Chainsaw Man is an anime television series based on the Chainsaw Man manga series. The series was first broadcast on TV Tokyo in 2022.
Following a betrayal, a young man left for dead is reborn as a powerful devil-human hybrid after merging with his pet devil and is soon enlisted into an organization dedicated to hunting devils.
Season 1[]
Dog & Chainsaw[]
- Tomato Devil - Stabbed by Denji with Pochita/Chainsaw Devil off-screen, body shown.
- Denji's Father - Committed suicide by hanging himself off-screen, mentioned.
- Marshmallow Devil - Cut in half by Denji with Pochita/Chainsaw Devil off-screen, body shown.
- Denji's Mother - Died of heart disease off-screen, mentioned.
- At Least 102 Unnamed Members of The Yakuza - Transformed into zombies by the Zombie Devil off-screen, zombies shown.
- Denji - Impaled through the back and dismembered by zombies while under the control of the Zombie Devil. Resurrected by Pochita as Chainsaw Man.
- Six Zombies - Sliced in half by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arms.
- Six Zombies - Sliced in half by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arms.
- Zombie - Impaled through the chest by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arm.
- Two Zombies - Sliced in half by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arms.
- Five Zombies - Sliced in half by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arms.
- Zombie - Sliced in half by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arm.
- Zombie - Impaled through the head by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arm.
- Four Zombies - Sliced in half by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arms.
- Zombie Devil - Stabbed in the eye and vertically cut in half by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arm.
- Two Zombie - Decapitated by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arm.
- Four Zombies - Heads sliced in half by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arm.
- 70 Zombies - Stabbed and sliced by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arms.
- Total - 210
Arrival in Tokyo[]
- Unnamed Man - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, body shown. Reanimated by a Fiend.
- Parrot - Bitten by an unknown fiend off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Fiend - Decapitated by Denji with an axe.
- Power's Host - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, body shown. Reanimated by the Blood Fiend.
- Sea Cucumber Devil - Exploded after being crushed by Power with her blood hammer.
- Total - 5
Meowy's Whereabouts[]
- Bear - Cut in half by Power off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Cow - Decapitated by Power off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Bat Devil - Stomach sliced open by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arms, causing his intestines to fall out.
- Total - 3
- Three Birds - Heads ripped off and blood consumed by Power, shown in a flashback.
- Cow - Decapitated and had its blood consumed by Power, shown in a flashback.
- Bear - Decapitated by Power with her blood axe, shown in a flashback.
- Leech Devil - Head bitten off by the Fox Devil on the orders of Aki Hayakawa.
- Total - 6
Gun Devil[]
- Unnamed Man - Shot in the stomach by an unknown person off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Taiyo Hayakawa - Died when the Gun Devil obliterated his house, shown in a flashback.
- Both of Aki Hayakawa's Parents - Died when the Gun Devil obliterated their house, shown in a flashback.
- 1,199,997 Unnamed Civilians - Killed by the Gun Devil off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- Fish Devil - Killed by Aki Hayakawa and Himeno off-screen, body shown.
- Five Unnamed Devil Hunters - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- Total - 1,200,007
Kill Denji[]
- None
The Taste of a Kiss[]
- Sahara - Killed by an unknown Devil off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- Kinouchi - Killed by an unknown Devil off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- Subaru - Killed by an unknown Devil off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- Sasaki - Killed by an unknown Devil off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- Eternity Devil - Heart cut in half by Denji/Chainsaw Man with his chainsaw arm.
- Unnamed Devil Hunter - Killed by an unknown Devil off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 6
- Makima/Control Devil - Shot in the back of the head by an unknown member of Team C on the orders of Akane Sawatari. Resurrected.
- Unnamed Devil Hunter - Shot in the back of the head by an unknown member of Team C on the orders of Akane Sawatari.
- Hirokazu Arai - Shot in the neck and head by an unknown lady on the orders of Akane Sawatari.
- Unnamed Female Devil Hunter - Shot in the head by an unknown person on the orders of Akane Sawatari.
- Unnamed Male Devil Hunter - Shot twice in the chest by an unknown person on the orders of Akane Sawatari.
- Unnamed Male Devil Hunter - Shot three times in the chest by an unknown person on the orders of Akane Sawatari.
- Unnamed Male Devil Hunter - Shot by an unknown person on the orders of Akane Sawatari.
- Unnamed Woman - Killed by an unknown member of the Yakuza off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Child - Killed by an unknown member of the Yakuza off-screen, mentioned.
- Himeno - Vanished after she sacrificed her life to the Ghost Devil.
- Total - 10
From Kyoto[]
- Unnamed Member of The Yakuza - Cut horizontally in half by Katana Man with his katana arm.
- Four Unnamed Members of Team C - Killed by Makima/Control Devil off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Member of The Yakuza - Exploded from within by Makima/Control Devil.
- Unnamed Member of Team E - Exploded from within by Makima/Control Devil.
- Shuzo Mishima - Exploded from within by Makima/Control Devil.
- Unnamed Prisoner - Killed by Makima/Control Devil.
- Takashi Inoue - Exploded from within by Makima/Control Devil.
- Unnamed Prisoner - Killed by Makima/Control Devil.
- Four Unnamed Prisoners - Killed by Makima/Control Devil.
- Four Unnamed Members of The Yakuza - Exploded from within by Makima/Control Devil.
- Seven Unnamed Prisoners - Killed by Makima/Control Devil off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Lady - Shot in the head by Kobeni Higashiyama, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 27
Bruised & Battered[]
- None
Mission Start[]
- 14 Unnamed Devil Hunters - Shot by unknown people on the orders of Akane Sawatari off-screen, mentioned.
- 45 Unnamed Humans - Bitten by zombies off-screen, zombies shown.
- Beam's Host - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, body shown. Reanimated by the Shark Fiend.
- Seven Zombies - Bitten by Beam/Shark Fiend.
- Zombie - Bitten in half by Beam/Shark Fiend.
- Galgali's Host - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, body shown. Reanimated by the Violence Fiend.
- Zombie - Head obliterated after being punched by Galgali/Violence Fiend.
- Three Zombies - Punched in the chest by Galgali/Violence Fiend.
- Zombie - Kicked in the head by Galgali/Violence Fiend.
- Zombie - Punched in the stomach by Galgali/Violence Fiend.
- Zombie - Punched through the chest by Galgali/Violence Fiend.
- Three Zombies - Crushed by Princi/Spider Devil.
- Six Zombies - Kicked by Princi/Spider Devil.
- Four Zombies - Crushed by Princi/Spider Devil.
- Zombie - Decapitated after being crushed by Princi/Spider Devil.
- Three Zombies - Slashed by Denji with an axe.
- Two Zombies - Beaten by Kobeni Higashiyama.
- Zombie - Head cut in half by Aki Hayakawa with a katana.
- Two Zombies - Cut in half by Aki Hayakawa with a katana.
- Three Zombies - Beaten by Galgali/Violence Fiend.
- Two Zombies - Crushed by Princi/Spider Devil.
- Three Zombies - Bitten by Beam/Shark Fiend.
- Four Unnamed Members of The Yakuza - Killed by Makima/Control Devil.
- Four Unnamed People - Killed by Makima/Control Devil off-screen.
- Total - 114
Katana vs. Chainsaw[]
- Ghost Devil - Decapitated by Aki Hayakawa with a katana.
- 18 Unnamed Humans - Bitten by zombies off-screen, zombies shown.
- Zombie - Stabbed in the head by Power with blood knives.
- Two Zombies - Decapitated by Power with blood knives.
- Zombie - Slashed by Power with blood knives.
- Three Zombies - Decapitated by Power with blood knives.
- Akane Sawatari - Decapitated by the Snake Devil.
- Total - 27
Chainsaw Man – The Movie: Reze Arc[]
- Coming Soon
- Total - 1,200,415
Kill Counts[]
- Gun Devil - 1,200,000 (Alive)
- Denji/Chainsaw Man - 111 (Alive)
- Zombie Devil - 103 (Deceased)
- Makima/Control Devil - 32 (Alive)
- Akane Sawatari - 20 (Deceased)
- Princi/Spider Devil - 16 (Alive)
- Power/Blood Devil - 15 (Alive)
- Beam/Shark Fiend - 11 (Alive)
- Galgali/Violence Fiend - 10 (Alive)
- Aki Hayakawa - 6 (Alive)
- Kobeni Higashiyama - 3 (Alive)
- Pochita/Chainsaw Devil - 2 (Alive)
- Fox Devil - 1 (Alive)
- Katana Man - 1 (Alive)
- Snake Devil - 1 (Alive)
- Ghost Devil - 1 (Deceased)
- Himeno - 1 (Deceased)