List of Deaths Wiki
Ash Vs Evil Dead poster

Ash vs Evil Dead is a canon horror spin-off television series, based off of the Evil Dead film series, beginning in 2015 and ending in 2018.


Season One[]

El Jefe[]

  • Lucy - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Woman - Killed by Lucy off-screen, body seen.
  • John Carson - Impaled through the back of the stomach by a pair of mounted deer antlers that he was thrown onto by Deadite Lucy.
  • Deadite Lucy - Shot repeatedly through the chest by Fisher, part of her head blasted off by Carson and head blown off by Fisher with a handgun.
  • Deadite Josh Carson - Top of his head blown off by Fisher with a handgun.
  • Deadite Little Lori Doll - Crushed by Pablo with a shovel.
  • Suzy Maxwell - Died in a car crash off-screen, mentioned.
  • Mr. Roper - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Mossy Haven Trailer Park Gardener - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Deadite Gardener - Hand cut off by a fire axe thrown at its hand, shot in the chest, hit twice in the face and head blown off from behind by Ash with a shotgun.
  • Vivian Johnson - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Deadite Vivian Johnson - Head cut off by Ash with his chainsaw hand.
    • Total - 12


  • Deadite Mr. Roper - Stabbed in the throat and 18 times in the side of the neck with a broken beer bottle and head pushed out of a car window by Ash, causing another car to decapitate him.
  • Mr. Maxwell - Stabbed in the eye by a fork that Deadite Suzy pushed his head down on.
  • Deadite Suzy Maxwell - Stabbed in the top of the head from behind by Pablo with a kitchen knife, impaled through the stomach and head sawed off by Ash with his chainsaw hand.
    • Total - 3

Books From Beyond[]

  • Deadite Mr. Maxwell - Impaled through the back on Ash's wooden cross and face sliced by Ruby with a Kandarian dagger.
  • Four Unnamed People - Flesh sliced into pages of the Necronomicon by the Dark Ones, seen in flashback.
  • Lionel Hawkins - Stabbed in the eye and face by glass shards launched at him by Eligos.
    • Total - 6


  • Unknown Person - Killed when their car was destroyed by Deadites.
  • Deadite Lionel Hawkins - Stabbed in the chest with a broken lightbulb, head sliced off with a machete and skull crushed by Ruby underneath her foot.
  • 27 Cows - Killed by El Brujo off-screen, skulls seen.
  • Dream Deadite Little Lori Doll - Head squeezed until its eyeballs popped out by Ash.
  • Kelly Maxwell - Possessed by Eligos. Revived
    • Total - 31

The Host[]

  • Uncle Esteban Bolivar - Killed by a demon off-screen, mentioned.
  • Chicken - Throat cut by El Brujo.
  • El Brujo - Impaled through the back by a metal rod that he was flipped on by Eligos.
  • Eligos - Exploded after being shot in the face by Ash with a shotgun.
    • Total - 4

The Killer of Killers[]

  • Deadite El Brujo - Shot multiple times by Fisher, impaled through the stomach out the back by Ruby with a scythe and committed suicide by immolating itself in a bonfire.
  • Unnamed Woman - Thrown through a window by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Woman - Stabbed in the top of the head by an ice skate after being thrown by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Male Cook - Thrown against a wall by a Kandarian demon, causing a metal rod to stab him in the forehead.
  • Lieutenant Boyle - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Boy - Thrown by Deadite Boyle into a ceiling fan, slicing open his neck.
  • Nancy - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Deadite Boyle - Shot twice through the back by Fisher, shot thrice in the temple with nails, stomach slashed open with his chainsaw hand and head blown off at the mouth by Ash with a shotgun.
  • Deadite Nancy - Stabbed under the chin through the mouth by Ash with a nail, shot multiple times by Pablo, face shredded in a meat grinder and skull crushed after being bashed 13 times in the back of the head by Kelly with a meat tenderizer.
  • Lem - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
    • Total - 10

Fire in the Hole[]

  • Unnamed Man - Ripped in half by Deadite Lem off-screen, body seen.
  • Two Unnamed Men - Killed by Deadite Lem off-screen, bodies seen.
  • Unnamed Man - Mortally wounded by Deadite Lem off-screen and half of his head blasted by Crosby.
  • Lance - Killed by Deadite Lem off-screen.
  • Austin - Bled to death after having his throat crushed by Deadite Lance with its hand.
  • Delmont - Face bashed 16 times against a car bumper by Deadite Lance.
  • Deadite Lance - Crushed against a tree by Pablo with a pickup truck, causing his eyes to burst and repeatedly shot by Kelly.
  • Deadite Lem - Skull sliced open by Ash with a shovel and stabbed in the mouth by Fisher with a pickaxe.
  • Deadite Austin - Repeatedly shot and top of his head blown off by Fisher, Kelly and Pablo.
    • Total - 10

Ashes to Ashes[]

  • Bird - Eyes gouged out by a Kandarian demon off-screen, body seen.
  • Deadite Bird - Crushed against a tree by Ash.
  • Rabbit - Killed by a Kandarian demon off-screen, body seen.
  • Ash's Evil Hand - Sliced into three pieces by Fisher with a meat cleaver.
  • Officer Amanda Fisher - Bled to death after Other Ash hacked her in the neck with a meat cleaver, causing her to fall onto a pair of mounted deer antlers that impaled her through the back.
    • Total - 5

Bound in Flesh[]

  • Evil Ash II/Other Ash - Shot to death by Kelly and Pablo and head and limbs sawed off by Ash with his chainsaw hand.
  • Raccoon - Shot apart by Kelly and Pablo.
  • Melissa - Punched through the back of the stomach by Deadite Fisher, repeatedly shot by Kelly and Pablo and punched in the back of the skull by Deadite Fisher.
  • Brad - Fist driven into the back of his head by Deadite Fisher.
    • Total - 4

The Dark One[]

  • Deadite Amanda Fisher - Impaled through the stomach by Ash with his chainsaw arm.
  • Heather - Impaled through the face and leg by nails and dismembered off-screen by Kandarian demons in the Knowby Cabin. body parts seen.
  • Demon Child - Shot in the mouth by Ash with a shotgun that was shoved down its throat, exploding its body and causing the shotgun to go through its mouth.
    • Total - 3

Season 2[]


  • Eight Unnamed People - Died of unknown causes off-screen, bodies seen in a morgue.
  • Hannah - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Cindy - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Male Bartender - Killed by Deadite Hannah off-screen.
  • Deadite Hannah - Rammed six times in the back of the head and three times in the face by Kelly with a fire hatchet.
  • Deadite Cindy - Arms and head cut off by Ash with his chainsaw hand.
  • Deadite Cindy's Sentient Head - Exploded by Ash with a shotgun.
  • Mrs. Williams - Died of an unknown cause before the series, mentioned.
  • Demon Spawn - Stabbed through the back of the neck by Ruby with a Kandarian dagger and head blown off at the chin by Ash with a shotgun.
    • Total - 16

The Morgue[]

  • Lizard - Died of starvation or dehydration off-screen, body seen.
  • Eleven Unnamed People - Died of unknown causes off-screen, bodies seen in a morgue.
  • Unnamed Male Coroner - Heel slashed and stabbed in the side of the head by Deadite Lillian with a scalpel.
  • Intestine Creature - Blown apart when Ash shoved a shotgun in its mouth.
  • Lillian Pendergrass - Died of pneumonia off-screen, listed in morgue.
  • Deadite Lillian Pendergrass - Stabbed in the throat against a wall by Ruby with a trophy, decapitating her.
    • Total - 16

Last Call[]

  • Amber - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Marcus - Fingers sliced off by a car door and impaled through the back by a metal hubcap launched at him by the Oldsmobile.
  • Tyler - Groin bitten off by Deadite Amber and face shredded and ripped apart by the Oldsmobile with its wheel.
  • Blake - Head smashed against the windshield and head incinerated after being run over by the flaming Oldsmobile.
  • Deadite Amber - Impaled through the back of the stomach and head sawed off while it was in a toilet by Ash with his chainsaw hand.
  • Brock Williams - Skull crushed open after being run over by the Oldsmobile.
    • Total - 6


  • Demon Spawn - Stabbed through the ear by Ruby with a Kandarian dagger.
  • Demon Spawn - Stabbed through the stomach by Kelly with a Kandarian dagger.
  • Demon Spawn - Throat slashed by Ruby with a Kandarian dagger.
  • Demon Spawn - Stabbed in the side and head off-screen by Ruby with a Kandarian dagger.
  • Demon Spawn - Throat cut open by Ruby with a Kandarian dagger.
    • Total - 5


  • Deputy Margie Wood - Back sliced open until she was skinned by Baal with his fingernail.
  • Deputy Polly - Skinned by Baal off-screen.
  • Joanie - Arm ripped off and thrown through a glass window by the Margie Meat Puppet, splitting her mouth open.
  • Margie Meat Puppet - Head blown off by Ruby with a shotgun and vertically cut in half by Ash with his chainsaw hand.
    • Total - 4

Trapped Inside[]

  • Chet Kaminski - Heart torn out after being punched through the back by Deadite Cheryl.
  • Unnamed Male Rioter - Stabbed in the chest by Deadite Cheryl with a broken banister.
  • Deadite Cheryl Williams - Head sawed off by Ash with his chainsaw.
  • Audrey - Skinned by Baal off-screen.
    • Total - 4


  • None

Ashy Slashy[]

  • Lacey Emery - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Male Security Guard - Stabbed in the forehead by Deadite Lacey with a walkie-talkie.
  • Sheriff Thomas Emery - Neck broken to both sides and head ripped off by Deadite Lacey.
  • Deadite Lacey Emery - Head blasted apart by Kelly with a machine gun.
  • Reg Lopez - Either committed suicide by hanging himself or hanged by Baal off-screen, corpse seen.
  • Ashy Slashy - Head blown apart at the mouth by Kelly.
  • Unnamed Man - Throat cut by Ash or Baal off-screen, body seen.
  • Dr. Peacock - Repeatedly shot in the chest and side of the head by Kelly. Revived as Baal
  • Baal - Exploded and banished to Hell after having his eyes gouged out by Pablo. Resurrected through Pablo's body
  • Pablo Simon Bolivar - Cut in half by Baal with his fingernail. Resurrected
    • Total - 10

Home Again[]

  • Tiny Demon - Smashed by Ash with a frying pan. (Altered Timeline)
  • Demonic Tree - Eyeball pierced by Ruby with a branch. (Altered Timeline)
    • Total - 2

Second Coming[]

  • Tanya - Leg mangled in a bear trap and killed off-screen by Deadite Henrietta. (Altered Timeline)
  • Professor Raymond Knowby - Killed by Past Ruby off-screen. (Altered Timeline)
  • Deadite Henrietta Knowby - Neck sawed until she was decapitated by Ash with a chainsaw. (Altered Timeline)
  • Present Ruby - Stabbed in the stomach and decapitated off-screen by Past Ruby with a Kandarian dagger, severed head seen.
  • Brock Williams' Ghost - Drowned by Ash in a bathtub.
  • Baal - Stabbed in the stomach and skin vertically split open by Ash with his own claw.
  • Baal Meat Puppet - Incinerated in the fire of the Knowby cabin.
    • Total - 7

Season 3[]


  • Amy - Flung through a barn by Kandarian demons.
  • 14 Unnamed People - Flung through a barn by Kandarian demons.
  • Stanley Gibson - Face bashed in by Past Ruby.
  • Unknown Cougie Costume Wearer - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Rachel Manning - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Candace "Candy" Barr - Fingers and head sliced off by a cymbal thrown into her neck by Deadite Rachel.
  • Deadite Rachel Manning - Face sliced into ten pieces by the string of a harp that was on top of her, caused when Ash jumped on it.
  • Demonic Cougie - Stabbed in the back by Pablo with a fire axe and head exploded when Kelly shot an aerosol container that he shot into its mouth.
    • Total - 21

Booth Three[]

  • Eric - Throat bitten out by Demon Ash and head stomped on by Past Ruby.
  • 72 Unnamed People - Killed by the Dark Ones off-screen, skulls seen.
  • Mrs. Lam - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Marci - Head shoved through a wall by Deadite Mrs. Lam.
  • Deadite Mrs. Lam - Head frozen with nitroglycerin and skull crushed by Ash with a metal container.
  • Sentient Magazine Hand - Crushed by Ash in a filing cabinet.
    • Total - 77

Apparently Dead[]

  • Deadite Candace "Candy" Barr - Tongue sliced off with a broken picture frame, lower jaw ripped off and stabbed in the neck by Ash with the corner of a picture frame, pushing it until it decapitated her.
  • Butterfly - Stabbed and impaled by Past Ruby with a pocketknife. Resurrected
  • Dalton - Impaled through the back by a tree branch after being flung by a Kandarian demon. Revived
  • Fake Brock Williams - Impaled through the stomach by Ash with his chainsaw hand.
    • Total - 4

Unfinished Business[]

  • Pablo Simon Bolivar - Possessed by a Kandarian demon. Revived
  • Gary - Died of starvation or dehydration after being locked in a cellar by Brock Williams in 2012 thinking he was dead off-screen, body seen.
  • Deadite Dalton - Eradicated by Past Ruby.
  • Dalton - Committed suicide by blowing off his head with a handgun.
    • Total - 4

Baby Proof[]

  • Deadite Pablo Bolivar - Eradicated after being stabbed by Brandy with a Kandarian dagger.
  • Natalie - Head ripped off by Demon Ash off-screen, body seen.
    • Total - 2

Tales From the Rift[]

  • Kelly Maxwell - Impaled through the chest by Past Ruby with a Kandarian dagger. Revived
  • Marcus - Possessed by an unknown entity.
  • Peter - Absorbed by Demon Marcus.
  • Unnamed Male Knight of Sumeria - Head and spine ripped off by Demon Marcus.
  • Marcus-Peter Hybrid - The Marcus part was decapitated at the mouth by Ash with his chainsaw hand and the Peter part disintegrated.
    • Total - 5

Twist and Shout[]

  • Unnamed Male Teenager - Stomach and side of his head sawed open by Demon Ash with his chainsaw hand.
  • Unnamed Female Teenager - Dismembered by Demon Ash with his chainsaw hand.
  • Unnamed Gown Girl - Neck broken by Past Ruby.
  • Unnamed Police Officer - Electrocuted to death by Kaya in Kelly's body with a taser.
  • Unnamed Male Teenager - Throat cut by Demon Ash with his chainsaw hand.
  • Unnamed Female Teenager - Chest slashed by Demon Ash with his chainsaw hand.
  • Unnamed Female Teenager - Killed when Demon Ash brought his chainsaw hand down on her back.
  • Unnamed Female Teenager - Chest shredded by Demon Ash with his chainsaw hand.
  • Unknown Teenager - Killed by Demon Ash with his chainsaw hand off-screen, blood splatter seen.
  • Unnamed Male Teenager - Throat brutally slashed by Demon Ash with his chainsaw hand.
  • Demon Ash/Evil Ash III - Part of his head and head blown off by Ash with a shotgun.
  • Brandy Barr-Williams - Stabbed in the back by a Kandarian dagger thrown by Past Ruby. Revived
    • Total - 12

Rifting Apart[]

  • Unnamed Gown Girl (Deadlands) - Killed by the shadow creature off-screen.
  • Unknown Person (Deadlands) - Killed by the shadow creature off-screen, screams heard.
  • Ashley Joanna "Ash" Williams - Stabbed in the heart by Pablo with a Kandarian dagger in order to send him to the Deadlands. Revived
  • Dalton (Deadlands) - Killed by the shadow creature off-screen.
  • Unnamed Female Teenage Deadite - Stabbed in the hand with a paint tool and head shaken until it ripped off by Pablo in a paint shaker.
    • Total - 5

Judgement Day[]

  • Zoë - Part of her back sliced open by Past Ruby and eyes gouged out by Kaya inside Kelly's body with her thumbs.
  • Frank the Bartender - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Bar Patron - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Man - Killed by a Deadite off-screen.
  • Demon - Shredded by Brandy with a plow.
  • Kaya - Removed from Kelly's body and incinerated by the Dark Ones.
  • Past Ruby/Dark Ruby - Soul sucked out by the Dark Ones.
  • Two Unknown People - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Two Unknown Deadites - Accidentally run over by Ash with a car.
    • Total - 11

The Mettle of Men[]

  • Deadite Frank - Stabbed in the mouth by Brandy with a Kandarian dagger.
  • Unnamed Male Deputy - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Man - Killed by Deadite Deputy off-screen.
  • Unnamed Person - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Unnamed Man - Head ripped off by Deadites off-screen, body seen.
  • Four Unknown Pilots - Killed when Kandar destroyed their planes with fire breath.
  • 13 Unnamed People - Possessed by Kandarian demons.
  • 95,000 Unnamed Elk Grove Citizens - Possessed by Kandarian demons.
  • Unnamed Deadite - Shot in the stomach by Ash with a shotgun.
  • Unnamed Deadite - Shot in the chest by Ash with a shotgun.
  • Unnamed Deadite - Stabbed in the groin and face slashed by Brandy with a Kandarian dagger.
  • Unnamed Deadite - Shot in the stomach by Ash with a shotgun.
  • Unnamed Deadite - Shotgun shoved in his mouth and head blown open by Ash.
  • Unnamed Deadite - Chain wrapped around his neck by Ash and other end thrown into the Deadlands, causing the chain to go taut and cut his head off.
  • Unnamed Deadite - Neck repeatedly sliced and stabbed in the throat by Brandy with a Kandarian dagger, causing his head to explode.
  • Unnamed Male Soldier - Possessed by a Kandarian demon.
  • Three Unnamed Soldiers - Repeatedly shot in the neck by the Deadite soldier.
  • Deadite Soldier - Repeatedly shot in the chest and face blasted apart repeatedly by Kelly.
  • Kandar the Destroyer - Shot in the chest by a tank shell that Ash fired through its mouth.
  • All 95,089 Unnamed Residents of Elk Grove - Nuked by the government.
    • Total - 190,124


  • Total - 190,423
    • Season 1 - 88
      • 19 Men
      • 11 Women
      • 10 Male Deadites
      • 7 Female Deadites
      • 31 Animals
      • 1 Animal Deadite
      • 5 People of Unknown Gender
      • 4 Demons/Demonic Entities
    • Season 2 - 70
      • 18 Men
      • 12 Women
      • 8 Female Deadites
      • 1 Animal
      • 1 Male Meat Puppet
      • 1 Female Meat Puppets
      • 19 People of Unknown Gender
      • 10 Demons/Demonic Entities
    • Season 3 - 190,265
      • 26 Men
      • 16 Women
      • 3 Male Deadites
      • 4 Female Deadites
      • 9 Deadites of Unknown Gender
      • 1 Animal
      • 190,199 People of Unknown Gender
      • 7 Demons/Demonic Entities

Kill Counts[]

  1. Ash Williams - 40
  2. El Brujo - 28
  3. Ruby - 21
  4. Kelly Maxwell - 13
  5. Pablo Bolivar - 12
  6. Demon Ash/Evil Ash III - 10
  7. Amanda Fisher - 9
  8. Baal - 6
  9. Brandy Barr-Williams - 5
  10. Lem - 5
  11. Oldsmobile - 4
  12. Eligos - 3
  13. Cheryl Williams - 2
  14. Kaya - 2
  15. Lacey Emery - 2
  16. Lance - 2
  17. Lucy - 2
  18. Marcus-Peter Hybrid - 2
  19. Amber - 1
  20. Brock Williams - 1
  21. Crosby - 1
  22. Evil Ash II/Other Ash - 1
  23. Hannah - 1
  24. Henrietta Knowby - 1
  25. John Carson - 1
  26. Lieutenant Boyle - 1
  27. Lillian Pendergrass - 1
  28. Margie Wood - 1
  29. Mrs. Lam - 1
  30. Rachel Manning - 1
  31. Suzy Maxwell - 1