Attack on Titan is a dark fantasy Japanese anime television series adapted from the Attack on Titan manga series. It premiered on April 7, 2013 and ended in 2023 after its fourth season.
After his hometown is destroyed and his mother is killed, young Eren Jaeger vows to cleanse the earth of the giant humanoid Titans that have brought humanity to the brink of extinction.
Two non-canonical animated spin-off series have been released including Chibi Theater: Fly, Cadets, Fly! and Attack on Titan: Junior High.
Season 1[]
To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 1[]
- Moses - Killed by a Titan off-screen, arm shown.
- 28 Fish - Killed by unknown people off-screen, bodies shown.
- Goose - Killed by an unknown person off-screen, body shown.
- Three Rabbits - Killed by unknown people off-screen, bodies shown.
- At Least Seven Unnamed Civilians - Crushed by rubble when Bertholdt Hoover/Colossal Titan kicked Wall Maria.
- Unnamed Person - Crushed by a rock when Bertholdt Hoover/Colossal Titan kicked Wall Maria off-screen, body shown.
- Carla Jaeger - Back broken and bitten in half by Dina Fritz/Smiling Titan on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Total - 42
That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina, Part 2[]
- Two Unnamed People - Crushed by a rock when Bertholdt Hoover/Colossal Titan kicked Wall Maria off-screen, bodies shown.
- Two Unnamed Women - Consumed by Titans.
- Three Unnamed Men - Consumed by Titans.
- Six Unnamed Members of The Garrison Regiment - Killed by Reiner Braun/Armored Titan when he charged them.
- 9,984 Unnamed Civilians - Killed by Titans during the Fall of Wall Maria off-screen, mentioned.
- 249,979 Unnamed Soldiers - Killed by Titans during the operation to retake Wall Maria off-screen, mentioned.
- Mr. Arlelt - Killed by Titans during the operation to retake Wall Maria off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 259,977
A Dim Light Amid Despair: Humanity's Comeback, Part 1[]
- None
The Night of the Closing Ceremony: Humanity's Comeback, Part 2[]
- None
First Battle: The Struggle for Trost, Part 1[]
- Thomas Wagner - Consumed by an abnormal Titan.
- Nack Tierce - Swatted by a Titan.
- Milieus Zeremski - Consumed by a Titan.
- Mīna Carolina - Consumed by the Peering Titan.
- Total - 4
The World the Girl Saw: The Struggle for Trost, Part 2[]
- Franz Kefka - Bitten in half by a Titan off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Member of The Cadet Corps - Kicked by an abnormal Titan.
- Abnormal Titan - Nape slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Mikasa Ackermann's Father - Stabbed in the stomach by an unknown bandit with a knife, shown in a flashback.
- Mikasa Ackermann's Mother - Stabbed in the head by an unknown bandit with an axe, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Male Bandit - Stabbed in the neck by Eren Jaeger with a knife, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Male Bandit - Stabbed to death by Eren Jaeger with a knife, shown in a flashback.
- Moth - Killed and consumed by a praying mantis off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Duck - Killed by Mikasa Ackermann's father off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Male Bandit - Stabbed in the back by Mikasa Ackermann with a knife, shown in a flashback.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Three Titans - Napes slashed by unknown members of the Cadet Corps with ultrahard steel blades off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 14
Small Blade: The Struggle for Trost, Part 3[]
- Unnamed Member of The Cadet Corps - Committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a musket.
- Two Unnamed Members of The Cadet Corps - Consumed by Titans.
- Two Titans - Napes slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Tom - Consumed by a Titan.
- Two Unnamed Members of The Cadet Corps - Consumed by Titans.
- Titan - Nape crushed by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan when he repeatedly stomped on it.
- Titan - Head punched off and had its nape crushed by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan.
- Total - 10
I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost, Part 4[]
- Titan - Nape slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Nape crushed by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan when he repeatedly punched it.
- Unnamed Member of The Cadet Corps - Consumed by a Titan.
- Five Titans - Napes destroyed by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Reiner Braun with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Jean Kirschtein with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Bertholdt Hoover with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Annie Leonhart with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Comrade D/Peering Titan - Nape slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Annie Leonhart with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Abnormal Titan - Bitten in the nape by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan.
- Four Titans - Napes destroyed by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan.
- Total - 20
Whereabouts of His Left Arm: The Struggle for Trost, Part 5[]
- Six Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Killed by Titans off-screen, bodies shown in a flashback.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade, shown in a flashback.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Section Commander Hange Zoë with an ultrahard steel blade, shown in a flashback.
- Two Titans - Napes slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades, shown in a flashback.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Eld Gin and Gunther Schultz with an ultrahard steel blade off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Died of his injuries after being bitten by a Titan, shown in a flashback.
- 17 Unnamed Members of The Cadet Corps - Consumed by a Titan off-screen, bodies shown in a flashback.
- Titan - Ripped apart by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan when he transformed inside him, shown in a flashback.
- Titan - Nape crushed by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan when he repeatedly stomped on it, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 31
Response: The Struggle for Trost, Part 6[]
- None
Idol: The Struggle for Trost, Part 7[]
- Unnamed Member of The Cadet Corps - Consumed by a Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 1
Wound: The Struggle for Trost, Part 8[]
- Three Titans - Napes slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Unnamed Member of The Garrison Regiment - Consumed by a Titan.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Ian Dietrich with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Unnamed Soldier - Crushed by a rock when Bertholdt Hoover/Colossal Titan kicked the outer gate of the Trost District off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 6
Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost, Part 9[]
- Unnamed Member of The Garrison Regiment - Consumed by a Titan.
- Mitabi Jarnach - Crushed by a Titan.
- Ian Dietrich - Head bitten off by a Titan.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Two Titans - Napes slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- At Least 82 Titans - Shot by unknown members of the Garrison Regiment with cannons.
- 163 Unnamed Soldiers - Killed by Titans during the Battle of Trost District off-screen, mentioned.
- Marco Bodt - Consumed by a Titan after Annie Leonhart removed his ODM gear on the orders of Reiner Braun off-screen, body shown. (Shown in Descent)
- Ruth D. Kline - Killed by a Titan off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 253
Can't Look into His Eyes Yet: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 1[]
- Five Titans - Napes destroyed by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 5
Special Operations Squad: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 2[]
- 58 Titans - Napes destroyed by Petra Rall off-screen, mentioned.
- 48 Titans - Napes destroyed by Oruo Bozad off-screen, mentioned.
- 45 Titans - Napes destroyed by Eld Gin off-screen, mentioned.
- 46 Titans - Napes destroyed by Gunther Schultz off-screen, mentioned.
- 500 Unnamed People - Killed and consumed by unknown cannibals off-screen, mentioned.
- Sawney Bean - Executed by unknown people off-screen, mentioned.
- Chikatilo - Accidentally decapitated by Section Commander Hange Zoë off-screen, mentioned.
- Albert - Accidentally decapitated by Section Commander Hange Zoë off-screen, mentioned.
- Titan - Decapitated by an unknown solider off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Sawney - Nape destroyed by Annie Leonhart off-screen, body shown.
- Beane - Nape destroyed by Annie Leonhart off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 703
What Needs to Be Done Now: Eve of the Counterattack, Part 3[]
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Died of his injuries sustained from a Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 1
Female Titan: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 1[]
- Abnormal Titan - Nape slashed by Luke Cis with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Luke Cis - Crushed by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Dieter Ness - Slammed into the ground by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Horse - Crushed by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Titan - Nape destroyed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment off-screen, body shown.
- Four Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Killed by Titans off-screen, bodies shown.
- Three Horses - Killed by Titans off-screen, bodies shown.
- Horse - Swatted by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Total - 13
Forest of Giant Trees: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 2[]
- Two Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Crushed by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan with her feet.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Fell to his death after being thrown by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Horse - Kicked by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Darius Baer Walbrunn - Kicked by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Swatted by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Slammed into a tree by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Crushed by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Total - 8
Bite: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 3[]
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Slammed into a tree by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Slammed into a tree by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Total - 2
Erwin Smith: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 4[]
- Two Titans - Napes slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- At Least Six Titans - Napes slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann, Petra Rall, Oruo Bozad, Eld Gin, Gunther Schultz, and other unknown members of the Scout Regiment with ultrahard steel blades.
- Gunther Schultz - Throat slashed by Annie Leonhart with ultrahard steel blades.
- Total - 9
Crushing Blow: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 5[]
- Eld Gin - Bitten in half by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Petra Rall - Crushed into a tree by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Oruo Bozad - Kicked into several trees by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Total - 3
The Defeated: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission, Part 6[]
- Ivan - Killed by a Titan off-screen, body shown.
- Jurgen - Consumed by a Titan.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Total - 3
Smile: Assault on Stohess, Part 1[]
- Six Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Killed by Annie Leonhart when she transformed into the Female Titan.
- Total - 6
Mercy: Assault on Stohess, Part 2[]
- Two Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Crushed by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan with her foot.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment -Slammed into a building by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Swatted by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Two Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Slammed into a building by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Five Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Kicked by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Total - 11
Wall: Assault on Stohess, Part 3[]
- 96 Unnamed Members of The Order of The Wall - Crushed by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan when she fell onto a church after being punched by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan.
- Two Unnamed Stohess District Civilians - Crushed by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan when she ran into them.
- Six Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Crushed after Annie Leonhart/Female Titan punched a building.
- Four Unnamed Stohess District Civilians - Crushed by rubble as a result of Annie Leonhart/Female Titan and Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan fighting.
- Total - 108
Season 2[]
Beast Titan[]
- Five Unnamed Stohess District Civilians - Crushed by rubble as a result of Annie Leonhart/Female Titan and Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan fighting off-screen, bodies shown.
- Two Titans - Napes slashed by Miche Zacharius with ultrahard steel blades.
- Three Titans - Napes slashed by Miche Zacharius with ultrahard steel blades off-screen, bodies shown.
- Horse - Crushed by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Miche Zacharius - Ripped apart and consumed by Titans on the orders of Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Total - 12
I'm Home[]
- Kaya's Mother - Died of her injuries after being bitten by a Titan.
- Total - 1
- Titan - Nape slashed by Captain Rico Brzenska with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Total - 1
- Titan - Nape slashed by Nanaba with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Lynne with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Marcel Galliard/Jaw Titan - Consumed by Ymir, shown in a flashback.
- Four Titans - Napes slashed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment with ultrahard steel blades off-screen, bodies shown.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Gelgar with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Two Horses - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Lynne - Hit by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Henning - Hit by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Two Titans - Napes slashed by Nanaba with ultrahard steel blades.
- Gelgar - Consumed by a Titan.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Consumed by a Titan.
- Nanaba - Consumed by a Titan.
- Total - 17
- Four Titans - Napes bitten out by Ymir/Jaw Titan.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Nine Titans - Napes slashed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment with ultrahard steel blades.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Eren Jaeger with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Six Titans - Napes slashed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment with ultrahard steel blades.
- Two Titan - Napes slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Total - 23
- None
Close Combat[]
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Consumed by Bertholdt Hoover/Colossal Titan.
- Total - 1
The Hunters[]
- None
- None
- Unnamed Member of The Military Police Regiment - Consumed by a Titan.
- Total - 1
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Slammed into the ground by Ymir/Jaw Titan.
- Titan - Nape bitten out by Ymir/Jaw Titan.
- Two Unnamed Members of The Military Police Regiment - Consumed by Titans.
- Unnamed Member of The Military Police Regiment - Crushed by a Titan.
- Horse - Crushed by a Titan.
- Three Unnamed Members of The Military Police Regiment - Consumed by Titans.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Historia Reiss with ultrahard steel blades.
- Total - 10
- Beirer - Consumed by a Titan.
- Titan - Nape bitten out by Ymir/Jaw Titan.
- Horse - Crushed by Reiner Braun/Armored Titan with a thrown Titan.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Peer with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Peer - Consumed by a Titan.
- Captain Hannes - Bitten in half and consumed by the Smiling Titan.
- Dina Fritz/Smiling Titan - Ripped apart and consumed by Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Conny Springer's Father (Titan) - Nape destroyed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment off-screen, mentioned.
- Sunny Springer (Titan) - Nape destroyed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment off-screen, mentioned.
- Martin Springer (Titan) - Nape destroyed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 10
Season 3[]
Smoke Signal[]
- Pastor Nick - Tortured to death by Ralph and Djel Sannes off-screen, body shown.
- At Least 100 Unnamed Members of The Military Police Regiment - Throats slit by Kenny Ackermann/Kenny the Ripper off-screen, mentioned.
- Nifa - Shot in the head by Kenny Ackermann with a shotgun.
- Abel - Shot in the head by an unknown member of the Anti-Personnel Control Squad with a shotgun.
- Total - 103
- Keiji - Shot in the chest by an unknown member of the Anti-Personnel Control Squad with a shotgun.
- Duran - Shot by Captain Levi Ackermann with a Piston-shot grapple-hook before being shot to death by unknown members of the Anti-Personnel Control Squad.
- Two Unnamed Members of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Unnamed Member of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Unnamed Member of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Shot in the chest by Captain Levi Ackermann with a Piston-shot grapple-hook.
- Unnamed Member of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Shot in the back by Armin Arlelt with a pistol.
- Unnamed Criminal - Shot to death by unknown members of the Anti-Personnel Control Squad, shown in a flashback.
- Dimo Reeves - Throat slit by Kenny Ackermann with a knife.
- Total - 9
Old Story[]
- Alma - Throat slit by Kenny Ackermann with a knife, shown in a flashback.
- Mr. Smith - Killed by unknown members of the Military Police Regiment off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 2
- None
- None
- Grisha Jaeger/Attack Titan/Founding Titan - Committed suicide by allowing Eren Jaeger to consume him, shown in a flashback.
- Frieda Reiss/Founding Titan - Consumed by Grisha Jaeger/Attack Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Dirk Reiss - Crushed to death by Grisha Jaeger/Attack Titan with his hand, shown in a flashback.
- Abel Reiss - Crushed to death by Grisha Jaeger/Attack Titan with his hand, shown in a flashback.
- Frieda Reiss' Mother - Crushed to death by Grisha Jaeger/Attack Titan with his foot, shown in a flashback.
- Florian Reiss - Crushed to death by Grisha Jaeger/Attack Titan with his foot, shown in a flashback.
- Ulklin Reiss - Crushed to death by Grisha Jaeger/Attack Titan with his hand, shown in a flashback.
- Seven Unnamed Members of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Killed by Captain Levi Ackermann off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 14
- Unnamed Member of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Stabbed in the back by Jean Kirschtein with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Unnamed Member of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Slashed by Conny Springer with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Unnamed Member of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Shot in the chest by Sasha Braus with an arrow using a bow.
- Unnamed Member of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Stabbed in the stomach by Section Commander Hange Zoë with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Three Unnamed Members of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Unnamed Member of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Fell to his death after being kicked into a wall by Mikasa Ackermann.
- Three Unnamed Members of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Uri Reiss/Founding Titan - Consumed by Frieda Reiss, shown in a flashback.
- Uri Reiss' Father - Consumed by Uri Reiss off-screen, mentioned.
- Unnamed Founding Titan - Consumed by Karl Fritz off-screen, mentioned.
- King Karl Fritz/Founding Titan - Consumed by an unknown person off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 15
Outside the Walls of Orvud District[]
- Caven - Crushed by rubble when Lord Rod Reiss caused the collapse of the Underground Chapel by transforming into a Titan.
- 23 Unnamed Members of The Anti-Personnel Control Squad - Crushed by rubble when Lord Rod Reiss caused the collapse of the Underground Chapel by transforming into a Titan.
- Total - 24
Ruler of the Walls[]
- Three Unnamed Members of The Garrison Regiment - Crushed and fell to their deaths by Lord Rod Reiss.
- Lord Rod Reiss (Titan) - Nape slashed by Historia Reiss with an ultrahard steel blade after being blown up by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan with barrels of gunpowder.
- Total - 4
- Kuchel Ackermann - Died of an unspecified illness off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Kenny Ackermann/Kenny the Ripper - Died of his injuries sustained when Lord Rod Reiss caused the collapse of the Underground Chapel by transforming into a Titan.
- Total - 2
- Titan - Nape crushed by an unknown member of the Scout Regiment with the Executioner from Hell.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Commander Keith Sadies with an ultrahard steel blade, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 2
Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall[]
- None
The Town Where Everything Began[]
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Stabbed in the chest by Reiner Braun with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Total - 1
Thunder Spears[]
- Two Titans - Napes slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Consumed by a Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 3
- Moblit Berner - Incinerated by Bertholdt Hoover when he transformed into the Colossal Titan. (Shown in Midnight Sun)
- Three Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Incinerated by Bertholdt Hoover when he transformed into the Colossal Titan.
- Harold - Incinerated by Bertholdt Hoover when he transformed into the Colossal Titan.
- Total - 5
Perfect Game[]
- 16 Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Dirk - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Klaus - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Marlene - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Horse - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Dieter - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Two Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Horse - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Total - 25
- Marlo Freudenberg - Hit in the head by a rock thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Sandra - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Gordon - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Six Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Nine Horses - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Five Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Five Horses - Crushed by rocks thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade off-screen, body shown.
- Four Titans - Napes slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Total - 33
Midnight Sun[]
- Bertholdt Hoover/Colossal Titan - Head crushed and consumed by Armin Arlelt.
- Commander Erwin Smith - Died of his injuries after being hit in the stomach by a rock thrown by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Total - 2
The Basement[]
- 148 Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Killed by Titans during the Battle of Shiganshina District off-screen, mentioned.
- Lauda - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen.
- Rashad - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen.
- Tomas - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen.
- Total - 151
That Day[]
- Fay Jaeger - Mauled by dogs on the orders of Sergeant Major Gross, shown in a flashback.
- Grice - Consumed by a Titan after being kicked from the Wall by Sergeant Major Gross, shown in a flashback.
- Sergeant Major Gross - Consumed by the Peering Titan after being pushed from the Wall by Eren Kruger/The Owl, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Attack Titan - Consumed by Eren Kruger off-screen.
- Eight Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Fell to their deaths when Eren Kruger transformed into the Attack Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Two Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Fell to their deaths when Eren Kruger/Attack Titan lifted their boat into the air, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 13
Attack Titan[]
- Unnamed Marleyan Soldier - Crushed to death by Eren Kruger/Attack Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Eren Kruger's Father - Burned alive by unknown Marleyan soldiers, shown in a flashback.
- At Least Two Unnamed Eldians - Burned alive by unknown Marleyan soldiers, shown in a flashback.
- Eren Kruger/Attack Titan - Consumed by Grisha Jaeger, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 5
The Other Side of the Wall[]
- None
Ilse's Notebook: Notes from a Scout Regiment Member[]
- 20 Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Killed by Titans off-screen, mentioned.
- Ten Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Killed by Titans off-screen, mentioned.
- Talking Titan - Nape slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Consumed by a Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Ilse Langnar - Head bitten off by the Talking Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 33
A Sudden Visitor: The Torturous Curse of Adolescence[]
- Colossal Boar - Shot in the head by Sasha Braus with an arrow using a bow.
- Total - 1
- None
A Choice with No Regrets: Part One[]
- None
A Choice with No Regrets: Part Two[]
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Consumed by a Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Consumed by a Titan.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Flagon with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Furlan Church with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Three Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Killed by an abnormal Titan off-screen, bodies shown.
- Two Horses - Killed by an abnormal Titan off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Died of his injuries after being bitten in half by an abnormal Titan.
- Isabel Magnolia - Head bitten off by an abnormal Titan off-screen, body shown.
- Furlan Church - Bitten in half by an abnormal Titan off-screen, body shown.
- Abnormal Titan - Sliced apart, decapitated, and nape slashed by Levi Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Flagon - Killed by an abnormal Titan off-screen, body shown.
- Two Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Killed by an abnormal Titan off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 17
Wall Sina, Goodbye: Part One[]
- Kemper Boltz - Killed by Elliot G. Stratmann off-screen, body shown.
- Total - 1
Wall Sina, Goodbye: Part Two[]
- Unnamed Driver - Shot by Lou with a pistol off-camera, gunshot heard.
- Wald - Died of his injuries after being shot in the chest by Lou with a pistol.
- Total - 2
Lost in the cruel world[]
- Titan - Nape crushed by an unknown member of the Scout Regiment with the Executioner from Hell.
- Three Unnamed Bandits - Mauled by wolves off-screen, bodies shown.
- Moses (Alternate Reality) - Killed by a Titan off-screen, arm shown.
- Eren Jaeger (Alternate Reality) - Died when his hot air balloon crashed into the Wall off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 6
Season 4[]
The Other Side of the Sea[]
- Two Unnamed Eldian Soldiers - Killed by unknown Mid-East Allied Force soldiers off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Eldian Soldier - Blown up by unknown Mid-East Allied Force soldiers.
- Three Unnamed Eldian Soldiers - Shot in the back by an unknown Mid-East Allied Force soldier.
- Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldier - Crushed by an armoured train after it had been blown up by Gabi Braun with a bundle of grenades.
- Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldier - Crushed by rubble after being punched by Porco Galliard/Jaw Titan.
- Eight Unnamed Eldian Soldiers - Shot and blown up by unknown Mid-East Allied Force soldiers.
- Four Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldiers - Crushed by rubble after being punched by Porco Galliard/Jaw Titan.
- Five Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldiers - Blown up by Porco Galliard/Jaw Titan.
- Two Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldiers - Headbutted by Porco Galliard/Jaw Titan.
- Three Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldiers - Shot by unknown Eldian soldiers with rifles.
- Three Unnamed Eldian Soldiers - Shot and blown up by unknown Mid-East Allied Force soldiers.
- Two Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldiers - Crushed by a falling Titan transformed by Zeke Jaeger.
- Two Titans - Napes destroyed when they fell from an airship.
- Five Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldiers - Consumed by Titans.
- Eight Titans - Shot in the napes by unknown Mid-East Allied Force soldiers with anti-Titan artillery.
- Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldier - Shot by unknown Mid-East Allied Force soldiers with anti-Titan artillery.
- Nine Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldiers - Punched by Reiner Braun/Armored Titan.
- Two Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldiers - Crushed by Porco Galliard/Jaw Titan.
- Five Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldiers - Crushed by Reiner Braun/Armored Titan with an armoured train.
- At Least 12 Unnamed Mid-East Allied Force Soldiers - Blown up by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan with thrown artillery shells.
- Total - 79
Midnight Train[]
- Ymir/Jaw Titan - Consumed by Porco Galliard, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 1
The Door of Hope[]
- Unnamed Female Titan - Consumed by Annie Leonhart off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- Unnamed Armored Titan - Consumed by Reiner Braun off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- Unnamed Jaw Titan - Consumed by Marcel Galliard off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- Unnamed Soldier - Crushed by Marcel Galliard/Jaw Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Soldier - Consumed by Marcel Galliard/Jaw Titan, shown in a flashback.
- 17 Unnamed Soldiers - Crushed by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan with thrown rocks, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Cart Titan - Consumed by Pieck Finger off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- Unnamed Colossal Titan - Consumed by Bertholdt Hoover off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- 26 Unnamed Soldiers - Incinerated by Bertholdt Hoover when he transformed into the Colossal Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Man - Committed suicide by hanging himself off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Total - 51
From One Hand to Another[]
- Devil of All Earth - Killed by Helos off-screen, statue shown.
- Helos - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen, statue shown.
- Total - 2
Declaration of War[]
- Bertholdt Hoover's Father - Died of natural causes off-screen, mentioned.
- Two Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Blown up by Eren Jaeger when he transformed into the Attack Titan.
- Willy Tybur - Crushed to death by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan with his hand.
- Total - 4
The War Hammer Titan[]
- Four Unnamed Eldian Civilians - Crushed by rubble when Eren Jaeger transformed into the Attack Titan off-screen, bodies shown.
- General Calvi - Crushed to death by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan.
- Zofia - Crushed by rubble when Eren Jaeger transformed into the Attack Titan off-screen, body shown.
- Udo - Accidentally trampled to death by unknown Eldian civilians.
- Unnamed War Hammer Titan - Consumed by Lara Tybur off-screen.
- Two Unnamed Eldian Civilians - Crushed by rubble caused by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan.
- Six Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Blown up by unknown members of the Scout Regiment with Thunder Spears.
- Four Unnamed Eldian Civilians - Crushed by rubble caused by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan off-screen, bodies shown.
- Two Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Blown up by unknown members of the Scout Regiment with Thunder Spears.
- Six Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Blown up by unknown members of the Scout Regiment.
- Five Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Shot by unknown members of the Scout Regiment.
- Unnamed Marleyan Soldier - Fell to his death after being thrown from a rooftop by Jean Kirschtein.
- 32 Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Blown up by unknown members of the Scout Regiment.
- Two Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Shot by Sasha Braus with a rifle.
- Total - 68
- Three Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Shot to death by unknown members of the Panzer Unit with turrets.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Slammed into the ground by Porco Galliard/Jaw Titan.
- At Least Five Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Blown up by Armin Arlelt when he transformed into the Colossal Titan.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Shot to death by unknown members of the Panzer Unit with turrets.
- Carlo - Shot in the head by Sasha Braus with a rifle.
- Three Unnamed Members of The Panzer Unit - Blown up by unknown members of the Scout Regiment with Thunder Spears.
- At Least Four Unnamed Eldian Civilians - Blown up by Armin Arlelt when he transformed into the Colossal Titan off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Shot by Commander Theo Magath with a rifle.
- Lara Tybur/War Hammer Titan - Crushed and consumed by Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan using the jaws of the Jaw Titan.
- Total - 20
Assassin's Bullet[]
- Unnamed Marleyan Soldier - Killed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment off-screen, body shown.
- Commander Lobov - Shot in the head by Gabi Braun with a rifle.
- Sasha Braus - Died of her injuries after being shot in the stomach by Gabi Braun with a rifle.
- Total - 3
Brave Volunteers[]
- Unnamed Marleyan Captain - Shot in the head by Yelena, shown in a flashback.
- Lobster - Killed and cooked by unknown people off-screen, body shown.
- 14 Oysters - Killed and cooked by unknown people off-screen, bodies shown.
- 16 Prawns - Killed and cooked by unknown people off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 32
A Sound Argument[]
- None
- Unnamed Member of The Garrison Regiment - Beaten to death by Gabi Braun with a brick.
- Total - 1
- Three Unnamed Marleyans - Killed by Yelena off-screen, bodies shown in flashbacks.
- Premier Dhalis Zachary - Blown up by unknown Jaegerists with a bomb.
- Three Unnamed Members of The Military Police Regiment - Blown up by unknown Jaegerists with a bomb.
- Total - 7
Children of the Forest[]
- At Least Nine Unnamed Civilians - Killed by Titans while under the control of Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 9
- 25 Titans - Napes slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades off-screen.
- Varis (Titan) - Nape slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades off-screen.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Ripped in half by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan.
- Total - 28
Sole Salvation[]
- Unnamed Beast Titan - Consumed by Tom Xaver off-screen.
- At Least Five Unnamed People - Died after contracting an unspecified disease off-screen, bodies shown in a flashback.
- Tom Xaver's Son - Throat slit by Tom Xaver's wife with a knife off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Tom Xaver's Wife - Committed suicide by slitting her throat with a knife off-screen, body shown in a flashback.
- Tom Xaver/Beast Titan - Consumed by Zeke Jaeger, shown in a flashback.
- Total - 9
Above and Below[]
- Greiz - Shot in the back of the head by Yelena with a pistol.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Stabbed in the throat by Pieck Finger with a knife.
- Total - 2
- Titan - Dissolved into a skeleton.
- 48 Unnamed Jaegerists - Shot to death by unknown Marleyan soldiers.
- Three Unnamed Jaegerists - Blown up by an unknown Marleyan soldier with a grenade.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Stabbed in the back by an unknown Marleyan soldier.
- 11 Unnamed Jaegerists - Shot to death by unknown Marleyan soldiers off-screen, bodies shown.
- Total - 64
Sneak Attack[]
- At Least Two Unnamed Marleyan Pilots - Blown up by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan when he blew up their airships with thrown rocks.
- Eight Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Crushed by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan with thrown rocks.
- At Least Seven Unnamed Marleyan Pilots - Blown up by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan when he blew up their airships with thrown rocks.
- Six Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Blown up by unknown Jaegerists with Thunder Spears.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Shot in the head by an unknown Marleyan soldier.
- Total - 24
Two Brothers[]
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Slammed into a turret by Pieck Finger/Cart Titan.
- Two Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Blown up by an unknown member of the Scout Regiment with a Thunder Spear.
- Three Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Shot by unknown members of the Scout Regiment.
- Six Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Blown up by an unknown member of the Scout Regiment with a Thunder Spear.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Shot by an unknown Marleyan soldier.
- Three Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Consumed by Titans.
- Colt Grice - Incinerated by Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan when he caused Falco Grice to transform into a Titan.
- Three Unnamed Members of The Scout Regiment - Shot by an unknown Marleyan soldiers off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Marleyan Soldier - Neck slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Koslow - Neck slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Porco Galliard/Jaw Titan - Consumed by Falco Grice.
- Two Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Consumed by Titans.
- Total - 25
Memories of the Future[]
- None
From You, 2,000 Years Ago[]
- Three Unnamed Civilians - Killed by unknown Eldians off-screen, bodies shown in a flashback.
- Eight Unnamed Marleyans - Killed by unknown Eldians off-screen, heads shown in a flashback.
- Unnamed Marleyan - Stabbed to death by unknown Eldians with spears, shown in a flashback.
- Ymir Fritz/Founding Titan - Stabbed in the chest by an unknown Marleyan with a thrown spear, shown in a flashback.
- King Fritz - Died of natural causes, shown in a flashback.
- Maria Fritz - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen.
- Rose Fritz - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen.
- Sina Fritz - Died in an unspecified manner off-screen.
- Unnamed Marleyan Soldier - Fell to his death when the Walls collapsed due to Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan beginning the Rumbling.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Fell to his death when the Walls collapsed due to Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan beginning the Rumbling.
- Total - 19
- 759 Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Either consumed by Titans or killed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment or Jaegerists off-screen.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Consumed by a Titan.
- Unnamed Member of The Scout Regiment - Crushed by a Titan.
- Nile Dawk (Titan) - Shot in the nape by Gabi Braun with an anti-Titan rifle.
- Roeg (Titan) - Nape slashed by Commandant Keith Sadies with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Two Titans - Napes destroyed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment off-screen, bodies shown.
- Eight Titans - Napes blown up by unknown members of the Scout Regiment with Thunder Spears.
- Commander Dot Pyxis (Titan) - Nape blown up by Armin Arlelt with a Thunder Spear.
- Titan - Nape blown up by Jean Kirschtein with a Thunder Spear.
- Three Titans - Napes blown up by unknown members of the Scout Regiment with Thunder Spears.
- Titan - Nape slashed by Commandant Keith Sadies with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Three Titans - Napes blown up by unknown members of the Scout Regiment with Thunder Spears.
- Five Titans - Napes slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- 273 Titans - Killed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment off-screen.
- Total - 1,061
- Unnamed Man - Crushed to death when the Walls collapsed due to Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan beginning the Rumbling off-screen, mentioned.
- Four Unnamed Civilians - Crushed to death by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Anti-Marleyan Volunteer - Shot in the head by Floch Forster with a pistol.
- Total - 6
- Oliver - Shot by Commander Hange Zoë with a rifle off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Shot in the chest by Commander Hange Zoë with a rifle.
- Total - 2
Night of the End[]
- Titan - Nape destroyed by Reiner Braun off-screen, mentioned.
- Total - 1
- Two Unnamed Jaegerists - Shot by Commander Hange Zoë off-screen, mentioned.
- Three Unnamed Azumabito Engineers - Shot by Floch Forster off-screen, bodies shown.
- Three Unnamed Jaegerists - Shot in the head by Commander Hange Zoë and General Theo Magath with pistols.
- Three Unnamed Jaegerists - Killed by unknown members of the Scout Regiment and Marleyans off-screen, bodies shown.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Crushed by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Four Unnamed Jaegerists - Punched by Reiner Braun/Armored Titan.
- Three Unnamed Jaegerists - Kicked by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Daz - Shot in the head by Conny Springer with a pistol.
- Samuel Linke-Jackson - Shot in the head by Conny Springer with a pistol.
- Total - 21
- Two Unnamed Jaegerists - Slammed into buildings by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Two Unnamed Jaegerists - Punched into the sea by Reiner Braun/Armored Titan.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Kicked into a building by Reiner Braun/Armored Titan.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Kicked by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Blown up by Mikasa Ackermann with a Thunder Spear.
- Two Unnamed Jaegerists - Slashed by Commander Hange Zoë with ultrahard steel blades.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Consumed by Reiner Braun/Armored Titan.
- Three Unnamed Jaegerists - Shot by General Theo Magath with a rifle.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Thrown by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- At Least 14 Unnamed Jaegerists - Blown up by Commandant Keith Sadies when he blew up their train.
- Five Unnamed Jaegerists - Slashed by Conny Springer with ultrahard steel blades.
- Four Unnamed Jaegerists - Slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Shot by Jean Kirschtein with a rifle.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Consumed by Pieck Finger/Cart Titan.
- Two Unnamed Jaegerists - Slashed by Falco Grice/Jaw Titan with his claws.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Consumed by Pieck Finger/Cart Titan.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Slashed by Conny Springer with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Stabbed in the stomach by Commander Hange Zoë with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Three Unnamed Jaegerists - Slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Two Unnamed Jaegerists - Beaten to death by Falco Grice/Jaw Titan.
- Nine Unnamed Jaegerists - Stabbed and slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Unnamed Jaegerist - Crushed to death by Falco Grice/Jaw Titan.
- Two Unnamed Jaegerists - Slashed by Commandant Keith Sadies with ultrahard steel blades.
- Four Unnamed Jaegerists - Blown up by General Theo Magath when he blew up a Marleyan cruiser.
- Commandant Keith Sadies - Blown up by General Theo Magath when he blew up a Marleyan cruiser.
- General Theo Magath - Sacrificed himself by blowing up a Marleyan cruiser.
- Total - 67
The Dawn of Humanity[]
- Two Unnamed Eldian Soldiers - Killed by unknown Mid-East Allied Force soldiers off-screen, bodies shown in a flashback.
- Three Wall Titans - Napes shot by unknown sailors with anti-Titan artillery.
- At Least 226 Unnamed Sailors - Incinerated and blown up by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Total - 231
Chapter 1: The Rumbling[]
- Halil - Head crushed by debris caused by a Wall Titan on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Ramzi - Crushed by a Wall Titan on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- 22 Unnamed Refugees - Crushed by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Jaeger - Crushed by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Grisha Jaeger's Mother - Crushed by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- 76 Unnamed Marleyan Civilians - Crushed by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- 12 Unnamed Marleyan Civilians - Crushed by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan off-screen, bodies shown.
- Three Unnamed Looters - Crushed by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Eight Unnamed Marleyan Civilians - Crushed by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Horse - Crushed by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Seven Unnamed Marleyan Civilians - Burned alive by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- 49 Unnamed Marleyan Civilians - Crushed by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Six Unnamed Marleyan Civilians - Crushed by debris caused by a Wall Titan on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Nine Unnamed Marleyan Civilians - Crushed by a Wall Titan on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Unnamed Marleyan Civilian - Committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.
- Floch Forster - Died of his injuries after being shot in the throat by Mikasa Ackermann with a Piston-shot grapple-hook.
- Wall Titan - Nape blown up by Commander Hange Zoë with a Thunder Spear.
- Four Wall Titans - Napes destroyed by Commander Hange Zoë.
- Two Wall Titans - Trampled to death by Wall Titans after being knocked over by Commander Hange Zoë.
- Nine Wall Titans - Napes slashed by Commander Hange Zoë with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Commander Hange Zoë - Burned alive by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- Total - 216
Chapter 2: Sinners[]
- At Least Three Wall Titans - Napes blown up by unknown Marleyan soldiers with explosives dropped from airships.
- 70 Unnamed Marleyan Soldiers - Blown up by Eren Jaeger/War Hammer Titan when he blew up their ten airships with thrown debris.
- Total - 73
The Battle of Heaven and Earth[]
- Beast Titan (Replica) - Killed by Reiner Braun/Armored Titan off-screen, body shown.
- Female Titan (Replica) - Nape blown up by Jean Kirschtein with a Thunder Spear.
- War Hammer Titan (Replica) - Nape blown up by Jean Kirschtein with a Thunder Spear.
- Attack Titan (Replica) - Nape blown up by Mikasa Ackermann with a Thunder Spear.
- War Hammer Titan (Replica) - Nape blown up by Conny Springer with a Thunder Spear.
- War Hammer Titan (Replica) - Nape slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Female Titan (Replica) - Nape slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Jaw Titan (Replica) - Nape slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- War Hammer Titan (Replica) - Nape slashed by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- War Hammer Titan (Replica) - Head slammed into the ground by Reiner Braun/Armored Titan.
- Female Titan (Replica) - Nape blown up by Mikasa Ackermann with a Thunder Spear.
- Armored Titan (Replica) - Nape blown up by Mikasa Ackermann with a Thunder Spear.
- Pure Titan (Replica) - Nape blown up by Mikasa Ackermann with a Thunder Spear.
- Two Jaw Titans (Replica) - Napes slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Pure Titan (Replica) - Nape blown up by Mikasa Ackermann with a Thunder Spear.
- War Hammer Titan (Replica) - Nape ripped out by Pieck Finger/Cart Titan.
- Pure Titan (Replica) - Nape ripped out by Pieck Finger/Cart Titan.
- Two Jaw Titans (Replica) - Napes ripped out by Pieck Finger/Cart Titan.
- Female Titan (Replica) - Nape slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Two Pure Titans (Replica) - Napes slashed by Mikasa Ackermann with ultrahard steel blades.
- Armored Titan (Replica) - Kicked in the nape by Annie Leonhart/Female Titan.
- Five Unnamed People - Crushed by Wall Titans on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan.
- 12 Unnamed People - Fell to their deaths after being pushed from a cliff while trying to escape Wall Titans.
- Total - 41
A Long Dream[]
- Two Jaw Titans (Replica) - Napes ripped out by Jaw Titan replicas while under the control of Zeke Yeager.
- War Hammer Titan (Replica) - Nape ripped out by a Jaw Titan replica while under the control of Zeke Yeager.
- Okapi Titan (Replica) - Blown up by Armin Arlelt with a Thunder Spear.
- Two Pure Titans (Replica) - Heads crushed together by a Beast Titan replica while under the control of Zeke Yeager.
- Zeke Yeager - Decapitated by Captain Levi Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- War Hammer Titan (Replica) - Nape ripped out by Pieck Finger/Cart Titan.
- At Least 16 Titan Replicas - Destroyed by Armin Arlelt when he transformed into the Colossal Titan.
- Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan - Decapitated by Mikasa Ackermann with an ultrahard steel blade.
- Source of all Living Matter - Died after the death of the Founding Titan.
- 418,879 Wall Titans - Died after the death of the Founding Titan.
- Total - 418,905
Towards the Tree on That Hill[]
- Both of Ymir Fritz's Parents - Burned alive by King Fritz off-screen, mentioned in a flashback.
- 1,599,999,586 Unnamed People - Killed by Wall Titans during the Rumbling on the orders of Eren Jaeger/Founding Titan off-screen, mentioned.
- Mikasa Ackermann - Died of natural causes off-screen, body shown.
- Unnamed Pilot - Blown up by an unknown person when they blew up their plane.
- Total - 1,599,999,590
- Total - 1,600,682,440
- Season 1 - 261,229
- Season 2 - 76
- Season 3 - 413
- Season 4 - 1,600,420,662
- OVAs - 60
Kill Counts[]
- Eren Jaeger/Attack Titan/Founding Titan/War Hammer Titan - 1,600,000,240 (Deceased)
- Annie Leonhart/Female Titan - 163 (Alive)
- Zeke Jaeger/Beast Titan - 106 (Deceased)
- Kenny Ackermann/Kenny the Ripper - 103 (Deceased)
- Captain Levi Ackermann - 71 (Alive)
- Petra Rall - 64 (Deceased)
- Mikasa Ackermann - 55 (Deceased)
- Oruo Bozad - 54 (Deceased)
- Gunther Schultz - 53 (Deceased)
- Eld Gin - 52 (Deceased)
- Bertholdt Hoover/Colossal Titan - 43 (Deceased)
- Reiner Braun/Armored Titan - 36 (Alive)
- Commander Hange Zoë - 30 (Deceased)
- Commander Armin Arlelt/Colossal Titan - 29 (Alive)
- Lord Rod Reiss - 26 (Deceased)
- Commandant Keith Sadies - 19 (Deceased)
- Porco Galliard/Jaw Titan - 16 (Deceased)
- Eren Kruger/The Owl/Attack Titan - 13 (Deceased)
- General Theo Magath - 12 (Deceased)
- Conny Springer - 10 (Alive)
- Pieck Finger/Cart Titan - 9 (Alive)
- Ymir/Jaw Titan - 8 (Deceased)
- Jean Kirschtein - 7 (Alive)
- Grisha Jaeger/Attack Titan/Founding Titan - 7 (Deceased)
- Falco Grice/Jaw Titan - 6 (Alive)
- Yelena - 5 (Alive)
- Gabi Braun - 5 (Alive)
- Sasha Braus - 5 (Deceased)
- Miche Zacharius - 5 (Deceased)
- Floch Forster - 4 (Deceased)
- Marcel Galliard/Jaw Titan - 3 (Deceased)
- Nanaba - 3 (Deceased)
- Queen Historia Reiss/Christa Lenz - 2 (Alive)
- Lou - 2 (Alive)
- Comrade D/Peering Titan - 2 (Deceased)
- Dina Fritz/Smiling Titan - 2 (Deceased)
- Sergeant Major Gross - 2 (Deceased)
- King Fritz - 2 (Deceased)
- Elliot G. Stratmann - 1 (Alive)
- Ralph - 1 (Alive)
- Djel Sannes - 1 (Alive)
- Captain Rico Brzenska - 1 (Alive)
- Luke Cis - 1 (Deceased)
- Peer - 1 (Deceased)
- Talking Titan - 1 (Deceased)
- Frieda Reiss/Founding Titan - 1 (Deceased)
- Uri Reiss/Founding Titan - 1 (Deceased)
- Lara Tybur/War Hammer Titan - 1 (Deceased)
- Helos - 1 (Deceased)
- King Karl Fritz/Founding Titan - 1 (Deceased)
- Tom Xaver/Beast Titan - 1 (Deceased)
- Flagon - 1 (Deceased)
- Furlan Church - 1 (Deceased)
- Lynne - 1 (Deceased)
- Gelgar - 1 (Deceased)
- Ian Dietrich - 1 (Deceased)
- There are several events, battles, and conflicts where the exact number of casualties are unknown, so only those shown and mentioned to have died were counted.
- From the known width and heights of the Wall Titans and the walls themselves, the number of Wall Titans present is estimated to be around 418,900.
- 80% of the world population was killed by Eren Jaeger during the Rumbling, the world is set during the 1920s where the Earth population was ~2 billion. Therefore, it has been estimated that Eren Jaeger killed 1.6 billion.
- The future population of Paradis Island when it is destroyed during war is unknown. No other named characters are confirmed to have died prior/during this event so none will be included.
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