William Henry Pratt, better known as Boris Karloff, and occasionally billed as Karloff the Uncanny, was an English actor.
(1887 - 1969) (81 Years Old)
Frankenstein (1931)[]
- Fritz - Hanged by The Monster with a noose off-screen, screams heard and body shown.
- Dr. Waldman - Strangled to death by The Monster.
- Maria - Drowned after being thrown into a lake by The Monster, who hadn't intended on killing her.
- Total - 3
The Mummy (1932)[]
- Four Unnamed Slaves - Killed by the Pharaoh's guards with spears on his orders.
- Six Unnamed Soldiers - Killed on the Pharaoh's command.
- Ralph Norton - Died of a laughing curse off-screen.
- Unnamed Museum Guard - Killed by an unknown curse.
- Dog - Killed by the Mummy off-screen.
- Joseph Whemple - Died of a heart attack due to the curse.
- Total - 14
Bride of Frankenstein (1935)[]
- Hans - Drowned in a lake by The Monster.
- Hans' Wife - Thrown into a pit by The Monster.
- Unnamed Hunter - Crushed by a rock pushed by The Monster.
- Frieda Newman - Killed by The Monster off-screen, body shown.
- Karl - Tossed from the top of the tower by The Monster.
- Ludwig - Killed in the laboratory explosion caused by The Monster, implied.
- Dr. Septius Pretorius - Killed in the laboratory explosion caused by The Monster.
- The Bride - Killed in the laboratory explosion caused by The Monster.
- Total - 8
Son of Frankenstein (1939)[]
- Six Unknown Victims - Killed by either Ygor or The Monster off-screen, mentioned.
- Ewald Neumüller - Strangled to death and crushed by his own wagon driven by The Monster on the orders of Ygor.
- Emil Lang - Punched in the back of the head by The Monster off-screen on the orders of Ygor.
- Seven Unnamed Jurors - Killed by The Monster off-screen on the orders of Ygor, mentioned.
- Thomas Benson - Killed by either Ygor or The Monster off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 16
House of Frankenstein (1944)[]
- Professor Bruno Lampini - Strangled to death by Daniel on the orders of Dr. Niemann, who then stole his identity.
- Unnamed Coachman - Killed by Daniel off-screen on the orders of Dr. Niemann.
- Burgermeist Hussman - Bitten on the neck and blood drained by Dracula in his bat form off-screen on the orders of Dr. Niemann.
- Frederick Strauss - Killed by Daniel and Dr. Niemann off-screen.
- Ullman - Killed by Daniel and Dr. Niemann off-screen.
- Total - 5
Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947)[]
- Professor Irma M. Learned - Shot to death by Gruesome.
- Dr. A. Tomic - Killed by Gruesome off-screen and disposed of in an incinerator.
- Dr. Lee E. Thal - Shot by Gruesome.
- Total - 3
Targets (1968)[]
- None
Kill Count[]
- Total - 49
- 48 Humans
- 38 Men
- 6 Victims of Unknown Gender
- 4 Women
- 1 Animal
- All Dogs
- 48 Humans
Kill Count by Character[]
- The Monster (Frankenstein) - 27
- Prince Imhotep (The Mummy) - 14
- Dr. Gustav Niemann (House of Frankenstein) - 5
- Gruesome (Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome) - 3
- Byron Orlok (Targets) - 0
Characters Killed by Boris Karloff[]
- Fritz - Hanged by The Monster with a noose off-screen, screams heard and body shown.
- Dr. Waldman - Strangled to death by The Monster.
- Maria - Drowned after being thrown into a lake by The Monster, who hadn't intended on killing her.
- Ralph Norton - Died of a laughing curse off-screen.
- Joseph Whemple - Died of a heart attack due to the curse.
- Hans - Drowned in a lake by The Monster.
- Frieda Newman - Killed by The Monster off-screen, body shown.
- Karl - Tossed from the top of the tower by The Monster.
- Ludwig - Killed in the laboratory explosion caused by The Monster, implied.
- Dr. Septius Pretorius - Killed in the laboratory explosion caused by The Monster.
- The Bride - Killed in the laboratory explosion caused by The Monster.
- Ewald Neumüller - Strangled to death and crushed by his own wagon driven by The Monster on the orders of Ygor.
- Emil Lang - Punched in the back of the head by The Monster off-screen on the orders of Ygor.
- Thomas Benson - Killed by either Ygor or The Monster off-screen, body shown.
- Professor Bruno Lampini - Strangled to death by Daniel on the orders of Dr. Niemann, who then stole his identity.
- Burgermeist Hussman - Bitten on the neck and blood drained by Dracula in his bat form off-screen on the orders of Dr. Niemann.
- Frederick Strauss - Killed by Daniel and Dr. Niemann off-screen.
- Ullman - Killed by Daniel and Dr. Niemann off-screen.
- Professor Irma M. Learned - Shot to death by Gruesome.
- Dr. A. Tomic - Killed by Gruesome off-screen and disposed of in an incinerator.
- Dr. Lee E. Thal - Shot by Gruesome.
The Mummy (1932)[]
- Prince Imhotep - Buried alive after being caught. Revived as an undead Mummy.
- Prince Imhotep - Crumbled to dust after the scroll was burned by Isis.
Bride of Frankenstein (1935)[]
- Frankenstein's Monster/The Monster - Committed suicide by blowing up the laboratory. (Revived in "Son of Frankenstein")
House of Frankenstein (1944)[]
- Dr. Gustav Niemann/Professor Bruno Lampini - Drowned in quicksand while being carried by The Monster after Daniel broke his back off-screen.
Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome (1947)[]
- Gruesome - Shot in the back by Dick Tracy.