Arc of a Scythe is a science fiction series by Neil Shusterman, set in a future world in which death is all but eradicated. The duty of killing falls to professional Scythes, and the series displays the growth of corruption across 3 books.
Professional killing is a key part of the series, and so terms shall be used to show this. Those killed legally are ‘gleaned’ and those who may be revived are ‘deadish’ according to the canon. Those who die in any other will be specified (Accident, murdered, etc.). Assume all rendered 'deadish' are later revived unless otherwise specified. Those who are gleaned or have their body destroyed cannot be revived unless otherwise specified.
Scythe (Book 1)[]
Part One: Robe and Ring[]
- Bridget Chadwell - Stabbed by Faraday. (Gleaned)
- Tyger Salazar - Committed suicide by jumping from a 39-story window. (Deadish)
- Kohl Whitlock - Electrocuted by Faraday. (Gleaned)
- Unnamed Woman - Poisoned by Faraday. (Gleaned)
- Total - 4
Part Two: No Laws Beyond These[]
- Unnamed Businessman - Committed suicide by throwing himself on Goddard’s blade. (Gleaned)
- Bradford Ziller - Drowned by Faraday. (Gleaned)
- Unnamed Man - Bled to death by Faraday. (Gleaned)
- Unnamed Weapons Saleswoman - Killed by Weaponsmaster using her own poison. (Gleaned)
- Unnamed Pool Boy - Poisoned by Chomsky. (Gleaned)
- Total - 5
Part Three: Old Guard and New Order[]
- Barton Breen - Stabbed by Curie. (Gleaned)
- 12 Unnamed Volunteers - Stabbed by Rowan. (Deadish)
- 263 Unnamed Employees at Magnetic Propulsion Laboratories - Shot, burned and stabbed by Goddard and others. (Gleaned)
- Citra Terranova - Neck snapped by Rowan. (Deadish)
- 12 Unnamed Volunteers - Shot by Rowan. (Deadish)
- Citra Terranova - Committed suicide by jumping from the roof of a 119-story building. (Deadish)
- Total - 290
Part Four: MidMerican Fugitive[]
- 2,000 Unnamed Volunteers - Killed by Rowan. (Deadish)
- 12 Unnamed Young Tonist Students - Killed by Scythe Volta. (Gleaned)
- Scythe Volta (Shawn Dobson) - Committed suicide by bleeding to death. (Gleaned)
- Scythe Goddard - Stabbed and beheaded by Rowan, body incinerated. (Murdered)
- Scythe Chomsky - Beaten in with a hammer by Rowan, body incinerated. (Murdered)
- Rowan's Mother - Shot by Rowan. (Deadish)
- Ben Terranova (Citra's Brother) - Stabbed by Citra. (Deadish)
- Scythe Emerson - Stabbed by Rowan. (Deadish)
- Total - 2,018
Thunderhead (Book 2)[]
Part One: Nothing if not Powerful[]
- 11 Unnamed Scythes - Killed by Lucifer, bodies incinerated. (Murdered)
- Unnamed Woman - Stabbed by Scythe Brahms. (Gleaned)
- Ethan Hogan - Poisoned by Scythe Anastasia. (Gleaned)
- Two Unnamed Scythes - Killed by Lucifer, bodies incinerated. (Murdered)
- Rowan's Father - Killed by Brahms. (Gleaned)
- Total - 16
Part Two: Harm's Way[]
- Limbless Turkey - Farmed for meat.
- Greyson Tolliver - Threw himself in front of Curie's car. (Deadish)
- Scythedom Robot - Sent to disarm explosives. (Destroyed)
- Scyhe Renoir - Killed by Lucifer, Body incinerated. (Murdered)
- Total - 4
Part Three: Enemies Within Enemies[]
- 20 Unnamed People - Killed by Scythes. (Gleaned)
- Unnamed Woman - Pushed from the roof of a 40-story building by Anastasia. (Gleaned)
- Unnamed Man - Shot by Anastasia with a crossbow. (Gleaned)
- Agent Traxler - Killed by an unnamed Scythe. (Gleaned)
- Total - 23
- Total - 2,360
- Scythe - 2,317
- Thunderhead - 45
Kill Counts[]
- Rowan Damish/Scythe Lucifer - 2,042 (Alive)
- Scythe Goddard - 267 (Alive)
- Scythe Volta - 12 (Deceased)
- Scythe Faraday - 5 (Alive)
- Scythe Curie - 1 (Alive)
- Weaponsmaster - 1 (Alive)
- Scythe Chomsky - 1 (Alive)
- Citra Terranova/Scythe Anastasia - 2 (Alive)
- Scythe Brahms - 2 (Alive)
- All passengers and staff on a commercial plane except one attendant and one passenger were stabbed by Goddard and others.
- Everyone at a food court except Esme were either shot or burned by Goddard and others.
- Everyone at a festival was burned, poisoned or otherwise killed by Goddard and others.
- Two undetailed mass Gleanings were performed by Goddard and others.
- Almost everyone at a Tonist cloister was killed by Goddard and others.