Died of unknown causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Erica Sheldon - Died of a cocaine overdose.
- Randy Viscovich - Stabbed by Jojo Ross.
- Jojo Ross - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey, causing him to fall on a electric fence.
- Vince Montono - Stabbed by Ed Zacharias.
- Al Arroyo - Head crushed with a car's trunk by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Danny Moreno - Incinerated in an explosion caused by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Art Sanella - Incinerated in an explosion caused by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Jack Stein - Incinerated in an explosion caused by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Max Green - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Frank Bauggs - Thrown to his death by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Detective Phil Nozaki - Shot to death by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Jack Romero - Shot by Nick Franco.
- Tony Romero - Shot in the back by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Ed Zacharias - Shot in the chest by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Jesse - Blown up by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey with a grenade launcher.
- Nick Franco - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Karen Sheldon - Shot in the back by fake Nathan White.
- Fake Nathan White - Blown up by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey with a bazooka.
- Reggie - Shot by Chicki Paconi.
- Big Al - Ran over by Freddie Flakes.
- Officer Janice Omori - Ran over by Freddie Flakes.
- Olivia Regent - Shot in the back by Freddie Flakes.
- Chicki Paconi - Poisoned by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey putting cyanide on his cannoli.
- Freddie Flakes - Blown up by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey with a soccer ball bomb.
- Lieutenant Hector Vasquez - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Frankie - Shot to death by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Mickey - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey then fell on a electric fence.
- Angel - Shot multiple times by Sal Paconi.
- Sal Paconi - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey, causing him to fall in a shredder.
- Tommy O'Shea - Pushed into acid by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Billy - Shot by Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey.
- Torch - Shot by Billy's wife.
- Tyrell - Mauled by wolves after Paul "The Vigilante" Kersey put barbecue sauce on him after tying him up.
- Lucy Kersey - Bled out after being shot by Knox.
- The Ice Cream Man - Shot to death by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey.
- Miguel Javier - Bled out after he was shot by an unknown person.
- Trebol - Shot in the head by Tate "The Fish" Karp after Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey ducked out of the way. (Proxy Kill for Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey)
- Tate "The Fish" Karp - Shot in the head by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey.
- Joe - Head crushed by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey after pulling a chain that was holding up a car.
- Knox - Shot to death by Paul "The Grim Reaper" Kersey.