Death Note is a horror/suspense anime based off of the manga written by Tsugumi Ohba, beginning in 2006 and concluding in 2007.
The series is about a high school student named Light Yagami who finds a Death Note, a book owned by gods of death (Shinigami), that if a person's name is written in it, they will die in the manner the writer specifies or a heart attack if they don't specify. Using it, Light plans to kill all criminals on Earth, create a new perfect world, and rule it as God, while detectives such as L try to find and stop him.
Part One
- Unknown 32 Year Old Man - Stabbed to death by an unknown person off-screen, mentioned.
- Unknown 25 Year Old Woman - Killed in an unknown manner by Naoki Tokuji off-screen, mentioned.
- Six Unknown People - Killed in unknown manners by Kurou Otoharada off-screen, mentioned.
- Kurou Otoharada – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Takuo Shibuimaru – Hit by a truck when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- 304 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note, names shown. Each page has 38 lines and Light wrote eight vertical rows of names on two pages. Including those who died during the montage since they died in his flashback.
- Total - 314
- 52 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note off-screen, mentioned.
- Naoki Koro Kitayama - Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note, mentioned.
- 159 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note, names shown. 152 names shown written on the left page, seven on the right.
- Lind L. Tailor – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Total - 213
- Unknown Inmate - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note off-screen.
- Inmate #148 - Died of a heart attack after Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Unknown Inmate - Died of a heart attack after Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note off-screen.
- 20 Unnamed Inmates - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note off-screen, mentioned.
- 23 Unnamed Inmates - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note off-screen, mentioned, specified to be another set of victims.
- Total - 46
- Six Unnamed Inmates - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note.
- Three Unknown People - Shot to death by Kiichiro Osoreda off-screen, mentioned.
- Kiichiro Osoreda – Accidentally ran over by an unnamed man in their car, as written by Light Yagami in his Death Note.
- Total - 10
- Unknown Inmate - Died of a heart attack after Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Unnamed Restaurant Worker/Rapist - Died of a heart attack after Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Raye Penber – Either died of a heart attack after Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note or got him to write his own name on a page of the Death Note.
- Raye Penber's Boss - Died of a heart attack when Raye Penber accidentally wrote his name in Light Yagami's Death Note.
- 11 Unnamed FBI Agents - Died of heart attacks when Raye Penber accidentally wrote their names in Light Yagami's Death Note.
- Unknown Inmate - Died of a heart attack after Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Total - 16
- Four Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 4
- Naomi Misora – Committed suicide by hanging herself with a noose off-screen after Light Yagami wrote her name in his Death Note.
- Total - 1
- Tayoshi Murao - Died of a heart attack after Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Unnamed Bank Clerk/Embezzler - Died of a heart attack after Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Purse Snatcher - Died of a heart attack after Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 3
- Four Unknown Men - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note, shown on TV.
- Total - 4
- None
- Two Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Misa Amane wrote their names in her Death Note, mentioned.
- Kazuhiko Hibima - Died of a heart attack after Misa Amane wrote his name in her Death Note, body shown.
- Seiji Kumaizumi - Died of a heart attack after Misa Amane wrote his name in her Death Note, body shown.
- Officer Hirokazu Ukita – Died of a heart attack after Misa Amane wrote his name in her Death Note.
- Two Unnamed Police Officers - Died of heart attacks after Misa Amane wrote their names in her Death Note.
- Total - 7
- Misa's Stalker - Died of a heart attack when Gelus wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Gelus – Disintegrated when he used his Death Note to kill Misa's would-be killer, thus saving her when it was her time to die, which Shinigami are forbidden to do. (Shown in a flashback.)
- Total - 2
- Misa Amane's Parents - Killed during a robbery by an unknown man, mentioned.
- Unknown Robber - Died of a heart attack after Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 3
- None
- None
- None
- 12 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Kyosuke Higuchi wrote their names in his Death Note off-screen because of Light Yagami's plan, pictures shown on tv. The pictures are arranges in two rows with six on each..
- 116 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Kyosuke Higuchi wrote their names in his Death Note because of Light Yagami's plan. Higuchi makes two vertical rows of names on each page on 32 lines, minus the twelve he had just written.
- 128 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Kyosuke Higuchi wrote their names in his Death Note because of Light Yagami's plan. It's unknown how he wrote this many names so quickly, but they'll be counted anyways.
- Total - 256
- 13 Unnamed Businessmen - Died of heart attacks after Kyosuke Higuchi wrote their names in his Death Note off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 13
- Arayoshi Hatori – Died of a heart attack after Kyosuke Higuchi wrote his name in his Death Note off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 1
- None
- Eight Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Kyosuke Higuchi wrote their names in his Death Note because of Light Yagami's plan, pictures shown on tv.
- 56 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Kyosuke Higuchi wrote their names in his Death Note because of Light Yagami's plan. This time, it's four rows on a single page.
- Ginzo Kaneboshi – Died of a heart attack when Rem wrote his name in her Death Note.
- Total - 65
- None
- Officer Ito Shiroba – Crashed his motorcycle into the back of a truck, as written by Higuchi in his Death Note.
- Total - 1
- Kyosuke Higuchi – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name on a piece of his Death Note.
- Total - 1
- Shintaromaru Maruyamada - Died of a heart attack when Misa wrote his name in her Death Note because of Light Yagami's plan.
- Unknown Man - Hit by a car off-screen after Misa wrote his name in her death note because of Light Yagami's plan, body shown.
- Unknown Person - Implied to have jumped to their death after Misa wrote their name in her death note off-screen because of Light Yagami's plan, body shown.
- Four Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Misa Amane wrote their names in her Death Note off-screen because of Light Yagami's plan, bodies shown.
- Eight Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Misa Amane wrote their names in her Death Note off-screen because of Light Yagami's plan, mentioned.
- Quillsh Wammy "Watari" - Died of a heart attack when Rem wrote his name in her Death Note because of Light Yagami's plan.
- Detective L. Lawliet - Died of a heart attack when Rem wrote his name in her Death Note because of Light Yagami's plan.
- Rem - Disintegrated when she wrote L's name in her Death Note to protect Misa because of Light Yagami's plan.
- Total - 18
- 324 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note.
- Merrie "Wedy" Kenwood – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote her name in his Death Note.
- Tierry "Aiber" Morrello – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Takeshi Ooi – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Masahiko Kida – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Eichi Takahashi – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Shingo Mido – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Reiji Namikawa – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Suguru Shimura – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Total - 332
Part Two
- Unknown Mob Boss - Killed by Mello's gang on his orders off-screen, mentioned.
- Director Kanichi Takimura – Committed suicide by hanging himself with his tie off-screen, as written by Light Yagami in the Death Note, body shown.
- Total - 2
- Andrew Miller – Died of a heart attack when Y462 wrote his name in Light Yagami's Death Note.
- Y462 – Blown up inside his helicopter by Jack Neylon.
- Director Steve Mason – Died of a heart attack when Jack Neylon wrote his name in Light Yagami's Death Note.
- Agent Ellickson Gardner – Died of a heart attack when Jack Neylon wrote his name in Light Yagami's Death Note.
- Shawn Dunleavy - Forced to commit suicide by shooting himself in the head after Jack Neylon wrote his name in Light Yagami's Death Note.
- Six Unnamed SPK Members - Died of heart attack when Jack Neylon wrote their names in Light Yagami's Death Note.
- Total - 11
- Rod Ross – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Jack Neylon – Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Pedoro Kollet - Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Unknown Mafia Member - Died of a heart attack when Light Yagami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Five Unknown Mafia Members - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note, bodies shown.
- Two Unknown Mafia Members - Died of heart attacks after Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note, bodies shown.
- Jose – Shot to death by an unnamed police officer.
- Chief Soichiro Yagami – Shot in the back by Jose with a machine gun, mortally wounding him.
- Total - 13
- None
- Seven Unknown Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Teru Mikami wrote their names in his Death Note on Light Yagami's orders.
- Hitoshi Demegawa – Died of a heart attack after Teru Mikami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Total - 8
- Four Unnamed Students - Accidentally drove their car into a light pole and died on impact, shown in a flashback.
- Tokie Mikami - Accidentally killed when four students drove their car into a light pole, mentioned.
- Eight Unnamed Men - Died when Light Yagami wrote their names in his Death Note, faces shown, mentioned.
- 18 Unknown Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Teru Mikami wrote their names in his Death Note off-screen on Light Yagami's orders, mentioned.
- Unnamed Sakura TV Host - Died of a heart attack when Mikami wrote his name in his Death Note.
- Seven Unknown Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Teru Mikami wrote their names in his Death Note on Light Yagami's orders.
- Total - 38
- Three Unknown Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Teru Mikami wrote their names in his Death Note off-screen on Light Yagami's orders, mentioned.
- 813 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Teru Mikami wrote their names in his Death Note on Light Yagami's orders. The left page is completely filled (456 names) while the right has 30 of the lines filled in (360 names), totaling in 816 but not including the three he had just mentioned.
- Six Unnamed Criminals - Killed by an unknown person in Shinjuku, mentioned on news.
- Unknown Man - Died of a heart attack when Takada wrote his name in Mikami's Death Note on Light Yagami's orders.
- Total - 823
- 1,824 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after their names were written by Takada in Mikami's Death Note, names shown on four pages.
- 1,824 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after their names were written by Takada in Mikami's Death Note, Stevanni is shown taking pictures of four more pages.
- 126,884 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after their names were written by Takada in Mikami's Death Note, shown on at least 74 screens around Near, minus the eight pages (3,648 names) counted previously.
- Total - 130,532
- 1,368 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after their names were written by Takada in Mikami's Death Note on Light Yagami's orders, mentioned that "he" wrote one page's worth of names every night for three days, 912 on every page.
- Mail "Matt" Jeevas - Shot to death by 26 of Takada's body guards.
- Mihael "Mello" Keehl – Died of a heart attack when Takada wrote his name on a page of Light Yagami's Death Note on his orders.
- Kiyomi Takada – Burned to death by setting fire to everything around her, as written by Light Yagami on a piece of his Death Note. (Note: Mikami also wrote this in the Death Note, but it's implied Light was the first to write it.)
- Total - 1,371
- 1,368 Unnamed Criminals - Died of heart attacks after Teru Mikami wrote their names in his Death Note off-screen on Light Yagami's orders, mentioned in the previous episode by the time they meet in the "1.28", three days will have passed, meaning Teru will once again write 1,368 names at the minimum.
- Total - 1,368
New World
- Teru Mikami – Committed suicide by stabbing himself in the heart with a ballpoint pen and quickly bled to death.
- Light Yagami – Shot several times by Touta Matsuda and died of a heart attack when Ryuk wrote his name in his Death Note. Shared kill.
- Misa Amane – Presumably committed suicide by jumping off a building after Light Yagami's death like she had done in the manga.
- Total - 3
- Total - 135,839
- Part One - 1,310
- Part Two - 134,529
Kill Counts
- Detective Light Yagami/Kira - 135,427 (Deceased)
- Kiyomi Takada/Kira - 131,902 (Deceased)
- Teru Mikami/Kira - 2,218 (Deceased)
- Kyosuke Higuchi/Kira - 335 (Deceased)
- Misa Amane/Kira - 22 (Deceased)
- Jack Neylon - 10 (Deceased)
- Kurou Otoharada - 6 (Deceased)
- Rem (Shinigami) - 3 (Deceased)
- Kiichiro Osoreda - 3 (Deceased)
- Ryuk (Shinigami) - 1 (Alive)
- Officer Touta Matsuda - 1 (Alive)
- Naoki Tokuji - 1 (Unknown)
- Gelus (Shinigami) - 1 (Deceased)
- Mihael "Mello" Keehl - 1 (Deceased)
Writing Styles
- Kira/Light Yagami - Each page in the Death Note has 38 lines and Light writes in four vertical rows of names on both pages, eight vertical rows overall with 152 names on each page, totaling in 304 names on both pages. (Rebirth)
- Second Kira/Misa Amane - Misa's writing style is never revealed, only Ukita's name was shown in the center of an otherwise blank page. (Assault)
- Third Kira/Kyosuke Higuchi - Higuchi makes two vertical rows of names on both pages, making four rows overall with 76 names on each page, totaling 152 names on both pages. If he turns a page while in the rooms with 8-12 screens, it means he's written 128 names. (Execution)
- Fourth Kira/Teru Mikami - Mikami writes two names on every line in 12 vertical rows of names on both pages, six rows on each page with 456 names on each page, totaling in 912 names on two pages. (Transfer)
- Fifth Kira/Kiyomi Takada - Kiyomi's writing style is the same as Mikami's writing in order for Light's plot to try and trick Near. (Vigilance)
- Near the end of the episode "Decision" it's mentioned that "two weeks worth of criminals all died at once". Since there's no specific number and no way to calculate how many that could be dead at the minimum, they won't be counted.
- In the episode "Performance", there's a slight continuity error. When Higuchi is seen writing names in the Death Note, it's shown he's only written enough to take up half of a single page in one angle, but in another there's enough to take up one entire page in another angle. I'll only be counting the minimum in this case.
- During the episode "Frenzy", the police officer that pulls over Higuchi is mistakenly referred to as Yukito Shiraba, when his name was actually Ito Shiroba which was his name in the Manga.
- There's a five year time skip between the episodes "Renewal" and "Abduction" and while it is mentioned that Light started killing more people after L's death, it's not specified how many and there's no good way to give a conservative estimate.
- If Light killed only one criminal every day for five years, that'd be 1,850 people, but that's not taking into account several things that might impede Light's work.
- Every time Teru Mikami writes a name in his Death Note, he says the word "Delete", so i'll be counting every time he says it whenever his Death Note pages aren't being shown.
- In the episode "Malice", at least three days has passed and Stevanni mentions that Mikami writes one whole page worth of names for those three days.
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