Adventure Time is an animated comedy/action tv Show. It was created by Pendleton Ward in 2010, and it ended in 2018 with 10 seasons total. It also has a 2020 sequel TV Show called "Adventure Time: Distant Lands" created by Adam Muto and Pendleton Ward.
Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo. Assisted by his magical dog, Jake, Finn roams the Land of Ooo righting wrongs and battling evil. Usually that evil comes in the form of the Ice King, who is in search of a wife. He's decided he should wed Princess Bubblegum, though she doesn't want to marry him. Still, he persists in trying to steal her away, and Finn and Jake, along with Lady Raincorn (a cross between a unicorn and a rainbow) do their best to keep her from harm.
Season One[]
- Mr. Cream Puff - Died of an unknown cause before the events of the series. Revived as a zombie
- Two Candy Zombies - Kicked into the Sky by Finn
- Starchie - Exploded after seeing a zombie. Revived
- Three Candy Zombies - Beaten to death by candy people.
- Four Candy Zombies - Beaten to death by Finn.
- 13 Candy Zombies - Beaten to death by candy people.
- Two Gumball Guardians - Heads exploded when they reset time after Finn told them the correct answer. Revived
- Mini Snow Monster - Crushed into a snowball by Jake.
- Three Snow Monsters - Accidentally crushed by a snow monster when Jake threw a snowball at it.
- Snow Monster - Fell to his death when Jake threw a snowball at it.
- Two Snow Monsters - Thrown together by Finn.
- Sign Zombie - Cut vertically in half by Finn with his sword
- Sign Zombie - Cut in half by Jake with his legs.
- Two Sign Zombies - Decapitated by Finn with his sword.
- Sign Zombie - Crushed by Jake.
- Seven Sign Zombies - Flung into trees when Jake inflated himself.
- Brain Beast - Stabbed in the weak spot by Finn with his sword.
- Nine Old Ladies - Disintegrated by the gnomes.
- Heart Beast - Exploded after being punched by Finn.
- Dark Magician - Disintegrated when Finn kicked him.
- Six Battle Cubes - Thrown Into the Sky by Jake
- Fuzzy Friend - Crushed by the Business Men’s Robot.
- Two Lake Knights - Beaten to Death by Finn
- Five Lake Knights - Beaten to Death by Jake
- Five Lake Knights - Beaten to Death by Lady Raincorn
- Lake Knight - Strangled by Finn.
- Fifty Lake Knights - Blew Away by Lady Raincorn
- Lake Knight - Punched to Death by Jake
- Fishes' Mother - Died of an unknown cause, body seen.
- Sentient Ice Cube - Melted when the dragon heated up the lake he was in.
- Jeremy - Buried alive by Bufo.
- Giant Turtle - Died of an unknown cause, the City of Thieves was built on his body.
- King of Thieves - Died of an unknown cause, skeleton seen.
- Ice Bull - Disintegrated after smashing against a door.
- Ice-o-Pede - Poisoned by Neptr's poisoned pies.
- 15 Sentient Balloons - Flew into the sky when Finn let go of them.
- Unnamed Tree Person - Sucked into Ice King's hurricane.
- Three Party Bears - Frozen by Ice King.
- Sentient Snowball - Thrown by Ice King.
- Three Demon Eyes - Disintegrated by Princess Bubblegum's swan.
- Dimple Plant Monster - Head pulled off by Marceline.
- Angry Troll - Beaten to death by Finn and Jake.
- Riddle Master - Blown up by Finn with a missile.
- Invisible Monster - Erased from existence when Finn turned off the imagination machine.
- Six Snakes - Erased from existence when Finn turned off the imagination machine.
- Angry Troll's Wife - Erased from existence when Finn turned off the imagination machine.
- Eater of Souls - Erased from existence when Finn turned off the imagination machine.
- Bazooka Goblin - Erased from existence when Finn turned off the imagination machine.
- Two Beautiful Women - Erased from existence when Finn turned off the imagination machine.
- Evil Ocean - Punched by Billy.
- Fire Count - Cut vertically in half by Billy.
- Giant Bear - Killed by Billy.
- Cobbler - Shot by Lumpy Space Princess with an eye laser.
Season Two[]
- Schwabl - Turned into a zombie.
- Fuzzy Friend - Soul eaten by Hunson Abadeer. Resurrected when his soul was returned to him.
- Marauder - Soul eaten by Hunson Abadeer. Resurrected when his soul returned to him.
- Six Marauders - Souls eaten by Hunson Abadeer. Resurrected when their souls returned to them.
- Three Ants - Stomped on by Hunson Abadeer.
- 15 Ants - Souls eaten by Hunson Abadeer. Resurrected when their souls returned to them.
- Penguin - Soul eaten by Hunson Abadeer. Resurrected when his soul returned to him.
- Ten Penguins - Souls eaten by Hunson Abadeer. Resurrected when their souls returned to them.
- Seven Birds - Souls eaten by Hunson Abadeer. Resurrected when their soul returned to them.
- 54 Tree People - Souls eaten by Hunson Abadeer. Resurrected when their soul returned to them.
- Two Creatures - Died off-screen of unknown causes, skulls shown.
- Hot Dog Princess - Soul eaten by Hunson Abadeer. Resurrected when her soul returned to her.
- Fire Dragon - Stabbed in the back by Finn.
- Dead Goblin - Possibly killed by Peppermint Butler.
- Monster - Decapitated by Finn.
- 11 Gnomes Minions - Crushed by Jake,
- Gnome Minion - Beaten to death by Jake.
- Gnome Ruler - Beaten to death by Jake.
- Three Crystal Guardians - turned into a dust by possessed Tree Trunks.
- Grimby - poisoned when he eats the poisoned tarts.
- JJ - Poisoned when he ate the poisoned tarts.
- Butterfly With a Laser Gun - Poisoned when he ate the poisoned tarts.
- Three Rock People - Frozen by the Ice King.
- Gnome Knight - Died of old age.
- Six Baby Pigs - Exploded after Finn covered them in ice cream.
- Bouncy Bee (video game) - Killed by an unknown video game hero.
- Hunny Bunny (video game) - Blown up by the unknown video game hero.
- Video Game Hero - Eaten by Sleepy Sam.
- Jake (video game) - Fell into lava.
- Jake (video game) - Fell into lava.
- Finn (video game) - Drilled in the stomach by Bouncy Bee.
- Finn (Video Game) - Eaten by Sleepy Sam.
- Bouncy Bee - Disintegrated by Finn's special combo.
- Hunny Bunny - Disintegrated by Finn's special combo.
- Sleepy Sam - Disintegrated by Finn's special combo.
- Finn - Died offscreen of a unknown cause. Skeleton seen. (Titlecard)
- Jake - Died offscreen of a unknown cause. Skeleton seen. (Titlecard)
- Talking Skull - Crushed by Finn.
- Hot Dog Knight - Hit by a cannonball. Revived when Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant wishes it.
- Hot Dog Knight - Accidentally exploded after wishing for himself to "blow up". Revived when Ancient Psychic Tandem War Elephant wishes it.
- Ten People - Died off-screen from unknown causes. Resurrected as Skeleton Guards by the Lich.
- Seven Skeletal Guards - Destroyed by Finn.
- Boyfriend & Girlfriend Skeletons - Destroyed by Finn.
- Giant Skeleton Guard - Blasted by Finn.
- Princess Bubblegum - Disintegrated after the Ice King dropped her in the well of power. Revived by doctors.
Season Three[]
- Cutie Soldier - Grabbed by a bird and eaten off-screen, debatable.
- Primo - Appeared as a gladiator ghost.
- Hyperion - Appeared as a gladiator ghost.
- Ghost of Primo - Strangled by Jake.
- Ghost of Hyperion - Decapitated by Finn.
- Priscus - Appeared as a gladiator ghost.
- Verus - Appeared as a gladiator ghost.
- Ghost of Priscus - Sliced in half by Finn with trident.
- Achillea - Appeared as a gladiator ghost.
- Tetraides - Appeared as a gladiator ghost.
- Amazonia - Appeared as a gladiator ghost.
- Triumphus - Appeared as a gladiator ghost.
- Rutuba - Appeared as a gladiator ghost.
- Romulus & Remus - Appeared as a gladiator ghost.
- Ghost of Tetraides - Stabbed by Finn.
- Ghost of Amazonia - Stabbed by Finn.
- Ghost of Triumphus - Decapitated by Finn.
- Ghost of Rutuba - Sliced by Finn.
- Ghost of Achillea - Decapitated when Finn threw his sword at him.
- Ghost of Romulus & Remus - Decapitated when Finn threw his sword at them.
- Fight King - Died when Finn broke his sword.
- Four Rabbits - Killed by wolves.
- Horse - Killed by wolves.
- Bird - Flew into a magic barrier.
- Wizard Student - Killed by a spell.
- Wizard Student - Killed by Cyclo's cyclone.
- Five Bubble Monsters - Sliced in half by Fionna.
- Snow Monster - Crushed by Jake.
- Four Lub Glubs - Crushed by Susan Strong.
- Giant Lub Glub - Died when Jake lit a lantern.
- Three Lub Glubs - Died when Jake lit a lantern.
- Stag - Jake threw at him two bricks and later Candy People pushed him off a cliff into a whirlpool to drown it.
- Snow Man - Kicked apart by Jake.
- Snow Man - Head kicked off by Finn.
- Snow Man - Sliced in half by Finn
- Warrior Princess - Stabbed by Clarence, later become Ghost Princess.
- Clarence - Exploded after he drank too much cheese.
- Hot Dog Monster - Head kicked off by Finn.
- Hamburger Monster - Head kicked off by Finn and Jake.
- Fruit Witch - Eaten alive by two other fruit witches.
- 2 Fruit Witches - Suffocated by Jake’s fart
- Evil Monster - Stabbed in the eye by Finn.
- Iron Owl - Crushed by Jake.
- Flame Jester - Extinguished when Jake accidentally threw a water bottle at him.
Season Four[]
- Goblin - Set on fire by Phoebe.
- 17 Birds - Spat on by Finn.
- Charlotte's Father - Blasted by a ray from the cloud turning him into several smaller demons.
- 13 demons - Killed by a possessed Marceline.
- Tree of Blight - Set on fire by Jake.
- 21 Goats - Died when Hug Wolf Alpha and Hug Wolf Finn created a explosion.
- Princess Monster Wife - Committed a sacrificial act of kindness and heroism by giving up her own life to return the stolen body parts.
- Bee - Crushed by Goliad.
- The Dead One's Ghost Head - Sliced in half by Finn.
- Mirror Finn - Stabbed by Finn.
- Mirror Finn - Sliced in half by Finn.
- Mirror Finn - Stabbed by Finn.
- Mirror Finn - Shattered by Jake.
- Mirror Finn - Pushed into a mirror by Jake.
- Bebe - Killed by Ronnie.
- Ronnie - Killed by cat-cops.
- Dream Jake - Melted by King Worm.
- Six Worms - Exploded when Finn broke King Worm.
- Marauder - Crushed by The Farm's animals.
- Marauder - Beaten to death by The Farm.
- Flame King's Brother - Killed by Flame King.
- 12 Banana Guards - Killed by phantom penguins.
- Billy - Killed by the Lich off-screen.
- Jake - Mistakenly touched by The Wand of Disbursement by Grob Gob Glob Grod.
- Abraham Lincoln - Sacrificed his immortality to Death.
Season Five[]
- Farmworld Simon - Crushed By a Bomb off-screen.
- Farmworld Marceline - Skinned to Her Skeleton by a Bomb and Head Kicked off by Farmword Finn.
- Five Fox's - Zapped to Death by Jakes Pups.
- Fox - Thrown in the Sky by Jakes Pups.
- Dragon - Sliced in half by Finn.
- Giant Rat - Punched By Lemongrab.
- Monster Fish - Pulled out of Water by The Ice King and Cut Open by Tree Trunks.
- Tentacle Monster - Exploded When Lemongrabs Juice got in his Face.
- Lemonjon - Disintegrated into Lemon Candy to Feed the Lemon People.
- Skeleton - Destroyed by Fionna.
- Skeleton - Stabbed in the Head by Fionna.
- Three Skeletons - Decapitated by Fionna.
- Skeleton - Burned alive by Flame Princess.
- Twelve Goo Skeletons - Burned alive by Flame Princess.
- Giant Goo Skeleton - Burned Alive By Flame Princess.
- Goo Zombie - Skull Crushed by Simons Crown.
- Goo Zombie - Thrown off of a cliff by Simon and Marceline.
- Thirty Nine Goo Zombies - Killed in a snowstorm by Simon.
- Pillow Dragon - Slayed by Finn.
- The Glitch - Died When Princess Bubblegum Destroyed the Computer.
- Stranson Doughblow - Transformed into a Wooden Staff.
- Snow Bear - Melted when he hugged Flame Princess.
- Bird - Cooked Offscreen by Jake.
- Lobster - Boiled Alive by Jake.
- Shoko - Dropped in a toxic waste lake and died of radiation poisoning.(reincarnated as finn
- Oinko - Thrown out of a train by Finn.
- Three Cristal Ants - Zapped to death by Finn.
- Three Rock Creatures - Sliced in half by Finn.
- Slime Dog - Stabbed in the face with a sword by Finn.
- Train Boss 1 - Zapped by Finn.
- Slime Cube - Zapped by Finn.
- Slime Cube - Exploded When Finn Deflected his Acid.
- Slime Cube - Zapped by Finn.
- Ten Red Crystal Ants - Beaten to death by Finn.
- Mage - Zapped by Finn.
- Three Yellow Crystal Ants - Beaten to death By Future Finn.
- Hair Ape - Zapped to death by Finn.
- Crab Demon - Died When the Cave Filled With Lava.
- Princess Bubblegum Lizard Clone - Blown Up When Finn Launched a Car into Its Mouth.
- Little Buddy - Disintigrated when he touched the invisible force field trap.
- Kee-Oth - Exploded after drinking holy grape juice in a trap set up by Finn.
- James - Infected by Goo Zombies, on Princess Bubblegum's orders. Cloned by Princess Bubblegum.
- Finn Mertens - Turned into grass and disintegrated in his nightmare.
- Six Grass Monsters - Decapitated by Finn with his grass sword.
- Giant Grass Monster - Shredded by Finn with his grass sword.
- Ten Rock Bandits - Sliced apart by Rattleballs.
- Rattleballs Clone - Sliced apart by Rattleballs.
- 26 Rattleballs Clones - Crushed by Princess Bubblegum.
- 25 Rattleballs Clones - Crushed by Princess Bubblegum, excluding the original Rattleballs.
- Johnnie - Accidentally sent to another dimension by Lumpy Space Princess.
- Unnamed Lemon Person - Eaten by Lemongrab off-camera.
- Greed Lard - Crashed into a pillar.
- Cow - Eaten by Lemongrab. (Dream)
- Lemongrab - Exploded when he herd Lemonhope’s music. (Revived by Princess Bubblegum)
- Demon - Slashed by Canyon with a sword, shown in a flashback.
- Demon - Slashed by Billy with a sword, shown in a flashback.
- Demon - Ran over by Billy on his motorcycle, shown in a flashback.
- Fear Feaster - Sliced Vertically by Finn.
Season Six[]
- Old Man Prismo - Turned into ashes after inhaling the Lich's breath.
- Prismo - Faded away without a host to dream him revived, resurrected with time travel.
- Strawberry Guard - Accidentally encased in gold.
- Lumpy Space Queen - Disintegrated by Lumpy Space Prince.
- Lumpy Space King - Disintegrated by Lumpy Space Prince.
- Root Beer Guy - Destroyed when he set up the border. (Revived as Dirt Beer Guy)
- Six Candy Soldiers - Burned alive by Darren.
- Three Cadmus - Burned alive by Darren.
- Giuseppe’s Daughter - Died of a unknown cause, mentioned.
- Giuseppe - Disintegrated into sparkle dust.
- Fly - Cooked into Jake's soup.
- Jake The Dog - Stabbed in the heart by BMO, revived by doctors.
- Past Versions of Jake The Dog - Exploded into Dust Five Times.
- Two Flame People - Disintegrated When They Hugged Each other
- Magwood - Melted by Evergreen.
- Urgence Evergreen - Blown up by a comet. (reincarnated
- Nina - Blown up by a comet.
- Ice Imp - Blown up by a comet.
- Slimy D - Blown up by a comet.(reincarnated
- Chatsberry - Blown up by a comet.(reincarnated
- Balthus - Blown up by a comet.(reincarnated
- Mathew - Disintegrated into several little people after Lemongrab threw Lemonjon into his mouth.
- Cheryl - Beaten to death by Susan.
- Twenty Unnamed People - Possibly killed by Tree Trunks, skulls seen in a dream.
- Margles - Sacrified to GOLB in the past (Mentioned).
- Thirty Unnamed Aliens - Killed by Orgalorg.
Season Seven[]
- Varmint - Crushed by Marceline.
- Two Varmints - Crushed by Marceline.
- The Fool - Staked by Marceline. (Flashback)
- The Empress - Staked by Marceline. (Flashback)
- Sister Moon - Staked by Marceline. (Flashback)
- Twenty Hierophant Clones - Staked by Marceline. (Flashback)
- The Hierophant - Staked by Marceline. (Flashback)
- The Fool - Staked by Marceline.
- Vampire Teen - Staked by Marceline. (Flashback)
- The Empress - Staked by Marceline.
- The Hierophant - Disintegrated into bones when he went into Jake's house.
- Sister Moon - Staked by Peppermint Butler.
- The Vampire King - Absorbed by Marceline. (Revived as a Lion)
- Moe - Died of an unknown cause off-screen
- AMO - Thrown off of a cliff by BMO.
- Bear - Killed by Huntress Wizard off-screen.
- Two Bunnies - Killed by Huntress Wizard off-screen.
- Two Wolfs - Killed by Huntress Wizard off-screen.
- Two Beavers - Killed by Huntress Wizard off-screen.
- Ten Candy People - Killed by Princess Bubblegum off-screen.
Season Eight[]
- Unnamed person - Died of a unknown cause off-screen .
- Candy Elemental - Killed by The Lich off-screen.(reincarnated
- Fire Elemental - Killed by The Lich off-screen.(reincarnated
- Slime Elemental - Killed by The Lich off-screen.(reincarnated
- Elder Rollio - Exploded of Old Age
- Unnamed Person - Died of a Unknown Cause Offscreen (Mentioned by Jake)
- Two Crabs - Eaten by a parrot.
Season Nine[]
- Fern - Burst into Grass by Finn (Revived as the green knight)
Season Ten[]
- Grumbo - Stabbed in the Chest by Finn
- Eleven Tooth Finns - Beaten to Death by Finn And Jake with Sledgehammers
- Warren Ampersand - Thrown into black hole by Jake.
- Three Gumbald Soldiers - Eaten by a Deformed Monster
- Golb - Taken over by Betty upon a crown wish.
- Grass Demon - Stabbed with chair leg by Fern's consciousness.
- Fern - Disintegrated without Grass Demon's curse.
- Gumball Guardian - Head cracked open on ground.
- Four Owls - Stabbed to death by Huntress Wizard
- Owl - Stabbed to death by Cinnamon Bun
- Gumball Guardian - Corrupted by the GOLB monster, disintegrated with Betty's wish.
- Deformed Monster - Disintegrated with Betty's wish
- Maja - Exploded from an overload of Betty's emotions.
- The Wand - Exploded When the Ice King Jumped on it.
- Bird - Turned into Muffins.
- Pig - Color Drained by Marceline.
- Total - 836 (So Far)
- Season 1 - 166
- Season 2 - 167
- Season 3 - 58
- Season 4 - 89
- Season 5 - 128
- Season 6 - 85
- Season 7 - 52
- Season 8 - 7
- Season 9 - 1
- Season 10 - 28
- Distant Lands - 52
- Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake - ??? (For Now)
- Shorts - 3
Kill Counts[]
- Finn "the Human" Mertens - 176
- Hunson Abadeer - 99
- Jacob "Jake" the Dog, Sr. - 70
- Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum - 63
- Lady Rainicorn - 55
- Simon "Ice King" Petrikov - 51
- Marceline "the Vampire Queen" Abadeer - 47
- Gunther/Orgalorg - 30
- Tree Trunks - 24
- Beautiful Lady/Alpha Hug Wolf - 21
- Phoebe/Flame Princess - 16
- Rattleballs - 11
- Huntress Wizard - 11
- Fionna Campbell - 10
- Darren the Ancient Sleeper - 9
- Billy - 5
- Susan Strong - 5
- The Lich - 5
- Earl of Lemongrab - 5
- GOLB - 5
- The Giant Swan - 3
- Future Finn Mertens - 3
- Betty Grof - 3
- Lumpy Space Princess - 2
- Peppermint Butler - 2
- Sleepy Sam - 2
- The Farm - 2
- Lumpy Space Prince - 2
- BMO - 2
- The Giant Parrot - 2
- Business Men's Robot - 1
- The Dragon of Marauder Village - 1
- Bufo - 1
- Never-Ending Pie-Throwing Robot/N.E.P.T.R. - 1
- Bouncy Bee - 1
- Cyclo - 1
- Clarence - 1
- Goliad - 1
- Ronnie - 1
- King Worm - 1
- Flame King/Chipmunk King - 1
- Grob Gob Glob Grod - 1
- Death - 1
- Lemonhope - 1
- Canyon - 1
- Urgence Evergreen - 1
- Crunchy - 1
- Fern - 1
- Cinnamon Bun - 1